Start a Dungeon

Chapter 405 City No. 3

The offensive in City No. 2 started amidst the curses of the sheep monster.

After Lott cut off the connection with the other party, he concentrated on watching the live broadcast.

The birdmen in front of the camera looked at him with lingering fear, and finally looked at each other. The birdman envoy asked: "Mr. Lord."

Lot looked up at it.

"You just said you might withdraw your troops?"

Lott was stunned for a moment, realizing his unintentional words just now, and immediately smiled and comforted:

"Don't worry, I just said it casually in response to the needs of my knight officer."

The birds turned their heads and looked at each other, and the messenger said in a serious tone: "Please don't joke about this kind of thing. Once you leave, our military morale, which we have finally recovered from, may be unstable!"

Now there are only three main cities in the south, and there are more than 3,000 cities behind them that have not been liberated. If Elinor's army really withdraws, Babvis will definitely win.

Military morale is unstable? Where is your army? Why did not I see.

Lot scratched his head and once again stated that he would not withdraw his troops, nor would he make any more jokes about withdrawing his troops. Only then did the birdmen stop.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind: In order to avoid the counterattack of the Babvis after Elinor withdraws his troops, he must buy more high-end equipment and keep it around to be safer. With so many advanced weapons in hand, the group of sheep-headed demons will There's nothing to be afraid of, right?

Lott could probably figure out what the bird people were thinking.

After blocking his avatar, he sent a message to Vader, asking if the bird people were sold arms, could they use these equipment to fight against the goatheads?

"I'm afraid not, Lord." The encrypted avatar of the Black Warrior said to Lott, "The equipment we sell to the birdmen is limited, at least the ones currently in use cannot be sold to them. And the human arsenal in the city is factory The batch of trial models, including air force and ground mecha units, will not be delivered until 1 or 2 months at the earliest."

The point is that there are still technical problems behind it. These birds are new to these weapons and cannot get started quickly. Giving them weapons is like giving rifles to a group of monkeys. They cannot fully master them without misfiring and killing some of their own people.

"That's it"

Lott nodded, then glanced at the energy reading.

From the beginning of preparations to the second day after landing, a total of 5 days have passed.

In these five days, the energy increased by nearly 200 million, and combined with the original 600 million, it reached about 800 million.

But this large-scale war preparation directly cost more than 400 million.

Therefore, the total energy currently remains at 400 million as emergency reserve.

However, because this was the early stage of the war, the cost of ammunition dropped every day was quite huge.

So Vader simply stopped all the scarabs, and then built a large aviation base not far from these three cities, specially used to park fighter planes to reduce energy expenses.

The performance of the Minotaur Marines was very eye-catching. After several experiments, the Black Warriors decided to remove the Death Knights as the main force and put them in the back to serve as snipers. The Marines were naturally responsible for the human shield firepower in the front.

However, 10,000 Minotaur Marines would require 50 million, and the ammunition they consume is several times that of ordinary people.

Therefore, after the No. 2 city is captured, the total energy is less than 300 million.

The current number of Tauren Marines is 20,000.

"Well, the energy is a little bit low."

Lott looked at the values ​​on the memory and frowned.

A long time ago, all ammunition used in the army was made by human arsenals.

Only occasionally, energy-replicating ammunition is used for emergencies.

The money just flew away.

We have to find a way to get energy!

There are currently 1.1 million passengers in the city.

Including the adventurers inside, it provides an average of more than 50 yuan of energy per day, which means that the city now has an income of more than 55 million yuan a day.

"Although the daily supply is sufficient and the reserve is pretty good, maybe we can further increase the energy intake?" Lott murmured.

How to do it well?

"Vickers, make a memo for me. When it is safe here, we will send a press team over. Maybe we can give the people in the city a shot."

"Okay sir."

Lot's army advanced very quickly, much faster than City No. 1. Just because his throne knights can continuously comprehend new tactical plans during the war.

When attacking the first city, Vader used conventional tactics - tauren + snipers to advance steadily.

When attacking the second city, the method of targeted elimination was used to bomb the opponent's target buildings where commanders and generals may be hidden.

At the same time, the signal in the whole city is blocked, and then the disguised signal is used to send a spell broadcast to the whole city, so that all the goathead monsters can gather in a certain place for a full-scale bombing.

As a result, the power to resist is even less than before.

The Marines spent more time not advancing strafing on the streets, but working with the werewolves to clear out the enemies inside the buildings.

Vader didn't intend to elaborate on this signal suppression tactic to the bird people. After all, there might be an informant of the Sheephead Monster inside them. Once it was revealed, the Mianyang Monsters wouldn't be able to gather together so easily in the future.

A few hours later, the second city was captured.

"Mr. Knight Commander."

After seeing the recovery of the second main seat in the south, the bird people were as excited as if they had been given blood, and then made another request:

"When you have time, can you send someone to guide and train our soldiers?"


Training is a must, otherwise these guys wouldn't know where to fire their guns.

Lott looked at the ecstatic expressions of the birdmen and officers, and shook his head inwardly.

The combat modes of modern armies are not that easy to learn. The dungeons only teach them basic tactical movements and knowledge. How to use them depends on their own destiny.

Lott couldn't help but think of a time on earth where a certain country had an inflated mentality after receiving modern military training. They even made a promotional video to show how awesome their army was. As a result, during the war, tens of thousands of The soldiers were so frightened by thousands of KB elements that they abandoned their armor.

The master leads him in. After all, cultivation still depends on the individual.

The Black Samurai mobilized the army from the second city, leaving a group of robots to maintain public order. After the third city was captured, the Birdman troops could be sent over through the intercontinental teleportation array.

However, we ran into some trouble when we attacked the third city.

"Lord, they have activated the protection system."

Darth Vader said to the camera.

Lott waved his hand to show that he understood.

Footage captured by an aerial camera shows

A huge city was covered by a blue magic shield, and the flying saucers floating in the sky around it conducted a small bombing detection and showed that the magic shield of the sheep-headed monster was very hard.

It would require the use of heavy bombs, which was naturally opposed by the bird people. After all, the city might be destroyed by mistake.

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