StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 633 The Furious King-Death

"Avril!!!" Angelina and the other three looked at the Queen of Blades who was pierced through the heart in horror. Large amounts of spiritual force burst out from Avril's body, trying to squeeze the scimitar out of her heart. Treating aphids is desperately trying to repair Avril Lavigne’s heart!


On the scimitar, waves of dark power continued to wreak havoc on the wound!

Avril Lavigne's injuries not only cannot be recovered, but continue to deepen!

"It's useless... little beauty..." Ans Aier stuck behind Avril, blew into Avril's ear, and said softly and slowly, "If you reach level 25, you might still have a chance. Resist me for a moment, but you are only level 22. If I want to kill you, you have no power to stop me!" Ans Aier's tone was like that of a coquettish lover, but the four girls who heard this said Feeling cold to the bone.

Avril showed a smile with difficulty, "Yes, really? Then, you really, really underestimate us, the Zerg... Ans El, right, just wait, my emperor will find you personally. ..." Although Avril's words were intermittent, there was no sadness in her tone, but full of threats!

Ans Aier shook his head and turned his right hand!

"Tsk!" Avril's whole heart was shattered instantly!

Ans Aier gave a gentle push, trying to push the dead Avril aside. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his left hand, Avril suddenly hugged his left hand tightly.

"Insect Hive Battleship! Main gun fire!!!" Avril did not speak, but the Zerg network was boiling!

"No! Don't!!!" Caroline went crazy, transformed into a magic-eyed mantis and rushed towards Ansiel. Ansiel struggled hard, but Avril still held on to him tightly. Ans El roared angrily, and the terrifying power directly shattered Avril's arms!

Then, he punched the flying Caroline!

Buzz... The magic eye mantis illusion is activated!

Knock, before the illusion enveloped Ans Al, he was blasted by his punch, and the terrifying punch force hit Caroline's two sword arms, and the two sword arms that cut gold and jade were stuck. The card broke apart! The remaining punch hit Caroline's chest, sending her flying backwards!

Under the huge strength gap, there is almost no power to fight back!

"It's useless, it's useless, I'm going to kill you, you will only die!!!" Ans Aier laughed wildly, and at the same time threw the scimitar in his hand at Caroline!

"Whoops!" The scimitar turned into a black light and pounced on Caroline, who was flying backwards!

"Be careful!!" Ansel shot too quickly, and Caroline was injured in the blink of an eye. Only then did Angelina have time to rescue her. She transformed into a giant spider and stood in front of Caroline. Her six spider legs were like spears. They all stabbed towards the scimitar!

"Buzz!" Seeing that the scimitar was about to collide with the spider's legs, Angelina had already mobilized all her strength. Even so, she did not have the confidence to block Ans Aier's blow. Who knew, at the moment of collision, that The scimitar exploded and turned into eight black lights. The black light quickly drew eight arcs, passed Angelina, and penetrated deeply into Caroline's body behind Angelina!

"Poof!!!" A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and Caroline's breath immediately became vague! !

"Haha, you are so helpless, you can destroy flowers with your hands. Just die!" With another crazy smile, Ansel flew towards Angelina in an instant!

"Main gun, fire!!!" A cold command sounded from the Zerg network again, and a blue-purple spiritual force turned into a long blue-purple chain, bursting out from Avril's body, and instantly entangled in On Ansel.

Ans Aier was tied up tightly in an instant, and he was so angry that he yelled and yelled, "The centipede is dead but not stiff. Are all your Zerg races cockroaches? They are not even dead!!"

While cursing, Ans Aier's body shook again, and the blue-purple chain immediately showed signs of collapse!

And right now!

A total of twenty green rays!

Travel through time!

Shooting like lightning from a distance!

"This is... the battleship's main gun!!!" Ans Ayer's eyes widened instantly, fear in his pupils flashing in his eye sockets. Even if he is a level 27 strong man, he will still be injured when facing a main gun with a level 27 attack power. And now, he is facing a total of twenty main gun attacks! ! !

"Open it!!!" Ans Aier struggled wildly, and the blue-purple chain finally broke! However, just when he wanted to break through the space and escape, a series of mental fluctuations kept hitting his head, causing his energy to break through the space to suddenly become disordered!

"Boom!" Twenty main cannons hit at the same time!

Before Ansel was hit by the green light, he saw Angelina, who was holding Caroline's body a hundred meters away, with tears streaming down her face, her eyes releasing incomparable hatred, and Angelina's side, holding back her pinch. Claudia of Judgment, and behind them, thousands of void-infected people appeared at some unknown time.

"Boom!" The main gun flew past! However, Ans Aier did not die!

The two half-moon-shaped scimitars were no longer known to have been knocked away or put away. The armor all over his body was in tatters, his exposed muscles were scorched black, and his breath was extremely low!

"Kill him! All Zerg people, go to Shuyuan.zaosyan. Kill him!" Angelina waved her hand sadly and indignantly. Behind her, the ghost hunters, blade-armed dragons, and flying snakes were frantically moving towards Ansel. Fly away.

Ans Aier seemed not to see the Zerg flying towards him. He looked at his scarred palms and body in disbelief before he raised his head and said, "If you are careless, even a boat capsized in the gutter will appear." On my body..."

"Hiss, hiss..." He was answered by a flying snake that charged the fastest. With a flick of its tail, the flying snake bounded towards Ans El.

But Ansel waved his hand, and his whole body instantly became transparent, and the flying snake's tail swung past his waist, as if it was flying into the air.

"Wait, wait, my next attack..." After saying this, Ans Aier's body completely disappeared...

The King Insect and the Tunnel Insect immediately launched a search, and Ansel did indeed leave. Although his mission was not completely completed, compared with the mission, what he cared about most was his own life.

Angelina kept feeding unit by unit of therapeutic aphids into Caroline's mouth, and finally brought Caroline back from the brink of death. However, Avril's whole body had been completely cut off, and there was no possibility of saving her. …

"Report all this to our emperor, Claudia. I will take Caroline back first, and you will return with the army..." Angelina's face was expressionless and her voice was extremely cold.

Claudia shook her head, "No, let's go back together. The army will go back by itself... Angelina, the war has begun. Now, only the blood of the enemy can extinguish our anger. This time, I will go back as well..." If I want to go to the battlefield, no one can stop me!"

Angelina also shook her head, "Stop? I won't stop you, because the three of us want to be together!"_mbg

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