Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 302 There is an evil tree inside

There are traces of cutting and chiseling on each arch, and these traces spell out individual writings.

Wuhang Mountain

Qingzhou City


condor tribe

Each set of writing marks the world behind the door.

In fact, the ground of this space is the land reinforced by the system. Through these space doors, the land extends to every city behind the door.

On the land, there was a roar of people.

Some people came and went, while others found a place, spread out a piece of red cloth, and shouted loudly.

Some people were blushing and talking about the price with their mouths slobbering.

Several people walked in from the door labeled Condor Tribe. They stared in surprise at first, exclaiming in amazement at everything they saw.

After a while, he began to communicate with the chicken and duck vendors setting up stalls here, supplemented by body movements from time to time.

It's a pity that this person doesn't know the Kyushu language, so he can only get more and more busy with gestures.

Li Ge came here in his soul state and was very satisfied when he saw the prosperous scene below.

Most of the people who come and go here are residents of Wuhang Mountain and citizens of Qingzhou City, with a small number of people from the Shenying Tribe.

The people in Wucheng are best distinguished. Most of them are wearing uniform camouflage, escorting boxes after boxes of supplies. They move in a hurry and rarely stop.

Li Ge nodded with satisfaction.

"Good, everything went well."

Then, he went straight up and submerged into the mountain above.

After a while, he arrived at the penultimate level of Resentment Peak.

This space is also very large. In terms of area, it is approximately more than two thousand square meters.

This place is not connected with the following, and Li Ge has no plans to connect it with the following for the time being.

If more and more local forces participate in cross-border transactions in the future, and the space below is not enough, the poor may consider it.

However, this is currently Li Ge's private domain.

Li Ge raised his hand, and a circular space door appeared in the air.

In the door, the soil of the Kingdom of Life slowly flows in.

In this space, there is not a single bit of negative spiritual energy, so the soil of the Kingdom of Life can remain flexible and soft for a long time.

This time, Li Ge stared intently again.

The internal psychic structure of Feijian was once again displayed in front of Li Ge.

As Li Ge glanced over inch by inch, the soil on the ground squirmed, changed shape, solidified, and took shape.

A model just "grows" out of the soil.

The structure seemed to be made of many things, like dense blood vessels, a complex honeycomb, and connected machinery...

It's so similar but not so similar that it's hard to define.

Finally, Li Ge breathed a long sigh of relief and opened his eyes.


Li Ge narrowed his eyes and frowned.


The structure in the flying sword seemed to be alive, like breathing lungs, and like a beating heart.

"As expected... Do we still need to keep the spiritual energy flowing in it?"

Li Ge thought for a while and gently placed his fingers on the model.

The metallization skill was activated, and the jet-black model turned into bright silver inch by inch.

try again.

Li Ge injected spiritual energy again. This spiritual energy seemed to have a tendency to shrink and spread during the flow. The model trembled slightly, but it was firmly restricted due to the poor ductility of the metal.

"Does it still need to be malleable?" Li Ge murmured to himself.

Then, Li Ge tried to expand the width of the entire model structure, but because the psychic path was too wide, the entire flow deviated.

"It is necessary not only to ensure the correctness of the overall flow, but also to ensure that there is room for swing and vibration when spiritual energy flows throughout the entire structure..."

Time passes day after day.

When Li Ge became truly obsessed with building structures, he entered a state of living without knowing how long he lived.

Of course, this state can also be called forgetting about food and sleep.

During this period, except for going to Bincheng and opening a space door to the bottom of the Grudge Peak, Li Ge spent all his energy on figuring out the psychic structure.

The penultimate level of Grudge Peak.

The sound of creaking echoed in the empty space.

Where the sound came from, there was a huge and messy metal frame, suspended about two meters above the ground, trembling and about to fall apart.

In front of this metal frame, Li Ge looked serious.

"It's successful. It seems that we can...increase the psychic output a little more?"



The tooth-aching friction sound became louder, and finally...


A small section of metal part was broken out.


The entire metal structure hit the ground with a loud bang.

Li Ge shivered in fright, and his soul floated back several meters in an instant.

After a while, he burst out laughing, as if he was laughing at himself for being a little hypersensitive.

The long period of high mental concentration and excitement made Li Ge extremely sensitive to any sound.

In his mind, the system let out a long sigh.

"Failed...again." The voice seemed a little frustrated.

Li Ge laughed happily: "How can you say it failed? It was obviously a success."

"The problem of the deflection of spiritual energy flow in fluctuations has been solved." Li Ge squinted his eyes, muttered to himself, and began to sort out his thoughts.

"Two solutions have been found so far."

"The first is spiritual restraint and guidance."

"To put it simply, use mental power to outline "wires" on the material, so that the spiritual energy generally follows the outline of the mental power and circulates."

"When outlining lines, you can use high-voltage psychic energy to cause the materials within the lines to undergo a certain degree of change and solidify the inner psychic energy."

"Furthermore, by utilizing the attraction of high-density psychic energy to free psychic energy, the entire psychic structure will not deviate from the basic orbit during the floating process."

"The second kind..."

"The principle of using composite materials is similar to the previous one, except that it does not require strong mental power and high pressure of psychic energy. The difference in the conductivity of psychic energy in the material itself is used to frame the basic structural framework for the flow of psychic energy."

"In short... the main structural materials need to have better psychic energy channeling and compatibility. Materials in the fluctuation range need to have greater resistance to psychic energy, but they must not be incompatible."

"It's just...this method has higher requirements on the matching of materials and lower requirements on the forger."

Having said this, Li Ge stretched.

"Let's stay here for now. The day of the Shensheng Biological Group's first transaction is coming soon. I will continue my research after they finish the transaction."

"So..." the system interrupted, "it seems that the first option is easier for you!"

Li Ge nodded: "It's just that the second one is more likely to be mass produced."

The system was surprised: "Mass production... Feijian?"

Of course, Li Ge did not explain further, but asked with a slight smile: "Has the analysis of that flying sword been successful?"

"Success!" The system immediately cheered up, "Both the material and structure have been analyzed to 100%!"

"You only need the same volume of land from the Kingdom of Life and 7,342 points of energy to create an identical flying sword!"

Li Ge raised his eyebrows: "Then...let's try a sword first!"

Suddenly, 7,342 points of energy were deducted, and a flying sword slowly "grown" on the ground in front of him.

Li Ge pulled out the sword and looked up and down carefully.

"Yes, they are exactly the same."

"That's it!" The system looked proud, "That's why the ignorant bumpkins from the Shensheng Biological Group treat this as a rare thing. In our system, this is just an assembly line product!"

Suddenly, the system suddenly remembered what Li Ge said before about "mass production."

"Dad, the sponsor, don't you want to mass-produce flying swords? You don't have to wait for the production technology to mature! I can do wholesale right here!"

"Wholesale flying swords..." Li Ge squinted his eyes, wondering what he thought of, and suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Wuhang Mountain is not what it used to be.

In this month, what Li Ge didn't see was that everyone was working hard for a better life and accepting earth-shaking changes.

As soon as Li Ge arrived at the bottom of Resentment Peak, he was stunned by the lively scene.

Bincheng has not yet participated in the transaction, but at this time, there are already densely packed vendors in the trading hall.

Li Ge slightly walked around and then came directly from the space gate to Wuhang Mountain.

When he looked up, he was startled.

In addition to the golden food, the entire Tutu Temple Square was densely packed with people.

In addition to the roaring human voices, there was also the roar of machinery.

Li Ge looked up and saw steel behemoths that did not belong to this simple countryside coming and going on the trestle like flying dragons in the sky.

"Fortunately, the road surface was wide enough at that time..." Li Ge murmured to himself, congratulating himself on his foresight.

Not far away, the tinkling sound of hammering and the harsh sound of electric drills could be heard.

Li Ge rose into the sky, only to find that high-rise buildings had been built one after another around the Earth Temple.

This earth temple with the door to space is located in the center of five villages, on a gentle hillside.

As if to show respect, there was no building on the hillside.

Looking down, there is no highest point of any building higher than the foundation of the Earth Temple.

It’s just the buildings…

Probably because of some earth power, the hillside was transformed into large, square steps.

On each step, there are about thirty-storey houses standing high, one after another, enough to accommodate the entire population of five villages.

Where is this still a small village? This is obviously a town that has begun to take shape!

The distance between the buildings is relatively large, and there is a garden under each building.

In the garden, there are strange and strange plants planted.

Li Ge looked at the wooden sign in front of him in confusion.

The wooden sign is five meters long and half a meter wide, and is supported on the edge of a high fence.

There are big characters written on the sign.

"There is a bad tree inside, please don't get close."

In the fence, there is an extremely ordinary willow tree.

"Evil tree?" Li Ge approached with interest.

"I've only heard of evil dogs. What the hell is an evil tree?"

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