Seeing this, He Yerong was a little helpless, you two said so, have you considered my feelings? You asked, I don’t want to.

Of course, this is a joke, for this kind of thing, He Yerong can only say that the more the merrier.

He likes it.

Loved it… When I watched the movie, it was already after six o’clock in the afternoon, during which something happened, and only he and Wang Luoluo knew about these things.

In this regard, Wang Luoluo’s good feelings for him have increased a lot, and… Wang Luoluo is now very envious, Mengyun has such a good boyfriend, she sometimes thinks, if he also has such a boyfriend, how good it should be, unfortunately, this is nothing.

“The next time I’m looking for you, do you think it’s okay to answer my call?” Mengyun said seriously, she was afraid, if the next time she looked for He Xingrong, He Yanrong ignored her, then…

“Okay, next time you call me, you can just say it, but… When the time comes, you have to see if I have time, if I have time, I will come to you, if there is no time, then I am sorry. This was He Yerong’s truth, after all, he also had his own things to do, whether it was in class or something else, which was what he needed to pay attention to.

Live broadcast.

Write a book.

These things cannot be abandoned.

Although Dai Yuyan helped her update it before, but that was because there was a reason for saving the manuscript, if there was no manuscript, then his life rhythm would be completely disrupted, which he did not want to see, bubble girl, this is to bubble, but, life, career, no matter which one, He Yerong is not ready to give up.

Children will do multiple choice questions, adults, all of them.

“Okay, then, I’ll just try to find some, and when you have time, go to you!” I don’t know, when will you have time? Mengyun now had some dependence on He Yerong, so he would ask, “Look again!” When the time comes, I have time to talk to you. ”

“That’s fine.”


As soon as the words fell and he turned around, He Yanrong left directly.

He Yanrong originally wanted to go home directly, but when he saw Pan Wan’er’s phone, he only heard Pan Wan’er say: “Pan Wan’er, there is no seasoning in the house, trouble you, if you pass the supermarket, you go to buy some to come home.” ”

“Okay, dear, little girl, I remember.” He Yanrong smiled slightly, after such two days, he found that he really missed Pan Wan’er, is it that the time outside, long, will miss, the feeling of home, may be like this!

He now, really miss Pan Wan’er, when passing by the supermarket, He Yerong bought more spices, these things, the more the merrier, there is nothing wrong with it, but you can’t buy more, if you buy more, put it for a long time, it will not be good,

“Boss, I want to buy some ingredients.”

“Okay, what do you want…”

“Parents’ bar! Inside the home often those. ”

“Okay, a total of two hundred soft sister coins.”

“To you….”


After buying some ingredients, He Weirong took a taxi directly to the direct manor.

However, to be honest, he did not open the direct Lamborghini truth, to be honest, the whole person, a little uncomfortable with this feeling.

Quickly take the ingredients home, enter the door, see Pan Wan’er, Pan Wan’er saw He Wanrong come in, pounced into He Xuanrong’s arms, and said happily: “Ye Rong, I am like you.” ”

As soon as the words fell, he took a sip and kissed He Yerong fiercely on the cheek.

“I miss you too, you little fool.” ”

He Haorong smiled and hugged Pan Wan’er in his arms very tightly.

“Ye Rong, you have finally returned, miss or miss, I will cook you a dish to eat?” Pan Wan’er asked.

“I must miss it.” He Yerong is definitely not a straight man, for this answer, he still has some of his own experience, but then again, whether it is Pan Wan’er, or her girlfriend Lingling, the two people because they are from the countryside, they cook, it is really delicious.

“Wow, you bought so many ingredients?” Okay, then, I’m ready to go and make you something delicious. ”

Pan Wan’er said seriously.

I have to say that Pan Wan’er is a very smart girl, and she is also a very powerful girl.

Although she is not as versatile as Tao Xiaoyao and Tao Qianqian, her greatest advantage is virtuousness, so the advantage is already very important, especially for some very successful people, successful people, it is easy to be, whether it is body and mind or their own desires, it is certainly difficult to satisfy.


At He Yanrong’s age, he has already achieved such success, for him, it is natural to have his own good points, but also to have, his own strong place.

Pan Wan’er knows that such an excellent person as He Yerong, Ken must not only have only one girl, so she knows how to control her desires, and she also knows how to control her own thoughts.

She didn’t ask, what He Xianrong did yesterday, and he didn’t ask what He Xuanrong had yesterday, and for her, these things were often the least important.

So she didn’t ask.

This is where Pan Wan’er’s cleverness lies, and it may also be that great wisdom is foolish.

Of course, it is also possible that there are other reasons….

“Then I’ll lie down and you go cook!” He Yanrong smiled slightly.


“Oh well.”

Pan Wan’er took a sweet sip on He Yanrong’s cheek, and then walked into the kitchen.

Obviously, for this virtuous Pan Wan’er in front of her, He Yanrong still likes it.

After a while, after nearly half an hour, Pan Wan’er prepared all the meals.

The meal was made by Pan Wan’er, and He Yanrong couldn’t really watch Pan Wan’er complete everything.

Walking to the kitchen, He Xiaorong began to help Pan Wan’er seriously bring up some meals, and then, bringing all the meals to the living room, He Yanrong smiled.


“Ye Rong, how does it taste when you taste it?” Recently, has my cooking skills improved? Sideways, wide-eyed, Pan Wan’er expected He Haorong’s evaluation.

“Okay, then I’ll try.” Not to mention whether there is progress in cooking, just looking at these foods in front of him, He Yerong has a feeling of being beautiful and delicious.

Picking up the chopsticks, He Jingrong began to taste it. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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