StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 293: NuclearLaunchDetec…

(Let us pay a silent tribute to the victims of the Yushu earthquake...)

This research facility is very secretive. From the cumbersome procedures of its entry and exit, it can be known that this research facility is not often entered and exited by people.

According to intelligence, the staff in the facility live and eat here, and it is rare to go out once every few years, so there is no need to worry about cleaning it up. Maybe there will be a few fish that slip through the net, and the ghost agents will deal with them.

At this time, the elevator was very noisy. About 20 or 30 people who escaped from the research facility were surrounding the elevator. They tried their best to make the elevator move.

But their efforts were in vain, the entire facility had been sealed off, and as long as Yang Ying didn't unlock it, the elevator couldn't be activated. Of course, this is not the only intersection for emergency escape, but other intersections have also been locked to ensure that everyone here cannot go out.

At this time, Yang Ying's heart was surrounded by ruthless ice, and the core of the ice was the most raging anger. The anger in the depths had not yet subsided. Seeing these people added fuel to the fire. Turned into essence, spread out and swept away.


"It's hot!"

"It's burning!"

While being exposed to this angry idea. Flames suddenly burst out of these people, as if gasoline had been poured on them, and the flames engulfed them all in an instant, burning them to pieces, causing them to scratch and run around in a daze, while screaming screamingly.

At this time, there was a slight sound in the passage, and I saw a hovering motorcycle coming at a high speed, with two white coats sitting on it. Although their faces were bruised and swollen, they had a happy expression.

But when they saw more than a dozen firemen rushing towards them with their teeth and claws open, they immediately turned around like a cat whose tail was stepped on by someone. When the fire man is rushing towards him, there are very few people who can pick up their rationality.

Yang Ying waved his hands in a false chop, a white light flashed, and cut the burning man in half, and then started the elevator, returned to the hotel manager's office, and then closed the elevator again.

Not long after, there was a huge energy reaction from under the ground.

This is the research facility's self-destruct system in action, blanketing the entire base with high-intensity microwaves, like a giant microwave oven.

People who are still in this giant microwave oven at this time will have their blood boiling and explode to death within three seconds, while the microwave will be fired for a full half a minute. to kill all living creatures in the research facility.

When the microwave passes, the entire facility will automatically collapse according to the pattern set at the beginning of its manufacture, while destroying the entire facility while avoiding damage to the geology.

Leaving the hotel and coming to a safe place, Yang Ying had no sadness or joy on his face, contacted Kalia who was far away at the base, and said, "The matter of Santos is over, how is your side going?"

There was no smile on Kalia's face, and he replied with a serious attitude: "Sir, the mission has been completed. The ghost agent team successfully assassinated two high-level figures of the Caesars Group. We previously confirmed that they were the leaders of the Santos secret research facility. They His death is enough to arouse the vigilance of the Caesar family."

Yang Ying nodded, but the heaviness in his heart still persisted. The Caesar family hadn't paid back everything: "It's useless to be vigilant. Our plan has only been implemented halfway, and the other half of the goal needs to be solved."

Kalia saluted: "I wish you success soon, sir."

At this time, Ceres' sympathy performance has been in the middle, and this time the performance can not be described as exciting. Celebrities from all walks of life made their appearance together, and they tried their best to present a painstaking work to the audience.

Blade's box had one of the best views in the venue, but he wasn't interested in the show.

Not only him, although the applause in the entire venue did not stop, but it was much less than at the beginning.

The reason for this situation is the singer ambassador.

Since Jiayuna showed off her ethereal singing voice just now, the aesthetic ability of the audience in the venue seems to have suddenly improved several levels. No matter how good the performances of other shows are, compared with the heavenly enjoyment of Jiayuna when she sings , There is also a huge gap, so lack of interest has become a common situation.

I'm afraid that the stage director is crying backstage at this time. Arranging the singer ambassador to play so early is simply the biggest failure of his life.

But Dao Feng had also heard about it, and he couldn't be blamed for this incident, because there was no such item in the singer's ambassador's schedule. At that time, she suddenly decided to sing on stage, which caught everyone by surprise.

Obviously, with the status and courage of a stage director, it was impossible for her to wait when she learned that the singer ambassador wanted to go on stage.

Suddenly, the microphone on the side of the box door beeped, and the voice of the ghost agent standing guard outside sounded through the microphone: "Colonel, there is a singer who claims to be the attendant of Ambassador Jiayouna, and she said that the ambassador wants to see you. "


Yang Ying returns to Santos City's secret place, which is a villa. People around think that the only resident in the villa is a private school physical education teacher, but in fact he is a ghost agent.

Yang Ying came to the basement and unloaded all the equipment. Lying back in the medical cabin, closing his eyes, his soul was transferred to the cockpit of a ghost fighter far away in the starry sky in an instant.

The Phantom Fighter has been transformed, and the cockpit has been adjusted to two seats. The front seat is being driven by a pilot, while the rear seat is the body of a clone. At this time, the clone's eyes are opened.

"How long will it take to reach the target?" After Yang Ying woke up, the first thing he did was to ask the pilot in front of him this question.

"Reporting sir, we have arrived. This is a star field between the orbit of the earth and the orbit of Venus, and the target is ahead!" The pilot was wearing a sealed spacesuit, and he answered Yang Ying's question in a calm voice. After the question, point out the cabin.

Yang Ying turned his head and saw a physical image opened, showing a large space station in the distance.

The shape of the space station is like an egg cone, which slowly rotates around the central axis. About five hundred meters in diameter.

According to information display. This space station is another research institute under the name of the Caesars Group that is as sensitive as the Santos secret facility. It is different from Santos's research direction. Its direction is mainly military weapons. Several core technologies of the Laurel, such as the golden net, are Done here.

This space station is also part of the revenge plan formulated by the General Staff. If the Santos research facility represents the highest level of biotechnology of the Caesars Group, then it represents the highest level of physics research of the Caesars Group.

After Yang Ying confirmed the target, he took out the equipment of a ghost agent from the floating continent and put it on, and ordered the pilot: "Open the hatch."

"Yes!" The pilot pressed a button and opened the hatch.

when the hatch is opened. With a snort, the air in the cockpit was sucked out by the vacuum in an instant, but this was not a problem for the airtight pilot and Yang Ying.

Yang Ying saw the space station in the distance from the visual sensor, and his mood was a bit complicated. The situation here is different from that of Santos. The people here have not done human experiments, and they have even made a lot of contributions to the development of human technology. One of the top few laboratories.

But who made them belong to the Kaiser Group?

The ghost team has already assessed the ideology of the entire Caesar family. They think differently from ordinary people, have a very strong sense of territory, and are extremely aggressive.

Judging from Lloyd's order to poison the blade, reconciliation with the Caesars Group is like being neighbors with a man-eating tiger. The education these Caesars received from childhood has never taught them to calm down.

Only eating all enemies like a tiger is the truth they believe in.

They showed that the reconciliation was just to delay time to recover, and to lower their own vigilance, waiting for the next opportunity to take the initiative to attack.

Although Yang Ying had expected their behavior and could understand the thoughts of these people, but because of this, Yang Ying would no longer be polite to them.

These people have been tigers for a long time, and they have always been proud of the mountains and forests. Now that they have met a tiger, they are naturally worried that the new tiger will compete with them for territory.

Even if the newly arrived tigers show no malice at first, but develop silently in a place far away from their territory, they will not let go of this potential possibility.

What's more, the two sides have already become enemies. With repeated trials, they found that the new tiger is getting more and more powerful. Yang Ying believes that even if his troops show the strength to instantly paralyze the main fleet of two semi-ancient ~ It can only make the Caesar family more hostile and more determined to oppose him.

Unless one party perishes, the vortex of disputes will not stop, and Yang Ying does not want to be the perishing party.

Yang Ying sighed silently, raised the C-10 rifle in his hand, aimed it at the space station in the distance, and a red dot appeared in the visual sight.

This kind of aiming requires an unusually calm mind and extremely steady hands. But it is impossible for any creature to remain absolutely still, no matter how steady the movement is, the body will shake naturally, even for Yang Ying, who has the strength of a high-ranking Psychic, slight shaking is unavoidable.

Fortunately, Ghost Agent's combat suit has a special design for this situation, and a set of specialized complex sensors can minimize the inevitable shaking effect.

The red dot flickered on the surface of the space station. Suddenly, a golden light flashed on Yang Ying's side, and a missile suddenly flew out from the floating continent and shot towards the red dot.

Yang Ying felt a voice sounded in his ear: "!!)

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