Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 223 Mirage, Die Xiaodie's chance! (Second more)

the next day.

The weather around Longting Lake is not very good, cloudy and rainy.

The rain pattered on the ground.

On the boundless surface of the lake, waves were set off, and a giant kun jumped out from under the water, leaped in the low altitude for a while, and then fell into the water with a bang.

The huge shadow gradually faded away.

at this time,

If someone nearby looks up, they can see the mid-air, and there is an invisible force that blocks the rain.

I can only see the traces outlined by the raindrops flowing down, like a huge water polo floating in the air.

Inside the water polo, there are two figures.

Su Hao.

Wu Tianwang with neatly combed hair.

"Senior Brother Wu, are there really ancient civilization relics?"

Wu Tianwang pondered for a while, "Our understanding of this world is very, very limited, but the ruins there are undoubtedly traces of civilization.

"It is possible that thousands or tens of thousands of years ago, explorers like us Blue Sea Stars built a palace at the bottom of the lake, but it is also possible that it was done by elves.

"In short, the water in this world is very deep, and there are many secrets that I can't tell right now, and you will learn about it slowly in the future, but no matter what time it is, you must maintain a heart of awe."

When Senior Brother Wu spoke, his expression was rarely very serious.

He paused, "That ruin has a very mysterious power. Once stepping into its range, everyone will be separated. Only the imperial envoys and elves can still stay together, even monarch-level elves , still unable to resist that force.

"So once you get there, you're left to explore on your own.

"The requirement of the assessment task is your exploration level there. You can draw a map and try to bring out the items inside...Of course, it's not easy."

Wu Tianwang changed his words, "In addition to the mission requirements, the ruins are related to the magic ability, which may be beneficial to your elves... My trading puppet was in it, which improved some spiritual power."

He looked at Mimengdie.

Such a location was arranged because of Su Hao's spirit.

The conditions for the evolution of the dream butterfly are unknown, but in the end, it is related to illusion and spiritual power.

A little more progress means more possibility of evolution.

What if it succeeds?

Although Wu Tianwang himself was not that optimistic, it did not prevent him from giving Su Hao a chance to give it a try.

"The danger level of the ruins is not high, but you have to be careful. After all, the school has limited exploration of that place... Have you prepared everything?"

Su Hao patted his body and Er Harin's backpack.

He brought enough food for half a month.


According to what Brother Wu said, some people were "kicked" out within less than a day after entering.

The longest one only stayed there for six and a half days.

The harvest is also different.

Some people get nothing, but he heard that there was once a mentor who brought out a phantom crystal the size of a basketball.

It was even as precious as the huge light elemental crystal he got.

Magic crystals are too rare!

Fantasy and thoughts are not elements of heaven and earth, and are fundamentally different from the five elements, wind, ice and thunder.

They belong to the living element!

There was a time when there was a strong debate in the world about whether fantasy and thought could be a single attribute.

Until the first pure fantasy elf was discovered.

"Everything is packed."

Su Hao said.

He looked to the left and right, and there were only two elves.

Die Xiaodie and Er Harin.

He rode on Erhalin, and Die Xiaodie flew to the top of his head.


"You can go anytime."



Su Hao was wrapped in the Nianli Shield, and he sank to the surface of the water with only one sound.

The huge water polo keeps moving down.

The surrounding light also became dimmer.



Occasionally, bubbles popped out, and the air in the huge water polo remained at the level.

Su Hao felt that he could breathe freely.

The lake is wide, like the sea, and also deep.

Su Hao didn't know how long the Manipulator Puppet had been sinking, and he could only feel the passage of time by occasionally catching a glimpse of a school of fish outside the Nianli sphere, or an elf fleeing in panic.


The water polo stopped, and Su Hao saw that there was a little light in front of him.

Light up the ocean floor.

"Here we are." Brother Wu said, "What do you think it looks like?"

Su Hao pondered for a few seconds, then replied, "...Like a set of underwater viewing rooms?"

Wu Tianwang: "..."

Don't say it, it's quite similar.

In Su Hao's eyes, it was a dilapidated palace.

It is obviously not formed naturally, but has traces of 'carving'.

The buildings in that area were dilapidated, and some buildings were covered with coral reefs and seaweed... But under the glimmering light, they still looked beautiful.

The Manipulator Puppet approached for a while, then stopped.

"I can only send you here." Wu Tianwang said, "I will leave the trading puppet behind, and let it protect you when you come out."

Su Hao looked in front of him, as if there was a line separating the lake.

Outside the line, algae are wrapped around the wreckage of the building, which looks a bit messy.

Inside the line, it looks like a real underwater palace. Even if the buildings are dilapidated, they still look clean and tidy.

Su Hao took a deep breath, held it back, then patted Erharin, and moved forward.



As if he had passed through a certain barrier, the lake water was icy cold, but his eyes were able to open without hindrance.

Su Hao thought for a while, then bravely opened his mouth.

"Gulu Gulu~"

A series of bubbles came out, but he felt no discomfort.

It's like staying on the ground.

He turned his head and saw Senior Brother Wu waving at him.

Su Hao also waved his hand, bid farewell, and then moved on.


The ruins are dead and silent. Su Hao looked around and saw that the dilapidated buildings looked weird. He couldn't judge the function of those buildings.


Die Xiaodie yelled, "Goo~!"

Su Hao looked around, and at some point, the surrounding buildings were no longer dilapidated.

Pavilions, terraces and pavilions are carved with jade columns.

Like a real underwater dragon palace.

But the Dragon Palace does not exist.

"According to what Senior Brother Wu said, what I see now are all phantoms, like mirages."

Su Hao thought for a while, but he didn't get off his horse, but let Erharin move forward and approach one of the buildings.

He stretched out his hand and touched the wall of the building, but he didn't touch anything, as if he had penetrated a layer of fog.

"Well, it's not a complete phantom, that kind of feeling, like my hand inserted into Hui Ye Ling's body, is slightly hindered."

He studied it for a while.

Unsurprisingly... nothing.

He took out a spare mobile phone and tried to use it, but the scene captured was empty and there was nothing.

Su Hao had no clue and could only explore aimlessly.

One hour.

two hours.

Er Harin's running speed has changed from first gear, to second gear, and then to third gear and fourth gear...

It runs fast.

Su Hao feels that the surrounding buildings are not the same...

But he still found nothing.

"Drawing a picture, there is no way to start, there is nothing on the panel map, I just want to take things out..."

He finally understood why he took the items brought out as one of the indicators for task assessment.

Because so far...

He couldn't find any physical items at all!

Other than the solid, indestructible ground, the buildings are fake, the coral reefs are fake, everything is fake! Fake! all fake!



Above Die Xiaodie's head, three orbs flew out, and pierced through a building in front of her.

The punctured wall of the pavilion turned into smoke, and it was attached to the three orbs. It was gray... The pavilion was not restored, and there was still a hole in the middle.

But the orb had already flown back.

It flew straight to Die Xiaodie's mouth, and saw it opened its mouth slightly and took a breath.

Gray mist entered the mouth.

Su Hao froze for a moment, then immediately opened the panel.

See, Die Xiaodie's mental power is actually...

It has risen a little bit!

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