“Penguin, is it worthy of us to develop this money-making game?! 【Anger】RNM!! Refund!!! [anger] [anger]”

In the game forum of the penguin game “Cute Pet Collection”.

The most prominent position is the post with such a headline.

The landlord of this post posted his high consumption record in “Cute Pet Collection”.

He is an absolute RMB player and has 2 Ws in the game.

“1 screenshot on the upper floor, there is a water army in the province spraying me as a cloud player!”

After posting the screenshot, the owner of the post continued to write:

“When Penguin advertised that it was originally drawn by the top domestic comic book author, I was looking forward to this game.”

“And on the first day of the official sale, I bought it at the original price, and on the first day, I got 3 488s!”

What the landlord said was all evidenced by screenshots.

Although Bluestar’s games are not great, the service content related to the game industry is still very sound.

All of the player’s spending records are permanently preserved and will not disappear due to the passage of time.

“When I first started consuming, I was still full of joy because the original paintings were really beautiful.”

“But as I spend more and more in the “Cute Pet Collection”, my heart becomes more and more empty.”

“Going online every day is staring at the original paintings of these pets, and then there are endless recharges, krypton gold, and lotteries.”

“Is that really how the game is? At one point, I began to doubt life! ”

The landlord wrote here, and many “Cute Pet Collection” players who are reading the post are also empathetic.

What this game brings them is not happiness at all, but the consumption of krypton gold, which is boring after a burst of shaking.

Space is empty!

“This endless sense of emptiness was filled after I tried to play Pokemon.”

“From picking elves, to elf battles, elf captures, NPC battles, gym battles, and the story of the game.”

“What the game Pokemon brings me is the joy and fulfillment that the game can really bring me!”

“Compared to the Cute Pet Collection, Pokemon is a real game!”

“What’s more, “Pokemon” only needs 9 blocks 9 to download, and there is no additional recharge and consumption in the future!”

“In contrast, “Cute Pet Collection” is a game of cheating money, I hope Penguin stops this cheating behavior and returns the money as soon as possible!!”

At this point in the post, the number of top post users at the bottom has exploded.

A large number of “Cute Pet Collection” players praised the content written by this landlord.

This post really resonated with this group of heavy krypton gold players.

“I haven’t opened The Cute Collection since playing Pokemon.”

“Upstairs, I’m just like you!”

“I have thousands of krypton in “Cute Pet Collection”, although not as good as the big guys, but also a krypton gold player, since I downloaded “Pokemon”, I saw the icon of “Cute Pet Collection”, I was disgusted!”

“A thousand words, penguins, RNM! Refund!! ”

In addition to these resonant players, most players who have not played Pokemon are confused.

“What is this “Pokemon” really as fun as the landlord said?”

“Wouldn’t it? “Cute Pet Collection” is a top pet collection game developed and produced by Penguin with huge investment, and even the leader of domestic pet collection games! ”

“Can you actually devalue the “Cute Pet Collection”? It won’t be the trolls of the game Pokemon, right? ”

“Whether it’s a water army or not, I’ll download “Pokemon” first to play, anyway, it’s only 9 pieces of 9, it’s not expensive.”

Compared to the high buyout fee of “Cute Pet Collection”.

“Pokemon” can be bought out for download for just 9 pieces.

These players have nothing to hesitate about.

If you have doubts about this post, simply spend less than ten dollars to buy “Pokemon” to play, and then everything will naturally have an answer.

Just looking at the post, it doesn’t really matter.

The point is that these players who have not played “Pokemon” start trying to play “Pokemon” after they start trying to play “Pokemon”.

The entire forum of “Cute Pet Collection” has completely fallen.

The comparison between the pros and cons of the two also pet collecting games is too obvious.

In the words of a lot of players:

“”Pokemon” is to hang “Cute Pet Collection” in all aspects!”

Penguin’s high-level emergency meeting.

Seeing the posts on the forum that generally ask for money back, the twist vine people are numb.

“Mr. Ma, what should we do now?”

The head of Penguin’s public relations department was also anxious: “Can’t you really give players money back?” ”

Once upon a time, penguins were high and did not treat players as human beings at all.

Now, being ridden on the head by this group of players output?

Or even return money to this group of players who were wrongly treated by themselves?

How can there be such a truth?

“Don’t panic, what this group of players wants is not necessarily to return the money.”

Twist vine’s brain quickly thought of a delaying measure: “They just feel that their consumption is not satisfied by the corresponding value.” ”

“So, aren’t we going to open a new service recently? Take this opportunity to give some benefits to old players. ”

“At the same time, discount the buyout fees for new users…”

As the boss of the penguin, the ability of the twist vine to fool the player is absolutely nothing.

Just at the threshold when the “Cute Pet Collection” forum has been brushed by RNM money refund, the official headwind output of the game is at the top of the official post:

“The new server of “Cute Pet Collection” is opened, and the old players will get the [Out-of-Print White Tiger] activation code after charging 9 blocks 9 for the first time after registering an account with the new server!”

“Welcome to the opening of the new service, the limited-time half-price sales event of “Cute Pet Collection” has begun, and the official website of old players will receive out-of-print skin exchange coupons for a limited time!!”

With the opening of the new server, old players can receive the activation code of the out-of-print cute pet, while new players buy the game at half price, and old players can also receive compensation for out-of-print skins.

It has to be said.

This wave of bloodletting by penguins really effectively alleviated the one-sided wind comments on the forum.

At least in the short term, “Cute Pet Collection” will not have a large-scale wave of money backs.

“Mr. Ma, the effect of our event this time is very good, and the wind direction of the forum has eased a lot.”

Li Yan, the person in charge of Penguin’s “Cute Pet Collection” project, submitted a market research report to Twist Vine: “This is what you asked us to investigate——


“Pokemon” player good bad review report. ”

In addition to saving the game reputation of “Cute Pet Collection”.

Twist Vine also focused on the game Pokemon.

Since there is a big V Bo, he found the black dot output of “Cute Pet Collection”.

Then the penguin is looking for the black spot of “Pokemon”, and a wave of heavy punches will completely kill this hot mini-game!

Wait until the production company of “Pokemon” can’t withstand the pressure of public opinion // opinion.

That’s the perfect time for Penguin to buy Pokemon at a low price!

(The new book is on the road, please thank you very much for your flower ticket support!) )

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