Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 361 Factory Flying to the Sky

Everyone in this land cheered involuntarily.

Whether it's people staying who want to save their home, or people from the media who are just here to get information. There was even more exclamation in the live broadcast room.

"Take off from Wuhu!"

"Goodbye mom, I'm going on a long voyage today..."


In addition to those who relaxed and started to joke, there were also many people who were confused about the situation.

After all, not everyone is a member of the Trade Federation.

Although the Northern Alliance launched a rocket a few days ago, after all, the predecessor of the Northern Alliance is the Kyushu official. Doing such a thing will only make people amazed, not strange, and no one will explore the technology used in it.

——The technology of launching rockets...can ordinary people like us learn it?

They will also feel strange when they see flying boards all over the sky.

However, seeing that everyone in Qingzhou City had a share (on the surface), it was hard to make a fuss, as it seemed that he had no knowledge.


This is a factory heaven!

Moreover, these viewers cut into several live broadcast rooms and observed carefully from different angles!

There are no thrusters!

"Fly! Fly!"

"What happened?"

"I just came here. Can anyone tell me what's going on with that house flying in the sky?"

While there was a lot of commotion on the other side, Zhou Yuan was lying on the roof of the central building, feeling like he was surviving a disaster.

Just as Zhou Yuan was in a state of excitement, suddenly, her consciousness fell into a trance for a moment.

In the dark, Zhou Yuan's gaze seemed to travel through endless time and space, arriving at a magnificent space.

There, looking up is endless golden light.

Looking down, far below, there were dense black spots connected together.

From below, there was the sound of roaring mountains and tsunami.

Of course, when it reached Zhou Yuan, there was only a slightly distant noise.

Suddenly, golden light bloomed in the sky.

Zhou Yuan seemed to hear inexplicable syllables coming from the distant sky.

Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes and listened attentively, but unexpectedly, the golden light in the sky suddenly fell on her.

"This..." Zhou Yuan looked at everything around him helplessly. He wanted to move, but couldn't.

Just as she was struggling desperately, the thing Zhou Yuan stepped on suddenly shattered!

Zhou Yuan fell from a high altitude at high speed!

In her field of vision, the magnificent space was rapidly moving away until it turned into a point of light and disappeared from the horizon.

Suddenly shaken all over, Zhou Yuan opened his eyes and found that he was still at the same place - the Central Building of Qingzhou City, and had not left.

Zhou Yuan looked around.

That's right.

Familiar city, raging tsunami.

Zhou Yuan's eyes wandered as he recalled the scene he just saw.

"The world just now..."

"I...seemed to see my own reflection?"


In the splendid world, Zhou Yuan vaguely saw a little man standing quietly in the corner.

Translucent, wearing an ancient official uniform.

The next second, Zhou Yuan was shocked.

It’s different.

The relationship between myself and this city, and the connection between various Chenghuang temples...

It’s different!

The whole city is like Zhou Yuan's back garden.

In the past, Zhou Yuan could only vaguely perceive the situation of the entire city.

However, at this moment, as long as Zhou Yuan thinks about it, she closes her eyes, and the scene she wants to see will appear in Zhou Yuan's eyes.


Zhou Yuan can understand information that he didn't understand at all in the past!

The traffic legacy information of the entire city, the joys and sorrows of regional residents, and the atmosphere...

Even the aura of the entire city!

Zhou Yuan just felt that...the whole city was telling their own stories.

And Zhou Yuan is the only listener!

"Have I...become a real City God?"

Zhou Yuan was shocked by the change and murmured to himself.

Although the changes at this moment were obvious, Zhou Yuan still felt that something was lacking.

"What's missing?"

Zhou Yuan looked down at his empty hands.

I always feel like I should be holding something in my hand.

——Forget it, a critical moment is really not the right time to pursue these trivial matters.

Today's Qingzhou City has already been flooded with turbid currents, and the entire city has been submerged.

Just when Zhou Yuan was in a daze, the entire Qingzhou City Central Building had been half swallowed by the tsunami, and was crumbling under the impact of the huge waves.

Chenghuang Noodles... no matter how big or small, have been submerged in the sea.

The same goes for Realm Gate.

The other allies of the Trade Alliance—Wuxing Mountain, the Eagle Tribe of Elia Kingdom, Wucheng...

They were all ready to deal with and intercept the sea water pouring in from the space door.

"The existence of the trade alliance essentially harms others and ourselves!"

There was a media person over Qingzhou City who was very emotional.

This is a self-media person.

In order to win attention, he must say the most explosive remarks and hold the most extreme views.

Because being mediocre and correct cannot attract people’s attention.

At this time, he was spitting and attacking the existence of the Trade Federation.

"I don't know what the head of the base who joined the Trade Federation thinks!"

"They just want the higher-ups to get more supplies, but they never consider the people at the bottom of the base!"

"When a disaster strikes, the existence of the Trade Alliance Space Gate will only cause the disaster to link up and expand its scale and casualties!"

"And what if the head of the Trade Federation's base has thought about it?"

"They didn't think about it, they just wanted money!"

"In other words, they really haven't thought about it. They are incredibly short-sighted!"

"Now, the seawater full of negative spiritual energy is passing through the gate and invading cities one after another!"

"Countless desperate and humble civilians turned into withered bones and souls in the water!"

"But those high-level officials can escape with abundant supplies!"

"I want to ask, who can take responsibility for these people who died unjustly?"

"Those high-level officials at the base who are obsessed with profit?"

The media personality tried his best to stir up the emotions of the spectators.

Although the people flying around him felt that his choice of words was not very particular, they did not say anything to stop him.

Because this person is talking about facts that can be predicted in advance.

Everyone around them had heavy expressions, and there was one person who pursed his lips, looked desperate, and had tears dripping down his face.

The sharp-eyed media person noticed this despair and simply pointed the camera at this person.

"You survived...why are you still crying?"

" child fled from Qingzhou City to Wuhang Mountain. I originally thought it was safe..."

In the intermittent narration, people were even more sad and angry!

It seems... that even this tsunami disaster is to be blamed on the top management.

The media people listened to the interviewees' stories with a dark smile on their lips.

——Yes, be a little sadder!

——Your child died, couldn’t you cry more contagiously?

--waste! But... it's enough.

——As long as the live broadcast room brings a rhythm...

——I wonder if there is a live broadcast from Qingzhou City or the country of Elia? If so, then God helps me!

——Will it be miserable? Of course, the worse, the better!

——That's almost it. Let me check the comments in my live broadcast room...

Thinking of this, the media person interrupted the interviewee with skillful words, then took back the live broadcast equipment and turned his attention to the screen.


The media people said "?"

on the screen……


There are so many “?”s stacked one on top of another that you can barely see the picture below.

Media person: "...?"

——Why didn’t what I expected happen? I've made all the arrangements, so there shouldn't be any accidents!

At this moment, a row of unique comments finally floated over - with words.

"Desperate and humble villagers of Wuhangshan report... There is no water in our world gate..."

"Are there any other brothers and sisters who have joined the Trade Alliance who can report their situation?"

"I'm from Wucheng. From the window in my room, I can just see the City God's Temple and the boundary gate outside. There is no water coming out of there. I've been looking forward to it for a long time..."

"We in the Condor Tribe have no water..."


"Didn't see..."

"The person from the trading floor is here to report... I'm looking at the underwater world now... The water seems to be blocked!"

The crying Qingzhou man next to him was stunned, and then smiled.

But the faces of the media people changed drastically.

"How can it be?"

After blurting out these words, he immediately realized that his reaction was not right and wanted to regain his face.

"I...I'm not dissatisfied with this situation, I just think it's impossible! Do your base executives still want to whitewash peace in the live broadcast room for the sake of their own rule?"

"These lies..."

At this moment, a line of colorful characters floated by.

"I'm the one from Wuhangshan, live broadcast room ID 824675. If you don't believe me, you can come and watch."

The media people opened the live broadcast room with trembling hands.

Inside, the sun is shining brightly and people are crowding around.

Of course it is impossible for water to enter the boundary gate!

It's just seawater spreading aimlessly!

The destructive power of this tsunami comes from two aspects.

On the one hand, it comes from the physical destructive power of the tsunami itself, and on the other hand, it comes from the corrosion of living organisms by the evil power within it.

The reason why the fortifications built by the Qingzhou people were able to be destroyed was because the negative spiritual energy was dismantling the positive spiritual energy in the fortifications, and the waves hit their physical carriers.

The same is true for the "realm" built by Zhou Yuan that blocks the sea water.

Facing a large-scale attack, Zhou Yuan's power of faith may be sufficient, but his spiritual power cannot sustain it, and his soul is not strong enough.

Fatigue is the most direct reason for the collapse of the entire field.

However, these Chenghuang temples are different.

Physically speaking, once the seawater is flooded, these City God Temples will lie quietly on the seabed.

Although the water is still flowing, it will not cause a huge slap force again.

Secondly, in terms of the field of energy radiation, each City God Temple has shrunk its field to the extreme and is extremely hard.

The area is small enough, which means that the physical impact and energy radiation impact area is small!

Coupled with the support of the endless land of the Kingdom of Life below!

As long as they are within the tolerable "degree", these fields will never become exhausted or weak!

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