Chapter 290 Signing a Contract

Sun Yang trembled even more.

The fact that he was able to climb to this position already shows that he will definitely not be a fool who doesn't know anything, on the contrary, he knows a lot, and he is also very good at speculating on people's hearts, and he has his own unique way of dealing with emergencies.

But it was because of these that he was led by the nose by Zhu Lao and Li Shaodong, father and son, and fell into the "383" side of the pit step by step.

By the time he found it now, Sun Yang had no way to get out of this deep pit that had been dug a long time ago and had to fill in the earth, and he had no way out.

This is a multiple-choice question with only one option.

"You guys, you're amazing!"

Sun Yang's eyes kept wandering between Li Shaodong and Li Mu, and then he gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, even if you are ruthless, but even if you win the list, what can you do?

"I don't believe it, this so-called Xiaoqiang cleaning really has a way to deal with the entire area of Dongcheng, hum, let me tell you, don't think about playing any dragging, even if it drags on, it won't last long!"

"This project will be inspected regularly, if the inspection is not up to standard, Li Shaodong, you will enter the bureau with this Xiaoqiang cleaning Li Mu at that time, this time even if the king of heaven comes, he will not be able to protect you!"

As a person with a higher position than Sun Yang, He Lao naturally sees these things more clearly.

He understood the logic of this whole trap faster than Sun Yang, as well as the key points.

The most critical point is not anything else, but the high trust of Zhu Lao, Li Shaodong and others in Li Mu.

First of all, these people have to believe that Li Mu can dispose of garbage at a unit price of 11 tons and make money, which is the most basic link in the whole trap.

Without this link and core, they would not dare to do this.

He Lao didn't understand how Zhu Lao and the others dared to believe in Li Mu so much.

There was no angry look on his face.

has been competing with Zhu Lao on the same stage for so many years, although this time it has dealt a big blow to him, he is very clear about the reason that he is willing to gamble and lose.

"Sun Yang, there's no way. "

He Lao looked at Sun Yang and shook his head.......... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He really has no choice now, he has used all means, and even offended so many people, but he still hasn't been able to take down this project, which is like providence for him.

Providence is so, what can he do?

When people are old, sometimes they should accept their fate, and at this time, stubborn resistance will only cause more trouble to themselves.

Compared with the actual losses caused by these troubles, a little loss of face at this time is nothing at all.

"Lao Zhu, if you think that this Xiaoqiang Cleaning's offer is really credible, everyone doesn't need to bid, just sign the contract for this project to him. "

Zhu Lao didn't even look at Li Mu's expression, he directly asked people to get the contract in front of 1.4 Li Mu.

"Sign it. "

He didn't ask Li Mu if he could finish it, and trusted him to the extreme.

Under the gloating expressions of everyone, Li Mu directly signed the contract.

Except for Li Shaodong and others, no one thinks that Li Mu can complete the terms of this contract. []

After Li Mu signed the contract, he put the contract away with a smile.

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