Start from breaking the limits of the human body

Chapter 492 [The Heavenly Monument of the Avenue! 】

Shanhaiguan, Jiutianguan.

The first pass is Shanhai City.


The glorious end of the Super Star Hub.

Wu Dao and a group of heavenly emperors who were also recruited came out of the altar before they had time to observe the desolate vastness of Shanhaiguan.


The sound of thunderous rolling waves.

Coming from far away.

The tide of the road rolled up and shook the endless and infinite dimensions. The vast Shanhaiguan instantly turned into a lonely boat in the angry sea, crumbling but always standing strong.

boom! !

When that tide accumulates to its limit.

The huge waves suddenly hit the dike that cut across everything outside Shanhaiguan, stirring up a strange curtain of time and space.

Among the splashing waves.

Wu Dao observed various rules and orders of the Great Dao that belonged to Suigu Taichu, which was the wild power of the Great Dao to create time and space in the heavens.

Within the waves.

Infinite dimensions are arising and passing away.

The universe and the universe are opened and extinguished in the water droplets, and the giant waves composed of large groups form an extremely abstract and grotesque scene.

Those with insufficient life forms.

I am afraid that I will be overwhelmed by the amount of information carried by this big wave hitting Shanhaiguan.

"Is this Taichu Yuhai? It has been rumored since ancient times that Shanhaiguan is a wasteland opened up by Hong Yuan. The closer Tianguan is to the Sea of ​​Chaos, the older and wilder the space-time pattern of heaven and earth becomes."

"That's right. The layout of Jiutianguan is a simulated rebirth of the great avenue, the ancient form when the world was just opened."

"The ten thousand rules and order in the great avenue are too primitive and violent. Our heavenly emperors in the tenth level are faintly depressed, and the inner civilized world has a tendency to be torn apart by the field."

"Normally, Jiutian Pass is the battlefield of Hunyuan. In addition to Taichu Yuhai's field, there are also various destruction fields left behind by the Hunyuan War."

"Hunyuan, the Hunyuan in the Tao is the most extreme. There are very few heavens in this sequence. Therefore, there is generally no war in Jiutian Pass. Once there are all the heavenly emperors, they are just cannon fodder."

‘Hunyuan within the Tao is the ultimate. ’

Wu Dao listened to the discussions of the Heavenly Emperors around him. If he had seen it before, he would have approved it, but now he was unconvinced.

Because above Hunyuan.

There are also shortcuts and Taoists.

and even……

People like the Great Deity.

Human perspective cognition.

Will increase with the contact information.

Once came to the time of Hongyuan.

Wu Dao believed that the emperor was a great figure in Hong Yuan, and even had the ridiculous idea that Hong Yuan could have at most a few thousand emperors.

I was once proud of collecting imperial scriptures.

But came to Shanhaiguan.

After seeing Hong Yuan’s background.

He just understood.

The Great Emperor is nothing at all. The stronger Heavenly Emperors are all expendables, and only the Ultimate Hunyuan can be called a true giant.


He is also grateful for his narrow vision before.

If he was so ambitious and came to Shanhaiguan in advance, the starting point would not be Wutianguan, and he would not be able to collect the Hongyuan Emperor Sutra at all under the shock of Tianzhu.


Whether the three stages of life can be created in the same way is a question.

As for the Emperor Sutra of Shanhai.

The Shanhai Avenue has not yet been fully formed.

The all-things-stealing stage of the Heaven Stealing Machine cannot be progressed at all, and it is hard to say what his Yuanci Dao Heaven Stealing Machine will look like.

‘There are indeed few battles at Jiutian Pass, and during the time I came to Shanhaiguan, I didn’t hear any news about Hunyuan’s death in battle. ’

Thoughts fell back.

While Wu Dao was escorting people from the Senate Military Department to the dam where he took office, he was also thinking about the battle at Jiutian Pass.

It is said that the Hunyuan within the Tao is the ultimate.

Although a bit empty.

But it also fully illustrates the power of the Hunyuan field. Every Hunyuan is one of the main structures in the avenue.

The Tao Yun radiates and rests on the heavens of the Tao.

He has initially stood at the origin of the Tao, and his own civilization is closely related to the fate of the Tao. Therefore, the Tao will not be destroyed and people will not be destroyed.

The only time to kill them.

Only when the energy of immeasurable calamities disrupts the path.

The connection between Hunyuan civilization and Dao will be infinitely weakened, making it difficult to return with the help of Dao Yun.

But that's hard too.

Because the life form of Hunyuan itself is a conceptual life that is more terrifying than the eternal life, it is impossible to refine the opponent to death in the same realm and level.

The reason why Hunyuan was not killed in Jiutianguan.

That's why.

The number of hunyuan in the two realms is too small. Basically, they all have names and surnames. From the first to the thirty-third heaven, both realms are registered in registers.

There is no such thing as hiding.


Every time the two worlds fight.

Basically, they are fighting against each other, and there will be no opportunity for the big one to bully the small ones. There is only a simple victory or defeat. There is no heroic sacrifice, and we don't dare to sacrifice Hunyuan at will.

There is one more thing worth saying.

The emperors of heaven want to become Hunyuan.

Ordinary luck cannot provide for advancement in civilization at all, because the transformation from the Emperor of Heaven to Hunyuan is too terrifying.

There is only one way to luck the cake.

Eat one piece.

Only the emperors of the heavens can achieve Hunyuan.

Hence the current Hunyuan.

They are basically some old antique living fossils, the distributors of profits in various tribulations, and the youngest Hunyuan of the Five Tribulations is hundreds of thousands of years old.

This is quite an abstract contradiction.

No calamity.

It is impossible to achieve Hunyuan and enlightenment.

Open tribulation.

And the heavens are destined to be dark.

Good thing.

Currently Wu Dao does not have this restriction.

The body is like a great road, compatible with all ways.

His Yuanci Dao is not incompatible with other Dao civilizations, and can directly plunder the good fortune of the fruits of ten thousand Dao civilizations.


It is possible to ‘exploit’ the great path before it is enlightened.

For him.

The biggest stumbling block may be the civilization and luck required for attaining enlightenment. The creatures below the path cannot satisfy him at all.


Wu Dao suspected that even if he became the "destiny" of this calamity, the ultimate victor might not be able to provide him with the true enlightenment of Yuanci Dao even if he had one calamity of luck.

Because according to the current trend.

When he is approaching enlightenment, Yuanci Dao will step into the path of five tribulations. It is impossible for him to throw watermelons and pick sesame seeds. The foundation of the five tribulations that he has worked so hard to build will only be one when he finally transcends.

Not to mention.

In one calamity, Daoxing wanted to game the Great Heavenly Lord.

I'm afraid it's not realistic either.

How to break out of the siege, and how to achieve enlightenment after breaking out of the siege.

became the primary issue in Wu Dao's mind.

There is probably an assumption.

But there is no way to get around Shanhai, Great Heavenly Lord, and other powerful competitors in the Sixth Tribulation.


Between the ups and downs of thoughts.

Wu Dao followed the envoys from Shanhaiguan and arrived at the seat of the Senate, the center of power at Jiutianguan.

After arriving in this area.

He could clearly feel the huge and vast aura of a dormant statue, like the ups and downs of the great abyss, swallowing up everything and occupying the majesty of a concept.

A series of glances.

Calm and waveless, as heavy as the sky.

It came from the dojo of unknown distant time and space and hit him.

But this is just a taste.

There is no domineering or condescending feeling, nor can he feel any emotions. They all seem to be ruthless and desireless supreme gods.

But Wu Dao understood.

This is just his illusion.

Heartlessness and desirelessness are emptiness and emptiness without wisdom.

As long as it is an intelligent and autonomous creature, there is no such thing as ruthlessness and desirelessness, unless it is just a cold running program.

not sure.

At this moment, deep in the Senate.

There was an old yinbi watching him, eager and thirsty, but his nature was too high for him to notice.

Speaking of that old Yinbi.

I have to say it’s really hidden.

So far, the Overseer's Law Enforcement Team has only confirmed that the big tiger is one of the elders.

Before there is no accurate target.

I don't dare to alert the snake at all.

Because the price is too high.

Each of the nine elders of the original Elder Academy is at the peak of Hunyuan cultivation. If the target is not confirmed, they will act rashly.

Once it explodes.

There is no heavenly punishment in Jiutianguan!

After leaving the Senate area.

"Isn't there a big battle in Jiutianguan recently?"

Wu Dao sensed the vast magnetic field information observed along the way, and knew that those were Hunyuan strongmen from Jiutian Pass, so he couldn't help but ask the guide.

"It just ended half a month ago."

The envoy who received Wu Dao was a member of the Law Enforcement Department who was at the peak of the Immortal Heavenly Emperors. He replied with a serious smile.

The end.

He seemed to think that Wu Dao was a little special, so he added another reminder:

"The battle in Hunyuan basically does not involve victory or death. The battlefield is basically in the depths of Taichu Yuhai, and it will not affect the emperors of heaven.


The key to victory or defeat in Jiutian Pass is still under Hunyuan, for the time being. "

"Is that so? Thank you for reminding me."

Wu Dao nodded and thanked him.

In just one sentence, the envoy received a clear summary of the situation at Jiutianguan.

There is no victory or defeat in Hunyuan, life or death.

That's because Hunyuan has reached the normal limit within the Tao. Anyone who can reach this point is an unparalleled person, and there is basically no innate advantage gap.

The only difference.

There is only one level higher than the other.

But in the rare case of Hunyuan catching and fighting, this gap will not happen.


The role of Hong Yuan and Hunyuan giants.

Basically, it is Hunyuan blocking the mountains and seas.

The key to victory or defeat every time is still the fight between the emperors and emperors under Hunyuan.

The envoy reminded him deliberately.

I want to tell Wu Dao.

The battlefield at Jiutian Pass is far more brutal than that at Eight Heaven Pass. Even the peak emperors are worthless here, so don't be careless and arrogant.

The current situation at Jiutianguan is miserable.

Half of the territory is gone.

suffice it to say.

In the past wars, the emperors of the heavens on Hong Yuan's side were basically no match for Shan Hai, perhaps because of their numbers, or perhaps because of the innate gap.

all in all.

Once the emperors of the heavens step into the Nine Heavens Pass, they are basically half-footed on the road to heroism.

In just three years.

Without the follow-up reinforcements from the heavens, it is said that less than 10% of the original heavenly emperors in Shanhaiguan remain.

'That is……'

After leaving the veteran area of ​​Shanhai City.

Wu Dao raised his eyes and finally found the world-shattering monument he had heard about for a long time in the center of the vast city -

The main body of the Avenue Sky Monument!

It carries the great road to the top and shakes the mountains and seas below!

The endless rosy clouds are colorful and bizarre.

The heavens and the world are opened up heavily, and everything will exist due to existence. All phenomena and everything in the avenue seem to be in that monument.

It's so majestic that even with Wu Dao's current perspective, he can't even observe the true face of the sky monument.

The amount of information carried.

It seems like you are truly facing the unspeakable avenue.

It even made Wu Dao feel dizzy.

He could only vaguely sense it.

All the magnetic field veins and information carried by the ten heavenly gates in Shanhaiguan, as well as the destiny of all living beings, seemed to be all gathered and intertwined there and suppressed by the Great Avenue Sky Monument.


This is also one of the sources of the power of the Taoist artifact of the Great Dao Heaven Monument. The manifestation of the Great Dao combines the magnetic force of the ten heavenly gates, which is unimaginably great.

The magnetic field core of Shanhaiguan...

Wu Dao took a deep look at the somewhat illusory or weak Great Avenue Sky Monument, and withdrew his magnetic field perception, which was swollen and painful by the amount of information.

The Avenue Sky Monument integrates all magnetic fields.

Not accurate.

Because of the power of the magnetic field in the forbidden area where the tribulation energy is deposited in Shanhaiguan, the Great Avenue Sky Monument cannot be fully integrated.

This is what Wu Dao is doing.

Every lift.

After satisfying his self-cultivation needs, he would secretly send the extra incarnations to various restricted areas in Shanhaiguan to sort out the context.

It doesn’t matter whether it works or not.

Not daring to do anything is sad.

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