Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 408 Evil Blood Alliance, Three Kings Gathering

Seeing Li Ge's impatient look, Gong Ren was very happy.

The palace nin comforted him, "Don't worry, this is really the last sentence."

As he said that, the palace nin took out a gold and jade wristband full of patterns, threw it over, and said, "Here you go! This is the Godhead wristband. It is a container that can absorb the Godhead, and it also has certain effects on the wearer. With increased strength, it’s still a good piece of armor.”

"If you kill a god and don't want to fuse the godhead yourself, the godhead will be sucked into it. The godhead is of great value, and it is also the only currency of God Kill Night Market."

After saying that, the palace nin bowed to Li Ge gracefully and left.

Gong Ren walked away so neatly that Li Ge didn't believe it.

This person who belongs to Tang Seng is no longer in Ba Ba.

The palace nin turned around, turned into a mist, and disappeared.

Li Ge used his senses to explore the surroundings, and there was no sign of the palace nin at all. Only then did he believe that the other party had really left.

Li Ge was not surprised that the palace nin turned into mist and made no sound when he left. This person was not simple in the first place.

Looking at his hands, he got three things from Gong Nin this time.

A scroll of the Nine Level Divine Emperor's Art, a coin for crossing the Forgotten River, and a divine wristband.

The palace ninja introduced a few things, but did not explain them all.

For example, I didn’t say how to practice the Nine Levels of Divine Emperor Kung Fu.

I didn’t say where the so-called Killing God Night Market is.

There is no word on what the godhead can be replaced with.

What about treating people with sincerity as promised?

The person had already left, and Li Ge didn't think much about it.

Whether we can see him again in the future is another matter.

Anyway, they are gifts from others, don’t give them away, just keep them first.

Now Li Ge is worried about another thing.

That is Yao Potian, the ancestor of the Yao family.

He didn't think that Yao Potian would be the loser.

From now on, it is safe to come over and cause trouble for him, Li Ge.

Even though Li Ge is not a person who is afraid of getting into trouble, and he has accepted Cui Yu as his younger brother, according to what Gong Ren said, Yao Potian committed a crime in a gang, and he had helpers, so he must be on guard against this.

Moreover, Yao Potian's helpers are not simple.

"Brother, what are you thinking about?"

Cui Yu rubbed his hands and asked, "If you have any difficulties, please tell us and we can discuss it together. I am the smartest among the four former judges of the underworld. I can give you an idea."

Li Ge glanced at Cui Yu and said nothing.

You're the one who can't even tell the difference between a sky-opening ax and a mountain-opening ax, yet you dare to claim to be so smart.

Just don’t trick me then.

Seeing Cui Yu, Li Ge wanted to understand something again.

Even these gods are divided into three, six or nine levels, just like Taishang Laojun is not on the same level as Tauren and Horsemen.

Cui Yu is not a first-class god.

Gong Ren didn't say anything about this, but Li Ge could guess it.

The kind of power that Yao Potian later showed today is definitely the power of a high god.

This evil blood alliance may have existences with higher divine power. This probability is very high.

Li Ge's mind changed quickly and he quickly made a decision. He looked at the sky and said, "It's time to build up my own power."

Isn't that Yao Potian from the Evil Blood Alliance? He will join the Martial God Alliance. When the time comes, he will gather a group of gods as thugs to see who is afraid of whom.

Li Ge nodded, happy for his smart decision.

Looking at the three people not far away who were still digging out mud and stuffing it into bottles, Li Ge sighed. There is still a long way to go!

Forget it, let’s not mention this matter for now, let’s devour the six realms first.

In a fairy land near Mount Tai, a ray of light quickly flew up and flew away.

In front of a spiritual door leading to the small world, the people from Shensheng Biological Company looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

"I finally found the small world. Why did my ancestor leave without saying hello?"

"That's right, it's so strange. I've been looking for this small world for a long time, and it's what my ancestor is most looking forward to. How come it's gone?"

"Who knows? My ancestor looked wrong just now. Something must have happened!"

That light is the incarnation of Yao Potian.

Compared with the small world he just discovered, Yao Potian knows what the big things are.

The palace ninja was released from the seal, and something big was going to happen.

If you are not careful, you will ruin the evil blood alliance's plan, so you must deal with it quickly.

The light point quickly flew to the bottom of a cliff, and then flew into a cave.

Inside the cave, there is actually a small world, a different world.

This is a small world with dense fire clouds in the sky. Apart from the red fire clouds all over the sky, there are only nine volcanoes.

Yao Potian flew to a volcano, and a shadow of a huge peacock with a hundred feathers on its tail appeared in the crater.

It is Yao Potian's peacock statue of King Ming.

The peacock silhouette shouted loudly, and spit out a bright light from the end, hitting a huge bonfire at the center of the nine volcanoes.

The bonfire was lit instantly.

Soon, there was a phoenix cry, and the shadow of a phoenix appeared on a crater, blocking out the sky and the sun, directly covering the crater.

After a while, there was another bull roar, and a huge demonic cow with purple skin appeared on another crater.

After that, there was no more ghostly shadow.

Yao Potian spoke: "Phoenix King, Ox King, just you two?"

The phoenix shadow also spoke. It was a rather majestic female voice, saying: "King Ming, why did you call us after you lit the emergency bonfire?"

"The other kings have their own affairs and have no time to come over."

"I'm afraid the only ones who can come are me and the Ox King."

The Ox King snorted coldly: "Let us come here in a hurry. You must have caused something, right?"

Yao Potian had no choice but to tell the truth: "The palace nin has come out."

"What?" Phoenix King and Ox King both said in shock.

Especially the Ox King, breathing heavily, asked: "How could this happen? It's three years earlier than expected."

"Wasn't the palace ninja sealed in a ten-sealed box and thrown into the abyss of eternal darkness? According to the fate, it will take three years for the God-killing Dark Market to appear before someone can rescue the palace ninja."

"Why did the palace ninja have such a change? What is going on? Prince Ming, you were responsible for handling the palace ninja's seal at the beginning. You have to explain it."

King Huang comforted him and said, "King Ox, please be patient and listen to King Ming's explanation. There may be something fishy about it."

Yao Potian thought for a while and told the whole story without hiding anything.

After hearing the whole story, the Ox King slammed the table and said angrily, "I knew it was you who secretly did something to ruin our big event! We agreed to throw the ten-seal box into the abyss of eternal darkness, but you secretly hid it. Get up! What kind of thoughts do you have, don’t we know?"

The Phoenix King continued to persuade: "Okay, Ox King, things have already happened, let's find a way to save it! The palace ninja breaks through the seal, which means that the God Killing Dark Market will appear three years in advance, and the subsequent catastrophes will also happen soon. One by one, it is useless to complain, and the right way is to come up with solutions as soon as possible."

King Niu stared at Yao Potian's peacock shadow and said: "King Ming, don't think that I don't know what you and Prince Qing are thinking. You secretly hid a piece of the Vast Sea Killing God Order... just to kill me!"

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