“Boss Lei, it’s true that a hero comes from a young age. He has such a large-scale industry at such a young age, which really puts me to shame! ”

Zhao Deguang showed a very friendly attitude. After meeting, he praised Lei Ziqing fiercely, especially after visiting the more than 10,000 fat pigs.

Anyone who is not a fool can see that with the current pork market , Lei Ziqing, who owns 10,000 pigs, is a hidden multi-millionaire, with a net worth of at least tens of millions!

In total, he is richer than him who has been struggling in the mall for decades, he must be Find a way to build a good relationship。

“Boss Zhao is so polite. I am just a newbie. I am unfamiliar with many places and have to learn from seniors like Boss Zhao. I also need Boss Zhao’s guidance and care. ”

Everyone carries the sedan chair, and the key to doing business is harmony and wealth.

You praise me a few times, and I flatter you. We are all happy with each other. As long as there is no major conflict, the business is basically settled. In fact, this is also the case

. , Zhao Deguang came with the idea of cooperation, and Lei Ziqing also wanted to use the Derong Restaurant under his name to promote his “Qingyang Pig” brand. Both of them got what they needed, and a cooperation was quickly reached. .

Since this is the first time of cooperation, both parties want to see the effect, so they are doing it on a trial basis. Lei Ziqing will supply the pigs within a week at a price of 20 yuan per catty, which is lower than the market price of ordinary fat pigs. Derong Restaurant has ten pigs!

Based on the normal business of Derong Restaurant, the meat of ten pigs is almost consumed in a week, and the results will be seen by then.

If the customer response after a week is good, then the two parties will reach an official agreement. According to the agreement, when the time comes, Derong Restaurant will purchase goods from Lei Ziqing at a price of thirty yuan per catty; Derong Restaurant also needs to help promote the name of ‘Qingyang Pig’ and invite people to eat in their restaurant. The customers know that what they are eating is Qingyang pork, not ordinary pork!

The reason why it is thirty-one pounds, not twenty-five pounds as told to Zhou Hui, is because Zhou Hui is a butcher and a middleman. ; If Lei Ziqing sells twenty-five pounds to Zhou Hui, and the restaurant buys it from Zhou Hui, the price will definitely exceed thirty.

And without the middleman making the difference, the profits of both Lei Ziqing and the restaurant will increase. This is also the reason why Lei Ziqing does not want to sell to Zhou Hui.

That afternoon, the truck from Derong Restaurant came to Qingyang Valley and took away two fat pigs from the breeding farm.

The first step was taken smoothly, Lei Ziqing He was not idle either, but went to Rongcheng with Liang Bin with a few kilograms of pork, in order to find the relevant quality supervision departments and testing institutions and go through the relevant procedures. By then, the

Qingyang pigs under his name would officially go to the market. , it is impossible to rely on what he said alone. When promoting, professional nutritional testing data and complete testing procedures must be presented to impress customers more.。

There are three Ya in Yucheng, Yayu, Yayu and Yanu, which are the characteristics of Yucheng.

Zhang Liulin is a professional fisherman. He is over 60 years old. His biggest hobby after retirement is to gather a few fishing friends to go fishing in the Qingyi River.

Unlike other fishermen who like fishing but not eating fish, Zhang Liulin is also a gourmet who also pursues food, especially eating fish.

Every time the fish he caught basically went into his own stomach.

However, his ow

n skills were not good, and his wife passed away a few years ago and he had no one to cook, so in the past he did not take the fish he caught home, but took them to a restaurant and asked the restaurant’s chef to help process them.

He gained a lot this day and invited two other fishing friends to go into Derong Restaurant. He had been here many times and was an acquaintance of the restaurant.。

“Help me prepare this fish, one steamed and one boiled; another portion of shredded pork with green pepper and twice-cooked pork, two more vegetarian dishes, and a bottle of Liangye wine. ”

Zhang Liulin is not short of money, and he doesn’t treat himself badly when it comes to food. As a carnivore, he basically orders hard dishes.。

“The chef in this restaurant is very good. I come here every time. You can try it together today. ”

Zhang Liulin introduced to his two fishing friends. The two fishing friends were old acquaintances of him and knew that he was particular about food. They also looked forward to it after hearing this. After a while, the

wine was served first. Followed by green pepper shredded pork and twice-cooked pork; but the fish he brought needed to be processed and had to wait for a while.

A glass of wine was poured in front of one person, and Zhang Liulin did not wait, just greeted the meat and vegetables in front of him, and started eating first。

“Um? This meat tastes good! ”

Picked a chopstick of twice-cooked pork and put it into his mouth. After chewing it for a few times, Zhang Liulin realized in hindsight that the meat tasted different from before. It was chewier and more delicious.。

“Is it pork? What kind of pork is this, Tibetan pig?”

“It’s not Tibetan Xiang Pig. The meat of Tibetan Xiang Pig is waxy, not as chewy or as tender as this one.。”

“Well, this meat is delicious! ”

The three of them all felt that the meat was very delicious. They kept moving their hands unconsciously, stuffing bites of meat into their mouths, and even forgot to drink. When the

fish was brought to the table, the two The twice-cooked pork and green pepper shredded pork are almost ready to go.。

“This meat is good, what kind of meat is it? ”

Zhang Liulin called the hotel manager and asked curiously. It was the first time for him to eat such delicious meat. Zhu planned to learn more about it, otherwise he would be sorry for his reputation as a gourmet.。

“This is Qingyang pig meat. Our boss just came in and tried it in the restaurant at a high price. Currently, our restaurant is the only one in Yucheng that has it. This meat has high nutritional value and is more delicious than other pork. ”

The hotel manager introduced that Zhao Deguang also told him about Qingyang Pig. If a customer asked, he would help advertise Qingyang Pig. It also showed that their restaurant was high-end and high-end. After all, other restaurants

use They are all ordinary pork, only their Derong Restaurant uses the more delicious and high-end Qingyang pig pork. The ingredients used are high-end, so the restaurant naturally becomes high-end.。

“Qingyang pig? I’ve never heard of it before, but it tastes really good。”

“Then have another plate of twice-cooked pork! ”

Zhang Liulin ate this meal very happily, and they all finished the twice-cooked pork that was served later.

Even when he left, Zhang Liulin was still not satisfied, and relied on his connections to get two more kilograms of raw meat from the restaurant’s back kitchen, planning to take it with him. Go to his married son and let them taste it together.

Not only Zhang Liulin and the others, but also the other people who came to Derong Restaurant to eat were very satisfied with the pork dishes. Many people also asked specifically about it and found out, “Qingyang” Pig’s existence.

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