Naomia lamented that this man was so lucky. If he walked slower, Naomia would take action to catch him.

Nameya has been putting up with a mere human being gesticulating in front of him for a long time.

There are many small houses located among the ruins, which look like brick houses of fifty or sixty square meters.

The front door of this house is a rusty iron gate, but it is protected by a barrier and it is difficult for ordinary people to break through.

The other holy envoys looked for several rooms and tried to break through, but they couldn't get in after a lot of effort.

On Yue Die's side, with the help of the four personal guards, he successfully opened the door of a house. After opening it, several people were surprised.

There is actually a whole other world in this small house.

Even though it is only fifty square meters in size from the outside, it is actually the size of several residential areas inside.

After a few people entered, many holy envoys also followed.

After multiple confirmations, this place was a corner of the central city that was swallowed up.

"It's about the distance between two streets!" Yue Die looked at the street signs and said, "It's Zhenxing Street and Binhe Road."

When he came, Yue Die did his homework.

The abyss appeared, and a total of 110 streets in the central city were swallowed up.

Zhenxing Street and Binhe Road are two of them.

Yue Die looked back and saw that the door they opened was like a door of light, floating in mid-air. And on the edge of the street, there is the sky, which looks like colorful clouds and fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

"So, these scattered small houses are the streets that were swallowed up." Jiang Haicheng reacted quickly and guessed a little, saying, "It's very possible that Ji Lingxin is in a certain house!"

It sounds mysterious, but now it seems that is the case.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why you can reach the street after opening the door.

Yue Die thought of something and immediately ordered Jiang Haicheng: "You and Teng Man go out and guard the door. If someone closes the door, we won't be able to get out!"

When Jiang Haicheng heard that, he immediately took the vines out.

It's not impossible.

More and more holy envoys came in, and there was a lot of discussion on the street when they saw the seal sealed in the house, and some people went back to report the matter to Heijingang.

"Are you here to save us?" Someone popped his head out from the next room and shouted when he saw the crowd that suddenly came in.

This person is also a strong person, so he is more courageous.

They stayed in this street for two days, looking for the stars and the moon, and finally looked forward to people.

More and more people appeared and walked towards the holy envoys.

Black King Kong also arrived at this time, and his eyes lit up when he saw survivors.

They didn't find anything when they came down this time. By finding these survivors, they were able to communicate with the superiors.

There was no need for Yue Die and others to intervene in the remaining matters.

Black King Kong immediately organized people to gather the people who had been living on the streets for the past two days and evacuate them.

There are 5,743 people in total.

After arriving outside, the originally empty central ruins seemed a bit crowded.

Yue Die actually found two people to inquire about the situation.

"We were staying well at home. Suddenly the ground shook and we arrived here." The man said: "We didn't know what happened. Later we found that we were trapped in this closed area and walked out of the street. The range is the five-color smoke, and no one can get out."

"Other than being trapped inside, nothing strange has happened in the past two days. If you hadn't come, we would have starved to death. My family doesn't have enough food to last three days."

"Did nothing happen except being trapped?" Yue Die said naturally to himself.

When we got outside, several people discussed it.

"Ji Lingxin is most likely to be in those houses in the ruins. It's a good thing that no accidents happen, but we have to hurry up. Food is a problem. Being trapped in that small world, I'm afraid that if I don't hurry up, Ji Lingxin will be Starved to death." Jiang Haicheng said.

The three men did what they said, and with the help of the four personal guards, they pried open three doors.

But I didn't expect that each of the three doors is different.

The first of these three small brick houses is trapped in two swallowed streets, Peace Street and Dahe Road, as before.

Yue Die and Yao Wenmao, along with bees, arrow ants, and spiders, went in to look for people. Jiang Haicheng and Teng Wen were guarding the door and could not let anyone else close the door.

More than 8,000 survivors were found, but Ji Lingxin was still not seen.

After the second brick building was opened, it was not a sealed street. Inside was a pit of bones with a diameter of a thousand meters. The bones inside were densely packed, covering the entire pit, with as many as tens of thousands of bodies.

Those who watched it felt numb.

Several of the holy envoys who came to watch the excitement were so frightened that they peed.

After reading it, the Holy Envoy said with great imagination: "Isn't this pit of bones the final fate of these streets? Think about it, the streets are sealed in these small houses. If no one rescues them, it is estimated that In less than a month, everyone will starve to death, and in ten or eight years, there will only be bones left. It feels like these rooms are just for raising bones."

This explanation is cruel, but it makes sense.

"I'm afraid this is really possible!" Yue Die shook his lips and said.

Jiang Haicheng also agreed and said: "There used to be a poison sect in the cultivation sect. Their method of raising poison was to find a big pit and put all the poison in it. Let's see in a few years, whoever survives to the end will be the strongest." Poison. The two are different, but they have the same purpose. That is raising Gu, and this is raising skeletons."

Yao Wenmao shuddered, "If this is really the case, this is too cruel."

After Yao Wenmao said this, he stopped talking. He suddenly thought that the Yao family had done this kind of thing before in Bincheng.

"Never mind this, let's act quickly. Finding Ji Lingxin right away is the right way!"

Yue Die observed that there were twenty such small brick houses among the ruins. If one brick house has two streets, twenty brick houses would equal forty streets, which is far from the 110 streets that were swallowed up.

There should still be other streets, but I just couldn't find them.

The way several people opened the door was very simple and crude. Yue Die, Jiang Haicheng and others, as well as the leaders, pushed the door open together. After a tiny gap appeared in the door, they squeezed the smaller Teng Man inside.

Use Teng Man's expansion power to open the iron door protected by the barrier power.

As long as a gap of about five centimeters can be opened, the barrier will naturally break.

This method works time and time again.

The actions of Yue Die and others also attracted the attention of other holy envoys.

After all, they had tried this door before. No matter how hard they tried, it wouldn't budge. Only Yue Die and others could open it.

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