Start Slime

Chapter 78 ?

Chapter 78

The giant tree piercing into the sky, the blue light dancing grass.


A group of uninvited guests stepped into this beautiful and dreamy jungle, causing a puddle of water to splash.

"Brother Zhizhang, why don't we discuss tactics, this is a cooperative promotion task after all."

The Hercules asked the red-robed mage who was leading the way, and raised his own questions.

"It's just a group of goblins. What tactics are needed? I can kill them all by myself."

The praise from the elf Celia inflated Zhizhang's mentality, and he confidently opened the way ahead.

Under the waving of his proficient flame magic "burning hand", he burned all the weeds and straws that blocked the road.

Just mastering the proficient fire magic in this hand also gave him the capital of self-confidence.

Ouyang Xiu didn't speak out against it, he wished for someone to open the way ahead, and it was foreseeable that Lorraine's goblins would also not be their opponents.

Their mentality will be more superior, and they will rush to the front line in the subsequent battles, which will help Ouyang Xiu understand the next monster.

Just as the nine of them stepped into the same blue stone gate in between, the reminder from Dreamland was long overdue.

[The second ring of the promotion task: the depths of Lorraine.

A long time ago, when elves and humans coexisted peacefully in the forest, Lorraine, a closed and peaceful forest, was once a common paradise for both parties.

The Elwynn line of defense is a safe place that can prevent all external invasions.

But later, because of the greedy nature of human beings, the elves completely lost confidence in human beings.

As the elves left one after another, Lorraine was occupied by a large number of goblins and other inferior creatures at some unknown time.

And in the depths of Loran with towering ancient trees, there are many minotaurs living in them. Their huge bodies have powerful power. It is rumored that the goblins admire these minotaurs very much.

Recently, relying on the power of the Minotaur, goblins began to brutally harm the surrounding residents...]

[All reincarnators must wipe out all the monsters in the depths of Lorraine, otherwise the mission will fail. 】

[Hint: The monsters in the continent of Arad are extremely tenacious, and it is difficult to cause fatal damage to them. 】

Hearing the reminder from the paradise, several of the reincarnated who had been trapped by the paradise before felt shuddered, recalling the strange feeling when they attacked the goblin just now.

Obviously those few goblins are going to die, the small wooden sticks hit people without pain or itching, but they can't kill them in a short time.

It can be seen that the Wisdom Stick used two fireballs to kill a goblin just now.

The monsters in this world are most likely the type with low attack and high defense.

A few reincarnations who had been tricked guessed something, but they didn't say anything on the surface, still laughing and laughing like a primary school student in Spring and Autumn, following behind Zhizhang.

"Fireball, speed up singing!"

A fireball condensed from the Wisdom Staff within half a second, blasting a goblin who was charging up with a wooden stick and flying backwards.

Before the goblin got up, another fireball technique was used to blow it into pieces.

Afterwards, the Wisdom Staff maintained the posture of casting the fireball technique, and turned around to scan the reincarnated people.

The thinking expressions of the few reincarnated people just now were seen in his eyes, and he felt that it was necessary to 'warn'.

"Don't think that I don't know the little Jiujiu in your heart. If you want to steal monsters, just show some skills."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was shocked, and all the reincarnated people fell silent.

ah? We are worried about the difficulty of the follow-up, why are you so inflated, magic doesn't need mana?


Wisdom Stick, who had a panoramic view of the sluggish expression of the reincarnation, knew that his burst fireball technique had achieved the expected effect, and became even more pretentious.

"Don't worry, I'm not a person who eats alone. When there are more goblins, I will give you some."

After throwing down these words, Wisdom Wand did not stop, and continued to show his magic skills.

"One mind, two purposes, double focus fireball."

Although the name is long and dazzling, it actually means that the Wisdom Staff raises both hands, and gathers two fireballs at the same time, each hitting the remaining two goblins.

The reincarnated people on the side watched his performance quietly, and no one interrupted him.

After passing through the second stone gate, the scene in front of them verified everyone's conjecture.

Behind the first stone gate, there were only three goblins, but this time, there were a dozen of them.

"Well, there seems to be a lot of goblins this time. Everyone, let's go together. I still understand the reason for eating together."

Seeing the sudden increase of enemies, Zhizhang gave a fake cough twice, and encouraged everyone to kill the enemies together.

Everyone also intended to ease the embarrassment of Zhizhang, and they all made a relief.

"Mr. Zhizhang is powerful, but two fists are no match for four hands. We will help."

The meaning of everyone is very simple, there is a reincarnated person who likes to pretend to be the boss and go up to be reckless.

So they used their paddling methods one after another, and each picked a goblin to fight.

Among them, the combination of Ouyang Xiu and Ruoyu is the most extreme. It's fine for the two to stick together all day, and only two of them choose a goblin.

It doesn't matter if you choose a goblin, and you will fight with goblins, as if no one can do anything to the other.

I can see other reincarnators staring sideways, this pretending is too fake, it doesn't give our Zhizhang brother face at all.

But they obviously overestimated the wisdom of the great master Zhizhang.

Seeing that everyone singled out a goblin, it was particularly 'difficult', Zhizhang straightened the crimson robe on his body, and felt that his figure was more upright.

"Everyone hold on, I'll output."




Unlike the other eight reincarnations who concentrated on paddling and observing the moves of their allies, the self-proclaimed captain's wisdom stick was all out, and the map was full of fireballs he cast.

In order to keep the magic value of Master Zhizhang at a healthy level, several people offered the magic value recovery props [ramie flowers and leaves] that fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, don't worry, everyone, with me here, I will be able to break through this promotion task."

The magic wand full of mana no longer saves mana. The long-range 'fireball', melee 'burning hand', and mid-range 'flame shock' were frequently used, and all ten goblins were swallowed by his flames.

"Master Zhizhang is really powerful. He is extremely proficient in flame magic from far, middle and near. He is so wonderful that he has no shortcomings and is impeccable."

"With you in our next adventure, it's like having an extra team of reincarnations."

Ouyang Xiu flattered Zhi Zhang a lot, which made the latter very useful.

"Boy, you are very sensible, and I will cover you in the future."

. . . . . . .

(At the end of this chapter, ask for a recommendation ticket.)

This book is still in the stage of a new book, everyone will take care of it, remember to vote for the daily recommendation~

Don't feed me to death.

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