It didn’t take long for the GBA short sale to spark.

Most of the players’ consoles arrived one after another, and their respective Mewtwo Capture Battles began.

[Mewtwo] related entries once again dominated the hot search list of V Bo.

V Bo hot search list No. 34: [GBA host has arrived, Mewtwo I’m coming! ] 】

V Bo hot search list No. 21: [Mewtwo].

V Bo hot search list No. 9: [Mewtwo 1 wears 6 come in and set!!] 】

The charm of Mewtwo has attracted countless players.

Its power has also attracted countless players.

Players who are beaten by Mewtwo love and hate this powerful Pokémon.

On V Bo, more are those cloud players who did not buy the first batch of GBA+ cartridges.

They can only watch live broadcasts, or see screenshots of console players on the Pokemon official website forum and V Game comment area.

The strong lemon flavor spread throughout the Internet.

After all.

There are only 50,000 GBA hosts.

However, the number of “Pokemon” downloads on PC is gradually approaching 3 million!

The actual number of enthusiast-level players is definitely not less than 2 million.

2 million Pokemon enthusiasts vs 50,000 GBA hosts.

This supply really can’t keep up with demand.

“Mr. Ma, the GBA is really sold out, it’s not the server crash of the official website!”

Penguin Corporation.

After a few days of investigating the real situation, Li Yan was already stupid: “Forest Wolf Heaven actually sold all 50,000 game consoles in less than 1 second!” ”

“A machine with that kind of performance actually sells so well?”

Twist Vine still couldn’t believe it: “I look at the trend on the Internet, it seems that many players are waiting for the second batch of consoles to go on sale?” ”

Selling 50,000 units in a second is not enough, there are still a large number of players waiting to send money to the timberwolf sky?

This is what the twist vine dreamed of.

Never thought that the Penguin Company was not realized, but was realized by a timberwolf sky studio?

“Mr. Ma, how about we also develop a game console?”

Li Yan took out a GBA from his bag: “This is the GBA I charged at a high price in the secondary market, and its production method is not complicated.” ”

After buying this GBA from the secondary market for close to 2000.

Li Yan studied how GBA is made.

Seriously, compared to Bluestar’s complex electronics, GBA is really not difficult to do.

“With the scientific research level of our penguins, we can completely reduce the cost to a lower level.”

On plagiarism to follow the trend, penguins are definitely old/quacks.

Their R&D department only needs to get the blueprint of other game companies, and they can quickly reduce the cost and copy the trend to make imitations.

Through price reduction, as well as large-scale publicity by penguins, they can copy the original and achieve market exclusivity.

Now, the emergence of GBA, a game console, heralds the birth of the big cake of the game console market.

This big cake, Penguin doesn’t want to let only the Timberwolf family swallow it alone!

“You think the same way I do.”

Twist Vine nodded: “At that time, port “Cute Pet Collection” to our penguin’s game console as the main game.” ”

“By the way, the price cannot be too low, although our development cost can be controlled very low, but the pricing ensures the machine’s compulsion.”

The GBA has already preempted the market, and it is completely pointless to want to fight a price war with him.

Therefore, the twist vine decides the host of the penguin, and the main focus is forced / grid!

“Let the public relations department send some soft articles to promote the host we are about to produce.”

Twist Vine continued to order: “Isn’t the popularity of “Pokemon” and GBA high now? Let’s rub their heat! ”

In addition to plagiarism following the trend.

Penguin’s publicity ability is also first-class.

A little later.

An advertisement from Penguin appeared on V Bo.

“Penguin’s latest scientific research project: WeGame, a game console, is coming soon!”

“The era of game consoles driven by GBA is coming, and Penguin’s latest game console is about to be officially announced!”

“The Cute Pet Collection can be played not only on a computer, but also on consoles like Pokemon!”

“A more fun console than the GBA? Penguin New Product WG gives you a better gaming experience! ”

In addition to these soft articles that rub GBA and “Pokemon” popularity.

Penguin also uses the energy of its own entertainment projects to let many top players in the entertainment industry warm up for their hosts on V Bo.

Top Stream Kun: “Babies, let’s grab the pre-sale of WeGame, I heard that this is a game console from Penguin, which is more fun than GBA~”

Top Standing: “Are you still playing GBA?” Why doesn’t anyone play WG, which is more powerful than it? ”

Top stream….

These traffic stars affiliated with the Penguin Entertainment Project began to warm up WeGame, the original Penguin game console, on V Bo.

The popularity of rubbing GBA, coupled with the posting of a group of traffic, and Penguin smashed a lot of money on V blog promotion.

V Bo hot search list.

WeGame’s related entries have come to the top 1 position of the hot search list!

This game console, which only exists in the concept of penguin and has not yet been officially developed, has already taken advantage in popularity.

In this case of explosion of heat, Penguin decisively opened the pre-sale of the game console WG.

It is completely different from Wang Yan’s sales strategy of selling as much spot as there is.

Penguin chose the most daring sales strategy:

As many pre-sale orders as there are, they produce as many units!

Seeing that WG’s online clamor is so high, Penguin also added a clause to the pre-sale terms:

“If you feel that you are not satisfied with anything within 48 hours of the arrival of the host, you can return it unconditionally for a refund!”

Even a machine like the GBA can sell out, Penguin is convinced:

The WG host with its own publicity is full, the performance is better, and the WG host with “Cute Pet Collection” will definitely sell better.

It’s enough to grab the game console market!


After dinner, seeing the news related to the explosion of heat on the Internet, Wang Yan wanted to laugh a little.

One of the reasons is: WeGame is so familiar!

On the other hand.

Wang Yan felt that the penguin was brain-pumping.

It’s just a matter of plagiarizing and copying games, how dare you copy the game console that follows the trend?

In particular, the main direction of this penguin host is actually performance and forced / grid?

This is a completely wrong path, okay!

Your console doesn’t have a console-exclusive game that attracts consumers, why sell out?

The most burning.

Penguin actually dares to open the option of unconditional refund and return within 48 hours?

Wang Yan was no longer able to complain.

It seems that penguins do not spend money to suffer some losses, and they are uncomfortable in their hearts!

(Update sent, today’s flower evaluation tickets are very few, please readers to give a wave, thank you very much!) )

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