Start with Batman

Chapter 146: Event Relics

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"The facial recognition program is finished."

While speaking on Friday, the photos and brief introductions searched after facial recognition under the detective mode function have been placed on the side of Chu Cheng's screen.

"The target is identified as Liang Ye, an agent of Secret Service Nine, one of the list candidates for the 'Ultimate Power' project, the Phantom Driver..."

"I remember. You just showed me this morning, and my memory isn't that bad."

The Ultimate Power file shown to him on Friday said Liang Ye was the second agent, after Fana, to be able to wield the power of the Phantom. But when Miyazaki's old thief wrote him an evaluation, his grade seemed to be a bit higher than Fana's.

Chu Cheng has never seen actual combat performance, but in short, he heard that he is relatively good at fighting. And thinking of the "extremely dangerous" note, he always had a premonition that maybe this danger meant more than being able to fight.

At this moment, the other party has also approached the disguised Batman, waved in their direction, and acted quite enthusiastically.

Chu Cheng would be a little nervous if he wanted to open the mic to communicate by himself. After all, the game geek couldn't explain himself clearly in the final defense of language degradation. It was really difficult for him to pretend to be a well-trained agent without being spotted.

But youdao is to find fifth sister if you have something to do, and fifth sister will handle it. The omnipotent little secretary also took care of the task of preparing the speech for him. While he was having a conversation, Fifth Sister typed the next line on the screen in front of him, just like a teleprompter, he read it and finished.

Originally, the tone of voice might be a problem, but the master solved this part. The tone of voice and the expression on the character's face are all automatically imitated by Batman. Chu Cheng guessed that this part of the basic skills as a master detective should also be in the master's list of basic skills, so it's not a big problem.

In the end, he briefly introduced the situation under the guidance of Fifth Sister. Snake, who said he was the advance team, followed the advance team to go to the tomb to retrieve the evidence lost by the boss, but the things were not found, the tomb was cracked, people were lost, and his mentality collapsed.

Hearing this, Brother Liang Ye laughed, grabbed his hand and said, what a coincidence, I lost myself too...

Chu Cheng thought that after going back to these nine places, he might have to take a good inventory of his own team. He always felt that this lunatic asylum either got mixed up with Nobita who is known as Shuaishen himself, or there is some kind of hedgehog-headed leader who is good at picking up girls. . Otherwise, there is no way to explain why this hanging organization has such a dark face, and any random killing mission will encounter strange accidents.

Scanned and checked around and found that they didn't see any other teammates near their landing point, it seemed that they were just the two of them. So they naturally formed a temporary team and began to move around to explore.

The previous instrumental detection clearly showed that the underground structure was quite stable, and there was no sign of a large-scale collapse at all.

No, it doesn't even look like a regular collapse. As Ms. Sonar said before the collapse, it feels as if the entire ruins are some kind of living creature. It's just that it just fell asleep before, so no abnormality can be seen at all with any detection method. However, once someone invaded the interior, it immediately woke up.

If it were replaced by an ordinary tomb robber or archaeological team here, then a wave like the one just arrived can basically be announced. But considering that the team of agents who came down today is not only well-trained but also all of them are special, it seems that there is still a wave of rescue.

The physique of the idiosyncratic person is stronger than that of ordinary people, and they also have protective gear on their bodies. As long as the injury is not serious and fatal, the injury is basically unaffected. heal.

"Did you find anyone else?"

While operating the disguised Batman to follow behind his new teammate, Chu Cheng cut off the microphone and turned to ask Friday.

"Sorry sir, I still can't find the signal for the time being." Friday said, "It may be that there is something underground that exerts a jamming effect, and the communication cannot be restored.

But I collected some of the data collected by the sonar device before the connection was disconnected, and tried to analyze and restore it. Through the incomplete data, I can infer a model about the ruins. "

"How?" Chu Cheng asked.

"As far as the sonar feedback returns to a very limited part of the space, it doesn't look like a building that humans have had any model. Its rooms and platforms are scattered up and down, and each room is like a gear, independent of each other but interrelated. associated.

The entire underground may continue to extend in a similar pattern, including the cavity we just landed, and all the rooms are its parts. "

Chu Cheng frowned, and tried his best to make up his mind: "It feels like...a huge clock?"

"Or you can imagine it as the Iron Man armor set you already own," Friday said, "normally in suitcase form, but when you activate assembly it transforms into armor form in a fraction of the time.

Imagine every part in the suitcase as a certain room in this building structure, then the mutation just happened..."

"It's like my MK5 armor transforms from suitcase form to armor wear form, and we are all bugs who have strayed into the armor parts. The process of armor transformation is like a world spinning for us..... .Well, I seem to understand a little bit."

If Friday's hypothesis is true, then this underground ruins, this underground building made up of countless empty rooms as "parts", is obviously larger than they originally expected.

So if you ask Chu Cheng, it doesn't feel like an enlarged version of MK5. Instead, it may be more like the defensive fortress Meng Dashuai in Transformers, which can transform from a fully functional city fortress into an indomitable robot.

"By the way, what did you just say about your name?" Liang Ye who was walking in front suddenly spoke up.

"...Snake." Chu Cheng opened the microphone.

"Oh. You look quite young, newcomer?" Liang Ye laughed, feeling as if he was chatting, without any sense of tension in a predicament.

"The assessment to join the action team is difficult, isn't it?"

"Yes." Chu Cheng smiled dryly.

He guessed that Liang Ye might be trying to ease the atmosphere, maybe trying to make him not nervous.

But a master detective said that it is better to be a listener than a teller. As the saying goes, if you talk too much, you will lose. If you talk too much, it is always easy to leak A detective needs to be able to listen more than being able to speak.

"Ham, I had a lot of trouble in the assessment meeting back then. Fighting and fighting are very simple, but I really don't understand guns and so on.

I would be so overwhelmed that I wanted to get a qualification certificate so that I could go on a mobilization team in the future, but after I got in, I found out that there was nothing good about it. A lot of money is a lot, but running around the world all day is endless. So it's meaningless for me to say that the action team is like a siege...

...By the way, do you know about the siege? "


Then, without waiting for an answer, he continued asking and answering himself.

"Besieging a city is easy to say, just like being pregnant."

Chu Cheng:?

He thought he understood it, but he didn't understand it when he was told that.

"To put it simply, people outside want to go in, and people inside want to get out. Isn't it very vivid?"

Chu Cheng:? ? ?

Don't lie to me because I don't read much. How did Siege explain it?

What if I want to go in and out? Do I have to apply for a VIP card for this city?

"Very interesting metaphor." Friday reminded aloud, "but I still have to remind you that you may be together again, sir."


Without Fifth Sister's reminder, Chu Cheng kept turning on the detective mode to scan the surrounding area. He noticed that weird shadow just appeared in the scanning range.

In detective mode, see through the wall, and a person is marked in the shadow behind.

The body is weird, the limbs are unnaturally long, the head is tilted to one side, the bones are twisted and misplaced, and it is crawling at a very fast speed.

That's right, crawling instead of walking.

The kind with four palms on the ground.

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