Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 483 Accepting the mission

"Whatever task Qin Ri wants to complete, we can just follow him and complete it."

Li Ge smiled.

Jiang Haicheng was the first to understand: "It's just to be the first to complete the task that Qin Ri wants to complete."

"Yes, only big brother can come up with such a clever method. It can not only increase the amount of tasks we complete, but also prevent the other party from completing the task."

"With big brother here, everything is at your fingertips."

Jiang Haicheng also knew very well about Li Ge's strength. Someone who could fight Cui Yu, the judge of life and death, was not something that a few natural disaster-level extraordinary people could handle.

Li Ge takes action, don't be too easy when dealing with Qin Ri.

Ji Lingxin's eyes also lit up. This was indeed a good idea.

Although Ji Lingxin had not seen Li Ge's strength, she had an inexplicable sense of trust in Li Ge.

She felt that there was nothing that Li Ge couldn't do.

Just when the group seemed to see hope, Li Ge said.

"I won't take action!"

Everyone: "You're not going to take action?"

Ji Lingxin and others were a little dumbfounded. If Li Ge didn't take action, how would this matter be solved?

But I heard Li Ge say: "You will know in a moment."

Li Ge didn't explain too much. He planned to treat these missions as military training, and he also wanted to keep an alibi to deceive Qin Riyong in the future.

The breakthrough into the core of the Holy Alliance is probably still with Qin Ri, and this route cannot be cut off.

According to the previous plan, Li Ge took over the task directly.

"Nuocheng, alien, 10 million."

It was just a short sentence, and Li Ge was ready to take it.

Because through the bees placed in the Chenghuang Noodles in Qingzhou City, Li Ge saw that Qin Ri and the others also took up this task.

After opening the task and confirming the identity again, a dialog box appears below.

"Is the Holy Envoy sure you want to take on this mission?"

There are two options Yes and No.

After clicking Yes, it was not immediately confirmed that Li Ge had accepted the task. Instead, the Holy Network sent Li Ge a reminder.

"Ding, please note that after accepting this task, the Holy Envoy needs to carefully read the task requirements to avoid completing the task but not being able to submit it."

"The missions of the Holy Network have higher risks, teamwork is more successful, and the safety factor is also the highest."

"This task requires a minimum of four people. In order to ensure a higher success rate, please bind three additional people as assistants."

Li Gehehe, I didn’t expect this one.

In order to ensure the success rate, there is a limit on the number of people. Why didn't such an important thing be mentioned earlier?

Ji Lingxin was also dumbfounded at this time. She had never been in contact with the Holy Network and didn't know about it.

After Li Ge bound Jiang Haicheng and Yao Wenmao, there was still one person missing.

"What should I do? There is still one less person to accept the task."

Li Ge didn't expect to get stuck here despite all his calculations.

It's too late to find someone now. Besides, in this competition, the other party needs to be Ji Lingxin's assistant in order to join the mission.

Just when Li Ge's head was getting bigger, he heard Ji Lingxin say: "Why don't you join me too?"

As he said that, Ji Lingxin took out a mark identifying the C-level holy envoy of the Holy Alliance: "When you went for the test just now, Uncle Wang and I applied for the status of a holy envoy. I am now a C-level holy envoy, and I am also a C-level holy envoy. You should be able to join.”

"I thought I was needed to kill people." Li Ge joked, adding Ji Lingxin to the team and accepting the task.

After accepting, the entire mission information was sent over.

"In Nuocheng City, the Iceberg Bar and the Holy Alliance boundary discovered an alien reaction."

"quantity: 1."

"Identity and ability unknown."

"Complete the mission: No matter life or death, you need to bring the other party's body back."

"Mission time: one month. If it exceeds the mission time, it will be considered a mission failure."

"Note: If multiple people accept the task at the same time, the corpse will be the main one. The one who can bring the corpse back will be the one who completes the task."

This last sentence can be regarded as solving Li Ge's doubts about accepting tasks and determining tasks.

The mission information provided by the Holy Network couldn't be simpler. In fact, except for the location information, which is useful, the others are equivalent to hand-off shopkeepers. If you want to know more, I'm sorry, you can only investigate the situation yourself. , Holy Net is not responsible.

If you go to the field to investigate the situation and lock in the target, you may not be able to waste much time.

Fortunately, someone has already done this kind of investigation for them.

Qin Ri's previous investigation materials were clearly written. Li Ge memorized every word without missing a word.

"Alien: Mirror Demon."

“Location: Iceberg Bar in Nuocheng City”

"Strength level: around level seven in the field"

"Ability: 1. The front face of the Mirror Demon is like a mirror. Anyone who sees the front face will be controlled by the Mirror Demon. 2. The Mirror Demon can travel through the mirror. Be extremely careful. If there is any trouble, he will immediately escape through the mirror."

"Notes: The Mirror Demon is naturally cautious and has already controlled the hotel owner and a group of extraordinary beings. If you want to deal with the Mirror Demon, you must not alert the enemy. Try to find a way to spare the eyes and ears of your subordinates and eliminate the demon in one fell swoop."

"Characteristics: The Mirror Demon likes to eat young and beautiful women. He will let his men abduct different women into the bedroom every day. You can use this as a breakthrough point."

It has to be said that the Qin family worked very hard for Qin Ri this time. It would be impossible to investigate such useful things in such detail in less than half a month.

No wonder the Holy Alliance's mission can be given a one-month deadline. This investigation preparation will take a lot of time, and it cannot be accomplished in a short time.

As for what means the Qin family used to investigate the Mirror Demon so clearly, Li Ge didn't care.

This was the second time he came into contact with a foreign race. Li Ge still sighed at the tricky abilities of the foreign race.

One is that he can be controlled when he sees his face, the other is the ability to escape between different mirrors, and his cowardice. If you can't catch the opponent's flaw, it's really a troublesome thing to catch this guy.

After explaining the matter about the Mirror Demon clearly to the three people, Ji Lingxin and the other three were at a loss.

Jiang Haicheng scratched his head: "There is also a species like the Mirror Demon. What is this? Has the mirror become a spirit? I have never heard of it in Xuan Yi Sect before."

"That is to say, a strong attack is not possible. Otherwise, we will alert the snake and the mirror demon will escape directly. We must wait until the mirror demon shows up before we can take action." Ji Lingxin gritted his teeth and held it in for a long time before he came up with an idea: "Otherwise, I can be used as bait. This mirror demon likes young and beautiful women. I will lure her out. Remember to save me."

Li Ge was speechless: "You are not smart when you should be smart, and you are blindly smart when you shouldn't be smart."

Ji Lingxin pouted: "There is no other way. I came up with this plan with great determination in order to complete the task. Could it be that besides this, do you have a better way?"

Li Ge smiled, waved his hand, and took out an arrow ant and a bee: "We don't need to do anything this time, just rely on them."

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