Chapter 172: like a ghost

Latest website: Special Service Nine, Aircraft Carrier.

In less than twenty-four hours, Luo Yajun returned to this mothership, but his status and treatment were completely different from before.

At this point he was sitting in what looked like an interrogation room, his hands in shackles with chains extending out and locked across the table at the other end.

He can't seem to think of any reason why he was locked up. After much deliberation, the biggest problem is that the phantom of his own fun person ran away and caused trouble, and his former boss defected and was shot and collapsed by him. But that's all in the past.

Besides, if there is any problem now, it may be that he communicated with a group of ICU patients about his illness when he was in the ruins. Then the ICU may suspect that there is a ghost in the madhouse.

Could it be that there is really an insider who is going to mess with him because he knows too much?

So are ghosts so arrogant these days?

While thinking about it, the door opened. A man in the uniform of Secret Service Nine walked in.

Luo Yajun quickly recognized each other. Detective Riles is not low in the action team. They had crossed paths in a certain mission in the past, so they weren't very familiar with each other, but they weren't unfamiliar either.

"Someone is finally here." Luo Yajun yawned, "I thought the plan was to leave me here to die of boredom. So what this time?"

Leiris sat down before him, stern and serious.

Luo Yajun noticed a laptop under his arm. When he sat down, he put down the computer, lifted the screen, and turned the computer to face Luo Yajun.

"Do you recognize it?"

In the picture is a photo of an operator in the uniform of Secret Service Nine. He looked quite young, in his mid-twenties.

"Helson, I remember." Luo Yajun said in a deep voice, "The team members who died in the last operation. I remember each of them."

The work of Secret Service Nine has always been dangerous. The operation to enter the ruins went unfavorably, and there were troubles in the ruins just after landing. Although Luo Yajun finally grabbed the dynamic map from the pharmaceutical factory and brought out most of the team members, a few people died during the operation. .

This young agent named Helson is one of them.

"Of course you should," said Leiris dryly.

Luo Yajun narrowed his eyes. He began to feel that the other party meant something else.

Leilis turned off the photo, opened some playback software, and started playing a video.

Luo Yajun quickly realized that it was the first perspective captured by the dead Helsen's body camera.

Most of the area in the picture is dark, and it is difficult to see the scene in the environment. Only a flashlight-like beam dispels the darkness and brings only a little light. However, with some light, Luo Yajun could vaguely see that this was indeed the underground ruin they just came out of.

From the first perspective, it can be seen that the owner of the camera is very nervous. He has been panting, and his arms seem to tremble slightly. From time to time, he needs to recheck the coordinates of the radiation signal emitted by a piece of evidence in order to calibrate his heading.

When another figure appeared in the area illuminated by the light beam, his arm shook violently in excitement, and he shot involuntarily. The screen shook violently for a while, the muzzle flame lit up the space like a flash in the pan, and the bullet hit the mountain wall beside it.

"Relax, Agent."

The voice sounded from the opposite side. The figure on the opposite side appeared in his lens.

It was Luo Yajun.

In the picture, Luo Yajun's face is rigid, with a stern expression like an instructor in a new barracks.

Helson put away the gun in a panic: "Sir...sir. I'm sorry I didn't see it, I thought it was..."

"Your condition is terrible." Luo Yajun reprimanded coldly in the screen, "Keep calm at all times and keep your gun steady, so that you can survive the mission.

This should have been the foundation of the foundation, but I had to give you intensive basic quality training on the battlefield. "

"Sorry...never again, I promise, sir," Helson said.

"If there is a next time."

Luo Yajun's words seemed to have a hidden meaning, but before the other party could react, he changed the topic.

"Just you?" Luo Yajun continued to ask.

"Yes, sir."

"Did you meet any other teammates?"

"You are the first, sir. After entering the ruins, I was dispersed by the large army, and I was the only one left around when I got up.

The communication system is not working, but I can still pick up the radiation response of the evidence. If I can, then I think others should too. As long as I continue to follow the direction of the evidence, maybe I can meet other people..."

"Good judgment." Luo Yajun said coldly.

"Then...sir, are we continuing to complete the mission in that direction now? Or...?"

"No, the mission has been cancelled." Luo Yajun said, then paused, "At least for you."

Although Helson's face could not be seen from the first-person view, the young agent should have been taken aback for a moment.

"What? Sir, I don't understand..."

The next moment, Luo Yajun's arm suddenly turned into a black muzzle. He turned, and the gun was aimed at Helson.

Herson froze.

gunshots. The first perspective on the screen seemed to be spinning, and the young agent fell to the ground on his back, without any movement.

The video footage ends here.

Luo Yajun pursed his lips, except that his pupils constricted a little when he first saw himself appearing on the screen, he didn't have any other reaction during the whole process.

Leiris crossed his fingers and rested his chin, looked at him indifferently, observing his expression.

Until the end of the video, Luo Yajun was still staring at the dark screen and the play mark in the middle of the screen, as if in deep thought. Leiris observed for a while before speaking to break the silence.

"Is there anything you want to say?"

Luo Yajun pondered for another two seconds, and then said slowly: "No. I can see that the situation is not good for me. I think you won't believe no matter what you say at this time."

"Try it," Riles said.

Luo Yajun did not directly respond to his words, but asked instead.

"Then do you think," he paused, and changed his words, "or does the whole department think that it is me that appears in this video?"

"Seeing is believing. This is the image extracted from the body camera on Agent Helson's body, closed-circuit surveillance, standard configuration of nine agents, you know."

Leilis said, paused, and looked at him with unkind eyes.

"But we are dealing with all kinds of impossible things, aren't we?" Luo Yajun tapped the table with his knuckles, "There was a precedent not long ago.

My boss, Chen Meiyue, is a shapeshifter, remember? She can transform herself into anyone, no difference in voice or appearance..."

"But she is dead, you killed it with your own hands."

Leiris let out a breath of foul air.

"Yes, the possibility you mentioned is not ruled out, but that is an explanation with a relatively low probability. This is also the reason why the higher authorities judged that the matter is still under investigation instead of directly convicting you.

But on my own terms? "

Agent Riley gave a bad look.

"Yes, I believe it is you in the image. You have a criminal record and often act impulsively and disobey orders, as is evident throughout the department.

Not to mention that deranged doppelganger of yours... it's separated from your mind, right? So why should we believe that you don't have any remnants of it in your brain? "

Luo Yajun shrugged: "Irrefutable."

"So you admit that the video is real?"

"That's not my exact words." Luo Yajun said, "I haven't seen this child since I downloaded the ruins. This video never happened at all... At least it didn't happen from my perspective. .

Haven't you guys tried watching my body tape? "

"It was damaged when the ruins first moved." Leilis said coldly, "Now we have reason to believe that it may be man-made."

"Well, that's really unfortunate." Luo Yajun leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair, "Then I don't seem to have anything to argue with."

After asking some more questions and failing to get the desired results, Leiris quickly gave up. He stood up and took one last look at Luo Yajun before leaving the interrogation room.

"That pair of handcuffs will inhibit your ability—Professor Miyazaki's new invention. Of course you can still try to escape, welcome to try." Riley paused and said, "I never believed you. I first I thought you were an unstable factor, but no one would listen to me."

"Maybe you are right." Luo Yajun said lazily, as if he didn't care about his situation at all.

Riles is out.

Luo Yajun leaned back on the chair alone, closed his eyes and continued to think wildly.

He thought again of what Siegel from the CIA had told him.

The actions of the ruins are a trap in themselves, someone wants them dead.

But apparently the plan failed and they came out alive. So it's the guy's back-up, back-up plan, trying to smooth out his risk factor with the help of a video that somehow came about.

He immediately thought of the "Ultimate Power" plan that was explained earlier today.

Perhaps this is the purpose of the enemy.

The plan to bring together a few agents with extraordinary strength to form a team of the most elite has made some people uneasy. So they planned to rule out the destabilizing factors, one by one.

If Yajun thought that he must not be the only one. The other people called to talk today, Fana, Duan Lan and Liang Ye, must have their own troubles waiting for them.

Someone is trying to break them down one by one, strangling this so-called "ultimate force" in its cradle.

Luo Yajun narrowed his eyes.

The identities of the enemies are unknown, their numbers are unknown, and the only thing known is that they may have a huge influence in the Nine Offices. Under such circumstances, even if they are extremely capable, they have no way to fight back.

The situation is very bad.


"Agent Luo."

A strange and hoarse voice came from behind him in the interrogation room.

The corner of Luo Yajun's mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

"MD, you really look like a ghost."

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