Start with Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 571 Data Liberation

After liberating computing power, reality is cyberspace, and cyberspace is also reality.

The previous methods and professions may not be effective on the new platform. The worst example is the professional cyber hacker who almost went offline due to version updates.

All big companies are trying to implement new applications on new platforms, which is also one of the goals of corporate war.

Vinos Life Safety Group gave its own version of the answer——

Network cloud based on biological brain computers, and a series of network technologies with network cloud as the core.

The four ‘Cloud Wing Killers’ are one of them.

In the eyes of the 'host brain', the zombie army suddenly disappeared in a large area, disappearing without a trace in a few breaths.

Only four strong blood shadows were left, still suspended in mid-air.

"Where are these people?"

'Host Brain' muttered to himself.

And Du Mei was so nervous that she couldn't speak. At this moment, she was not a poisonous scorpion that her relatives didn't recognize, but a wife who cared about her husband.

As for the ‘Executive Chat Group’, the information is also refreshing rapidly——

‘Using a large amount of user data to evolve ‘anti-virus software’, this is really the first time I have seen this operation. ’

‘It’s hard for me to imagine what the future will look like with the complete transformation of virtuality and reality. ’

‘Cyber ​​killer? It seems that the Vinos Group has a lot of technology that can reverse the development of the Mother City. ’

Finally, a sentence from a senior executive directly cleared the screen——

‘What are you all so concerned about? Am I the only one who sees that this is a large-scale force deployment technique? ’

Many senior executives immediately panicked.

Yes, upload the 'artificial data' directly to the cloud, and then transmit it across the continent. In this way, as long as the other party wants to, it will be no problem to open any battlefield.

Previously, everyone was concerned about the infectivity of the 'biochemical brain computer'. After all, it is difficult to target a virus of this level. Once one's own 'artificial data' is infected, it will be taken away directly, and there is no solution at all.

But now another question pops up.

That is, using the other party's 'cloud transmission' technology to fight with real swords and guns, how can you defend yourself?

No solution! There is really no solution! !

After all, the battlefield of corporate war is an entire planet!

And just when the executives started to have headaches and fever, the four 'Cloud Wing Killers' had already fought against the black python.

In the underground world, there has always been a saying that if the 'cyber killer' were put into reality, what level of existence would it be? Advanced Transformer, Super Transformer, or Martial God?

Can a top cyber killer hack into a martial god?

The answer is unknown.

Because Cyber ​​Killer is from the Mother City camp, Valkyrie is also from the Mother City camp. More importantly, one is virtual and the other is reality. They are not existences of the same dimension at all.

And now, this unsolvable answer is finally starting to come up.

The auras of both sides were so powerful that even light could be distorted, and the surrounding buildings and ground began to turn into sand visibly.

And their movements cannot be monitored even by the highest-level military satellites.

Only from time to time a huge energy cannon was ejected from the confusing light and shadow.

This energy cannon comes from the physical black dragon raised by the black python. The dragon's mouth is full of teeth and teeth, and the saliva it flows out is like lava. When it opens its mouth, it is an energy beam. This is a ray that can only be shot by large weapons. Its attack power is Between 100,000 and 500,000, basically any transformer below level 40 will be instantly killed if you scan it.

However, the four 'Cloud Wing Killers' also have their own methods. Whenever energy bombardment comes, the physical body will be directly transformed into a human form composed of codes and numbers. In this state, they are directly immune to energy attacks.

After all, how can real weapons kill ‘antivirus software’.

Many executives looked at it thoughtfully. In the future arms market, weapons that can deal with both virtual and real world will be extremely popular.

When the black python saw the opponent operating like this, he immediately changed his tactics. His muscular body was smashed down like a missile, and he started to fight directly. His arms with thick thighs were like ghost-headed swords, directly tearing the vacuum and cutting into a ' On top of Cloud Wing Killer's head, the opponent had no choice but to cross his hands to block it.

A hint of cunning flashed through the black python's small eyes, and its arms suddenly disappeared and turned into a black dragon, directly wrapping its arms. At the same time, where the original 'black dragon' had been, there was a giant arm, which penetrated the opponent's abdomen fiercely and dragged it horizontally. Tear it apart.

A large amount of blood and data codes spurted out.

The remaining three ‘Cloud Wing Killers’ quickly came over to stop the black python.

The severely injured 'Cloud Wing Killer' was stunned, the data flow from his eyes flashed rapidly, and the wounds were also healing rapidly.

Although the memory has been lost, the combat experience has been preserved. Where can the black python allow the opponent to repair itself? The powerful biological magnetic field opens instantly, and the air seems to be filled with light liquid, colorful; the enemy's head goes dark, and when he comes back to his senses At that moment, a nearly 20-meter-thick black dragon phantom fell from the sky and bit it to death.

A mushroom cloud formed, like an explosion from a small nuclear bomb, submerging everything within a 10km radius.

The combat power displayed by the black python now is already at the level of a standard Martial God.

Secondary carbon-based fusion can actually achieve semi-energy transformation of the body. This is a military technology that only exists in theory!

The host brain smacked its lips and said:

"Your husband is a bit fierce!"

"Of course." Du Mei said proudly.

However, the aftermath of the nuclear bomb, mainly radiation energy, did not spread as much as outsiders imagined.

It was as if there was a black hole at the center of the explosion, absorbing all shock waves, radiation energy, and flames.

After his vision returned, he saw two 'Cloud Wing Killers' standing back to back, holding their hands flat, and the aftermath of the explosion disappeared in the palms of their hands.

With the help of automatic retrieval of the enemy's high-end combat power database, these two abilities were quickly marked.

physical absorption

energy absorption

An ability that looks buggy when taken apart, but even buggier when combined.

I don’t know how many companies have tried to replicate it, but no one has succeeded so far.

"'Cloudwing Killer' has been able to learn the superpowers of S-class mutants?"

An executive muttered to himself, this is another very bad news.

"Is it more convenient to apply bioengineering at the network level?"

Another biotech executive pondered.

Every biological enterprise attempts to infinitely copy ‘high-level arms’ and form a large-scale advanced biological army.

But this is difficult to achieve.

The pass rate is too low, the cost is high, and advanced genes are difficult to mass produce. Even if S-level troops are cultivated, how to control them is another problem.

But Vinos Life Safety Group seems to offer another way of thinking.

There is no need for complete mass production, as long as a large amount of "manual data" is used and converted through the network cloud in a short period of time.

"This seems to involve the use of a sophisticated 'biological model'."

If you can implant one S-level ability, you can copy two or even more.

Many people shudder at the thought of a real-life 'cyber killer' with more than a dozen S-level abilities.

But in the battlefield, Black Python, who was on the front line, clearly had another feeling.

That is, the enemy has become stronger.

As the signature of the future clone army, Black Python has inherited the attributes of his original body. If you can open the panel, you can see a series of "Basic Fighting Level 10", "Advanced Fighting Level 10", "Street Fighting Master" and more than a dozen The melee skills at full level are output-type bosses. Although they are one-on-four, in most cases, they hit the enemy on the head.

Physical absorption and energy absorption, you have to be able to grasp it before you can absorb it.

It’s useless if you can’t catch it.

But as the battle lasted longer, Black Python felt the pressure slowly increasing, and the opponent's attack time and angle became increasingly difficult to predict.

‘Am I getting weaker? No, the enemy has become stronger, and the moves of these people are becoming more and more like - me! ? ’

The black python violently used its virtual claws, and combined with the black dragon energy cannon, temporarily forced the opponent back. Only then did he notice that the opponent's originally blurry face became clearer and clearer, and his facial features, figure, and temperament became more and more familiar.

Especially, when the shadow of a vague energy creature appeared on the bodies of the three 'cyber killers', the corners of the black python's eyes twitched fiercely.

This thing looks so familiar!

‘I have to run away, my wife, I really can’t stop you. ’

However, just as your wife's bed is not something you can get into just as you want, when the black python tried to run away, he found that three powerful biological magnetic fields were already tightly clinging to him. No matter how hard he fought, the other party could do it at any time. 'Upload data' and 'Download data' anywhere.

Just when he was anxious, a voice smiled softly in his ear.

‘You’re not good at it, so let me help you. ’

This voice, my boss?

Just as the black python was about to speak, a very strange biological energy was transmitted into his body. Then, his facial features began to change, and his eyes looked like a predatory beast. Two special abilities quickly possessed him.

Talent 'species butcher': kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. You can carry out targeted transformation according to the weaknesses and key points of each species. When the transformation is completed, the critical hit rate +100%~200%, combos Rate +50%~100%, critical kill +30%~50%

Talent 'Gene Kill': Remotely capture the pheromones emitted by the opponent, and also obtain blood, cortex, and muscle fibers to perform 'Gene Nemesis Simulation'. Once the analysis is completed, the next hit will have +40% fatality rate and cooling time. 10 minutes

The two abilities suddenly appeared, and became full in an instant.

In the eyes of the black python, the 'Cloud Wing Killer' is no longer just a humanoid creature, but a super cloud disk suspended between virtuality and reality.

He even 'saw' the structure of the cloud disk.

He waved his hand almost instinctively, and his palm instantly became virtual, like a virtual knife, slashing at the cloud disk infrastructure.

A 'Cloud Winged Killer' instantly disintegrated.

The next moment, a terrifying particle field erupted from his body, the space trembled on a large scale, and purple light flashed past.

By the time the two remaining 'killers' reacted, they could no longer see each other.

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