Character: Lei Ziqing

Planting halo: Not turned on

Breeding halo: Super pig (primary)

Manufacturing halo: Not turned on

Research halo: Not turned on

Special halo: Not turned on

Influence value: 81%

In the past half year, the system’s influence value has also been Rapid growth, especially after the opening of this direct-operated store, the impact value jumped directly to 81%.

At this rate, we are not far from 100%, and we will be able to unlock new halo abilities by then.。

Rongcheng, the capital of Sichuan and Sichuan Province, is also the largest city in southwest China!

The distance between Yucheng and Rongcheng is only over 150 kilometers, but the gap between the two cities is huge, which can be seen from the population alone.

The population of Yucheng is only a little over 1.5 million, while the population of Chengdu is more than 15 million. Ten times the population will bring about a gap in economic scale and development that is not as simple as ten times.

Among the 21 urban areas in Sichuan, Yucheng’s GDP ranks 19th and third from the bottom, with just over 70 billion; while Chengdu is the well-deserved number one, with a GDP of more than 170 billion. It’s almost as big as all other urban areas combined!

There is no doubt that since Lei Ziqing is not willing to develop only in Yucheng, then Rongcheng, which is not far away, is the market that he must enter in the future!

However, he has only started to develop in Yucheng and has not yet fully established himself in Yucheng. Naturally, he does not have the energy and strength to set foot in Chengdu.

However, with some appropriate preparations and some precautionary arrangements, he can still make it.

The day after the Yucheng directly-operated store opened, Lei Ziqing came to Rongcheng in order to open a directly-operated store here and spread the reputation of Qingyang Pork in Chengdu first.

He should first accumulate a reputation and let more people in Chengdu know and understand Qingyang Pork. Then when he makes arrangements in Yucheng and focuses on Chengdu, it will be much easier.

At least the people in Rongcheng will not know anything about his Qingyang pork. With such advance preparation, it should save him a lot of time and provide a lot of convenience.

Wuhou District, Wutongli.

Lei Ziqing found a youth hostel here to stay, treating himself as a tourist. While going out on the streets, he was also looking for a suitable location to open a store.

The reason why he chose to stay in a youth hostel was naturally not because it was cheap, but purely out of his interest; now Lei Ziqing could afford to stay in a hotel, and even if he stayed in a five-star hotel every day, it would not put any pressure on him.

Before crossing, Lei Ziqing had been to Chengdu once. At that time, he had just finished his university internship. He bought a bicycle here and started riding along the famous 318 National Highway into Tibet.

From this aspect, it can be seen that Lei Ziqing is a person who likes to travel very much, which also makes him have the habit of staying in youth hostels instead of hotels when going out.

On the contrary, more than ten years have passed since he traveled to this parallel world. He is either studying or busy, and he has never taken a casual trip.

After some time, when his pig-raising business was on the right track, he thought he might take two months to travel around the country to relax.

This youth hostel is well decorated and has five floors. The lobby on the first floor is a bar where you can play billiards, listen to music, watch m

ovies, drink and have barbecues.。

“That handsome guy, do you want to play Werewolf together? ”

Lei Ziqing didn’t come back until evening after wandering outside. As soon as he entered the door, before he could go upstairs, he heard shouts from one side.

Turning around, he saw several young men and women gathered in the corner of the hall. One of them was wearing a peaked cap. The woman is waving to him。

“Can! ”

Lei Ziqing nodded and agreed. The reason why he likes staying in youth hostels is that most of the tourists here are from all over the world. They are all warm and generous to each other. Even if they are strangers they meet for the first time, there is no barrier. Occasionally they get together to play

. Playing games like Werewolf or having a barbecue party is also quite fun and can relax your mind.。

“Boss, bring me a bottle of beer. ”

Lei Ziqing first went to the bar to get a bottle of beer from the boss, and then walked over.

He didn’t ask other people if they wanted beer or food. This was not because he was stingy, but the most important thing for everyone to go out to play was to get along equally. It has nothing to do with whether you have money or not.

It does not mean that if you have money and are willing to treat, others will be willing to accept it. That will only isolate you and think that you are showing off your wealth, and no one will accept your favor. In the same way

, If you seem to take advantage of others and don’t repay others’ benefits, you will be isolated.

If the relationship between each other becomes familiar and we really become good friends, then you don’t need to deliberately care about these things.

Play Werewolf There must be at least nine people, and there are already eight here. Including Lei Ziqing, there are exactly nine people. Lei Ziqing came over and sat on the empty seat belonging to No. 9. Next to him was the woman who called him, holding a On the 8th,

a few people called the boss over again and asked him to be the god and preside over the game. The

Werewolf game was played for more than three hours, and it was not over until after one o’clock in the morning.

Lei Ziqing also felt a little sleepy. I wanted to go to the room upstairs to sleep, but I was stopped by the woman. She

wore a peaked cap, had a cold face, and was tall. In terms of appearance and figure, she was a standard goddess in the eyes of ordinary people. Fan, a school belle-level beauty.

When playing games before, Lei Ziqing could tell that there were several men here focusing on her, and she was the focus of the game.

And this woman also had a good personality, carefree, She is not as deliberately pretentious as most women. She has a straightforward personality and is not pretentious at all, which makes it easy for people to have a good impression of her.

Well, Lei Ziqing also has a good sense of her, but it is just Not bad, he doesn’t do anything deliberately.

Of course, if there is fate and something beyond friendship can happen, he will not refuse it.

From this aspect, Lei Ziqing should be regarded as a standard in essence. Scumbags are also very open-minded about emotional matters; the so-called love is just something between a man and a woman.。

“Handsome guy, my name is Hua Can, can you add me my contact information? ”

The woman asked proactively, holding the phone with WeChat open in her hand and shaking it in front of him twice. It was obvious that she had any thoughts about Lei Ziqing.。

“Of course, my name is Lei Ziqing. Lei

Ziqing smiled and took out his mobile phone to add her on WeChat.

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