
An international flight from Europe docked at Liushuang Airport in Chengdu, and a group of crooked nuts with high nose bridges came down from it.。

These crooked nuts are representatives from different European countries. They have only one purpose here, and that is to negotiate with Lei Ziqing about the import of Qingyang pork.。

Because Lei Ziqing was firmly on the Diaoyutai, there was no sign of exporting Qingyang pork after they liberalized imports. Therefore, these countries also saw that Lei Ziqing was waiting for a price and had to send representatives to negotiate.。

After all, food is the most important thing for the people, and pork is the most important meat demand. For the sake of stability, the officials of those countries naturally have to make compromises!

“All international friends are welcome, but please go through disinfection before leaving the airport.。”

“Please cooperate, thank you!”

At the airport, the Chinese officials who had received the news in advance also sent people to greet them. By the way, they also brought a team of medical staff wearing white protective suits and brought disinfection equipment.。

After all, if these people come from abroad, who knows if they will bring swine fever with them. Lei Ziqing cannot be careless in this regard!

If China is also infected with swine fever, then come on, the whole world will stop eating pork!

It is estimated that by then, pigs will have to become the world’s protected animals!

And as we all know, there is not only swine fever in foreign countries. Lei Ziqing will never meet them for the sake of his own life without disinfecting them first.。

“Damn it! Are these Chinese people discriminating against us? !”

“Are they treating us like piglets for sale? It even needs to be disinfected!”

“what else can we do? This is the territory of the Celestial Empire。”

These crooked nuts obviously did not expect to receive such treatment. They were a little resistant for a while, and they also whispered in private to express their dissatisfaction.。

However, no matter how they express their dissatisfaction, this is the territory of the Celestial Empire, and they have to abide by the rules of the Celestial Empire; the people sent by the official have enough time to spend with them here. Anyway, if they do not accept disinfection and testing, they will Don’t even think about leaving the airport。

Finally, after more than two hours of stalemate, these crooked nuts lowered their rooster-like heads and accepted the test.。

At Qingyang Manor, Lei Ziqing also recruited Fang Lin, Su Shidong, He Yun, and Yu Yao, who is in charge of finance, to discuss with them the future export of Qingyang pork and maximize the benefits as much as possible.。

“Boss, this swine fever is global and is still on the rise. Judging from the current situation, it will take at least two years for this swine fever to end, and excluding us, the global More than 80% of pigs and pigs will be affected!”

“We have reason to believe that in the next three to five years, or even ten years, pig farming worldwide will be in trouble, and there will be a serious shortage of pork supply!”

“Currently, the global consumption of pork is about 1.5 billion heads every year, of which China accounts for 800 million heads, more than half of the total; and for the remaining half, after this swine fever, foreign supply capac

ity will be less than 100 million heads!”

Fang Lin first explained the subsequent impact of the current swine fever. The main meaning is that this swine fever will destroy most of the foreign pig breeding industry and lead to insufficient supply of pork abroad.。

Currently, more than 700 million heads of pork are consumed abroad each year, but after swine fever, the supply will be less than 100 million heads, which means there will be a market gap of more than 600 million heads!

And this market gap of 600 million heads is an opportunity for Qingyang Pork!

Moreover, judging from the current situation of swine fever, this gap will exist for at least three to five years in the future. Lei Ziqing can definitely make a good plan and play a big game!

Lei Ziqing’s eyes also became brighter at this moment, because he thought of the bright future and saw a huge and magnificent blueprint!

With this opportunity, he can completely unify the pig breeding industry, not the domestic pig breeding industry that has been unified, but the pig breeding industry in the entire world!

“In this way, it is difficult to set the export price too high!”

If you want to take the opportunity to fully occupy the 600 million market gap, you cannot set the price too high, otherwise it will discourage many consumers and will not be conducive to seizing the market.。

Compared with making temporary profits, Lei Ziqing naturally understands the principle of long-term success.。

“I suggest increasing the price appropriately based on the original price. It won’t be too cheap, but it won’t be too expensive either!”

Su Shidong suggested that he was very happy to export Qingyang pork because it was closely related to his Qingcheng Group’s direct store business.。

Previously, Qingcheng Group’s retail direct-operated stores were opened in Europe along with Qingyang Pork. However, due to the restriction on the import of Qingyang Pork, the business of the directly-operated stores was also hit in Europe, and its development was difficult.。

This time Qingyang Pork can enter the European market again, then his directly operated stores can use Qingyang Pork to bring about a turn in business and take advantage of the situation.。

“So how much do you think is appropriate?”




“sixty! And they should be allowed to compromise on import tariffs!”

Several people gave their own suggestions, among which Yu Yao even mentioned the preferential tariffs.。

“Then just listen to Ayao and set the price at 60, and let them make concessions on the tariff in subsequent negotiations!”

Lei Ziqing thought for a while and decided to take Yu Yao’s suggestion.。

When it was exported to Europe before, Qingyang pork was priced at fifty-one pounds. This time it was raised to sixty. It was only ten yuan more expensive, which in his opinion was not too much.。

Now in Europe, due to swine fever, the price of pork has soared to one hundred, and that’s just ordinary pork!

Lei Ziqing sells Qingyang pork for RMB 60, and he has to take into account the export tariff and long-distance transportation costs. It is already considered a conscientious price.。

However, because Europe is now begging him to export, in terms of tariffs and other aspects, subsequent negotiations should be able to obtain further discounts, reduce the export cost of Qingyang pork, and obtain more profits!

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