Start with Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 560 Sick Building?

Inpatient department, unknown building

There are five buildings in the inpatient department. With the senior engineer's perception, he can hear the voices of patients in each building, but in this one, there is no sound at all.

This is quite suspicious!

According to Gao Gong's experience in his previous life, the appearance of "advanced information" in the physical world is not exactly the same. It may be a person, it may be an anti-physical phenomenon, it may be a religious symbol, Even a mundane object.

The difficulty of obtaining it is also different. Some are just like picking up money from the ground, while some are harder than killing a big boss.

And the most important thing is that he can feel an anxious signal coming from the 'living body', as if it is melting anytime and anywhere, and this melting is even irreversible.

This made him somewhat anxious.

High-level organisms are very difficult to kill because as long as a single cell remains, they may be resurrected.

With the exception of biocomputers, they are one of the few known as the nemesis of carbon-based species.

The biological computing system of version 6.0 can completely digest the physical body of Gao Gong version 2.0.

And it is different from a mechanical body destroying one and creating another.

Once the living body is destroyed, it will be difficult to find a replacement in a short time.

1 hour, no, only 35 minutes now.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that there was a certain probability of obtaining 'advanced information' in the City of the Undead, he would not have adopted this method.

Wouldn't it be better to use nuclear bombs to deal with this kind of virus attack?

Or, directly summon the hacker army to hack all biological computers.

He even asked a certain 'brain in a vat' to take action and trigger a pan-continental level of beast tide to devour all the 'brain-machine transformers'.

However, these methods can only defeat the 'Vinos Life Security Group', but cannot completely contain the 'brain-computer virus'.

And if the 'brain-computer virus' cannot be controlled, there will naturally be no complete victory.

This doesn't matter to 'Ms. Ye'. After all, she is the son of the version. The stronger the 'brain-computer virus', the stronger her abilities will be. But it's different for herself.

Suddenly, an idea came to Gao Gong's mind.

‘Can I use the power of the fusion route to force the ‘biochemical brain machine’ to shut down? ’

For a long time, Gao Gong has rarely had the opportunity to develop the 'fusion route'. After all, ordinary enemies such as Gao Gong do not need to use the maximum, and senior engineers like Gao Gong will not provoke enemies that are too powerful.

Except for the time with Android A, although Gao Gong fought many times and seemed to be in danger, he was actually as stable as an old dog every time.

'According to the Queen of Blades' personal statement, the fusion route requires continuous self-challenge between life and death in order to achieve deeper integration. The Queen of the Zerg has experienced many dangerous challenges along the way, and she was hunted down by advanced civilizations more than once. times, but every time I can save the day. Could it be that I should learn the tricks of this violent woman? ’

The senior engineer was thinking while wandering around in this deserted building. The corridors were empty, the lights could not be turned on, and there was a stronger smell of formalin.

"Boss, there's no one in these hospitals."


The senior engineer quickly visited several wards and found that they were all empty.

The senior engineer thought for a moment and spoke:

"Sometimes, what you see with the naked eye may not be real. Reality and virtuality are not the same thing."

The senior engineer snapped his fingers, and in an instant, four vague figures appeared, breaking through the walls and floors, and quickly swept across the entire building.

Virtual Life Restoration Ceremony (Level 2 - Mastery): 100% restore a data life form by copying and pasting the source code, duration: 6 hours, upper limit: 4

But through the eyes of data life, the ‘scenario’ seen is completely different.

The entire building, every floor, and every ward is full of patients.

In the corridor, white coats were coming and going, and there were constant calls like 'surgical arrangements', 'emergency' and 'drug treatment'.

‘So, the reason why they are willing to come back is because someone is ‘treating’ them? ’

The senior engineer tapped his fingers, a thoughtful look flashing in his empty eyes.

‘So, this piece of ‘realistic information’ is from the Night Service Ward? ’

Create a huge illusion, devour hopeless patients, and thereby strengthen itself. No wonder the senior engineer can't see any living people in several strongholds in the Pale Forest.

Who would be willing to close their eyes and wait for death when there is hope of survival?

And the senior engineer can be sure that this kind of 'illusion' is being staged in all hospital inpatient departments.

‘Phenomenal type of ‘realistic information’, this is the most troublesome type, but it is also the most powerful one. Tsk tsk, it’s time to call on my old sister to solve the problem. ’

Just as he was thinking this, Gao Gong suddenly heard footsteps, and then, the vision of a 'data life' suddenly reversed 180 degrees. When he reacted, he was already tied to the operating table, and a group of perverted doctors were smiling. Looking at him, a plain-looking female nurse was giving him an injection with an indifferent expression.

Then, the 'Gao Gong' felt weak all over, his consciousness became drowsy, and the patient's clothes were also taken off.

‘Oh my god, this ‘phenomenon’ also has a death determination mechanism, it’s superb! ’

[Your perception exceeds '200' points, effectively exempting this 'consciousness attack']

Gao Gong shuddered and woke up, but there were only three summoned 'data beings' left.

Phenomenon types of ancient information are also divided into three, six or nine levels. Those with a judgment mechanism are definitely stronger than those without a judgment mechanism, and the fatal judgment mechanism is definitely stronger than the non-fatal judgment mechanism.

‘The judgment mechanism on the operating table is death type. So, are there any other judgments? ’

Just as he was thinking this, footsteps sounded again.

Soon, another ‘data life’ was also sent to the operating table.

This time, 'he' did not die. The operation was successfully completed. Gao Gong's arm fell down with a 'clatter' and he lost consciousness.

"Non-fatal verdict, 'limb removal'."

But this time, Gao Gong clearly felt that although most of the sensitivity in his right hand was lost, unlike the previous 'death judgment', he still had feeling in his hand.

With a thought, the golden arm instantly sprayed out a large number of single molecular threads, piercing the ground densely with holes.

Then, with another thought, the monomolecular line was twisted into a rich gold arm again.

Some of the lost perception was restored.

After doing this for three or four times, most of the perception was finally restored.


The senior engineer finally figured out why the residents of the City of the Dead didn't have a 'biochemical brain machine' on the back of their heads.

The reason is very simple. When the brain-computer virus entered the body and spread, it was judged by the ‘night shift ward’ and the brain-computer resection surgery was automatically performed.

The brain computer is gone, and so is the virus.

A fatal verdict kills.

Local excision was performed based on non-fatal findings.

But what is the standard for this judgment?

Gao Gong was not only killed by surgery, but also had his arm cut off by surgery.

During this period, he did not move much.

While he was thinking about it, footsteps sounded for the third time, but this time it was from the position of the main body.

A bunch of doctors and nurses rushed over from around the corner, and the operating bed was jingling and shaking.


The senior engineer cursed secretly, flicked his hands, and the two Desert Eagles poured out source code bullets for free. Doctors, nurses, and even hospital security guards lay on the floor.

‘Advanced information’ is invincible, at least among primary civilizations, and has almost no means of restraint, but this does not mean that the ‘information ghosts’ summoned by it cannot be killed.

After all, although the opponent has an 'immediate death judgment', it is not a 'kill at face-to-face'.

After a lot of people died, footsteps sounded again.

Moreover, the sound of footsteps split into two waves, and then, Gao Gong's right thigh suffered a sharp pain, and he completely lost consciousness.

Another data life has been operated on.

'Non-fatal decision' removed his right leg.

"This thing is so disgusting."

The senior engineer quickly retracted the last 'data life', then swung the host computer downstairs, closed his eyes, and the next moment, the entire metal body decomposed and turned into a rich golden mist, quickly passing through every Floors.

The moment before the host computer hit the ground, the mist also rushed to the ground, condensed again, transformed into a senior engineer, and grabbed the host computer.

“Boss, are you trying to scare me to death?!”

The senior engineer ignored the other party and shook his right leg. Sure enough, most of the lost perception was restored.

The previously implanted 'memory metal' allows Gao Gong's mechanical body to transform between solid and liquid. This can reduce his physical damage to a large extent and achieve 500% damage recovery. This is how it comes about.

After implanting the 'Metal Heart', Gao Gong has gone a step further and evolved from a liquid metal robot to a mist version.

Not only can he be 100% immune to physical damage, he can even be immune to some ordinary-level energy attacks.

As a result, Gao Gong's thighs recovered again.

The senior engineer's sudden fall from the sky did not make anyone panic.

There is no doubt that he has been involved in this 'phenomenal space' and must either escape through the bug or wait for death.

As for the bug, the senior engineer somewhat guessed that since it was a doctor-patient relationship, as long as he 'died' in this space before the 'death operation', there would be a certain probability of leaving here.

The reason is very simple, if there is a fatal surgery, then there is no need for surgery if the patient is dead.

However, he had an easier way.

"The most adorable, beautiful, kind, innocent, romantic and pure sister in the world, help me!!!"

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