Start with Batman

Chapter 111: you have to take me

Agent Luo Yajun, who finished his routine inspection, returned to his office on the mothership through the corridor.

Since Gan crushed the Leziren separated from his body, the frequency of his physical and psychological tests has greatly increased than before.

In addition to going back to the mothership for routine inspections in a few days, the old thief Miyazaki would call him from time to time to conduct ability tests. Over the past few days, the old thief has specially created a new file for him, which contains a lot of detailed test data and inferences.

Returning to the mothership today is not an ability test, but to answer a series of psychological test questions that make him so boring that he feels drowsy. After the test was over, the first thing Luo Yajun did when he entered the room was to take out the cigarette case in his jacket, lit a cigarette and took a puff, then sat comfortably in his recliner with his legs crossed.

"Smoking on an airplane is not a good habit."

The hoarse voice made him shrink back, and his body almost instinctively bounced up from the recliner. Turning his head to see Batman emerging like a ghost behind him, even he couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"You... but here... what are you doing?"

Although he has long known that the bat is elusive, he is very good at and very keen on making a surprise appearance suddenly. But anyway, this is not just any building, but one of the only five aircraft carriers in the world of Secret Service Nine, and it is well known that it is the safest place in the world.

Well, it seems a bit outrageous for a graveyard that was just entered and exited like a back garden a day ago, but at least its security system is still on now.

No alarm, no sound, no abnormal movement at all, he just came in so casually?

But it wasn't the first time Luo Yajun and Batman had dealt with each other. He was only surprised for a while and quickly calmed down. He sank back into the recliner and took another puff of cigarette comfortably.

"Dr. Ji just said today that they have just upgraded the complete set of components of the mothership's security system." Luo Yajun smiled, "He assured that there is no way anyone could get in this time, and I suddenly wanted to see if he Find out what your reaction would be if you were here.

By the way, how did you get in here? Which vent do we have unblocked? Or......

...Ah forget it, don't answer, I don't really want to know that much. "

He waved his hand, showing a playful expression.

"I guess you must have the monitoring equipment and sensors in place ahead of time. But are you not afraid that I will call someone to arrest you now? After all, I am still an agent of Nine, and a lunatic dressed as a bat sneaked into our headquarters. Showing up in my room blatantly...why do you think you won't be arrested?"

You are already visibly turning into the shape of a bat... Chu Cheng complained in his heart, but he ignored him on the surface. After all, Batman still gives the impression of being serious and mysterious, and he is happy to continue to maintain this image.

"Secret Service Nine lost something last night." Batman said, "Evidence a086, do you remember anything?"

"Why don't you use your magical little bat computer to visit our server? It's just one floor downstairs from me. Turn two turns to the left in the b3 area and it's at the end of the corridor. There's everything there, and you can pick it up yourself."

Luo Yajun said something jokingly, took a drag on his cigarette, and glanced at Batman's serious face.

Then he put away his smile: "Wait, you haven't already been there, have you?"

"The server only records the location where the evidence a086 was first discovered, and some test data." Batman said, "but there is no record of its specific use and why someone wants to steal it."

Luo Yajun was stunned for half a second, subconsciously looked down at his watch, then raised his head to look at Batman with an expression of disbelief.

"The mothership has just taken off for half an hour." He said in a strange tone, "That is to say, even if you have been hiding in the engine room since takeoff, it only took... half an hour?"

When he said this, his expression looked like that of an old woman changing her posture, and I couldn't fix it for my grandfather.

"So it took you no more than half an hour to sneak into this ship, and then hack into the servers on the nine motherships?"

When I heard Chu Cheng's first reaction here, huh? So the ship had just taken off for half an hour?

Sorry I just got on the boat a few minutes ago and don't know...

As for hacking into the Nine's server... Chu Cheng can only say that either Detective Luo overestimated the firewall of their lunatic asylum, or underestimated the quality of the cheating hack in front of him.

half an hour? Just kidding, it took a total of one minute for the master to connect the cable to the time the firewall gave up resistance and started to falter.

Of course, if you want to ask him how he did it, Chu Cheng doesn't know either. Anyway, from his perspective, the master's operation process is similar to the steps of putting an elephant in the refrigerator. The whole process is probably to plug in the data cable, the server will answer every question, and disconnect the link after asking. Anyway, it seems that it is not difficult.

"Exhibit a086," Batman repeated. "What is it for? Why would anyone want it?"

Only then did Luo Yajun recover from the expression of "I don't think this is scientific", and returned to the expression of "Well, he is Batman".

"You're asking the wrong person if you want to know, Bat, I don't know." He paused, took a breath, and added, "Or it should be said that no one knows.

The information you downloaded from the server, that's all.

As you can see, evidence a086 is like a brick—it may be composed of a special substance, but it looks like a square brick in shape.

In the past, it was not a secret at all in the Nine Offices, and many agents had seen it in the warehouse.

It was identified as evidence of infection not long after it was dug out of the soil, and has since been handed over to Secret Service Nine. Professor Miyazaki took that thing to study for a while, but after testing, he determined that it was not a dangerous source of infection.

It belongs to the third category of physical evidence. "

"Category III," Batman repeated.

"It was identified by Secret Service Nine as having similar characteristics to the source of infection, but in fact it does not have the ability to infect and there is no physical evidence of danger. In fact, there are many similar things in history, some of which are just ordinary daily gadgets. They may have been close to It doesn't matter if you get a trace of the smell from a certain source of infection. The fate of this kind of thing is to be thrown into the warehouse to eat ashes, and no one will care."

"Obviously someone cares about the physical evidence this time," Batman said.

"Yes, but no one knows why." Luo Yajun said, "At least in my opinion, that thing is a special-looking brick, and I can't imagine that it has any purpose other than holding and knocking people. It must be If there's anything special about it..."

Luo Yajun thought for a while and said.

"It is the evidence brought back by Leng Ji during his last mission."

"Leng Ji?" Chu Cheng had never heard of this name.

"Ha, so you have something you don't know."

Luo Yajun smiled and exhaled another smoke ring.

"That was before there was a mass infection. That was before Secret Service Nine was established, and there was only the predecessor of the Nine, the Secret Service Security Service, as we all called ourselves.

Leng Ji used to be the operation captain of the Security Bureau, known as the ace agent. He is a living legend in the department, a role model for all young men and women in the entire department, and it is not too much to say that he is the banner of the Security Bureau.

Until one day, he betrayed. "


"Yeah, no one knows why." Luo Yajun shrugged, "I don't know the details, I just heard that it seems to be a certain excavation mission. No one knows what kind of magic that guy has, he killed it alone. All the colleagues present have not been heard from since.

Later, the Secret Service Security Bureau was reorganized into Secret Service His whereabouts are still unknown to this day, and his name is still at the top of the Secret Service Nine most wanted list.

And the evidence a086 we just mentioned is the physical evidence brought back from another mission he carried out before his defection.

But that thing has been thrown in the warehouse for so long and no one has ever known what it is for, God knows how some infected people want that thing..."

Speaking of this, he remembered something.

"...By the way, speaking of the group of infected people, we have already learned that the invaders this time are indeed organized, and they call themselves 'dead soldiers'.

More specific information can't be determined yet, but we started with the plane that carried the infected to invade the mothership yesterday, and we already have some clues.

That plane was a 'Water Snake' jet that was manufactured ten years ago, and the funding link was traced to a company called 'Sloan Technology'.

We have had agents go to that company to inquire about the situation secretly, but nothing has been found so far. "

Sloan Technology.

Chu Cheng remembered the name while listening to him.

"Sometimes a detective has to trust his instincts, and mine told me there was something weird about this company."

As Luo Yajun spoke, the smoke had already reached the filter. He threw away the cigarette butt, took out the cigarette case and replaced it with a new one, and continued while lighting it.

"Of course, I'm not telling you this for nothing, Bat, on one condition. I know you're going to have to dig deeper, so my condition is, you have to take me. Together... "

His words came to an abrupt end here.

In the time it took to light a cigarette, Batman had already left.

He was the only one left in the room again.

Luo Yajun: "..."

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