Demon Slaughter Order!

These three words are heavy both for the navy and for the world. Just mention it, and people will imagine artillery fire, gunsmoke, and flames that enter the eye.

It is a brutal attack that burns everything, covering and bombarding the area that is signaled indiscriminately and devastated, and is used to eliminate anyone or anything that threatens the rule of the world government.

Now, in this ward, the demon slaughter order was suddenly mentioned, and no one present was surprised, everything on the three-masted ship was completely worthy of such a scale of force.

“I really didn’t expect that before the battle with Whitebeard, there would be another demon slaughter order.”

“And, we’re still facing a group of complete strangers.”

Karp said with a sigh.

Every occurrence of the demon slaughter order will shock the world, and it will cause the navy to suffer unimaginable fishing boat attacks.

“I just hope that the strength of the other party, just as we estimated, the Demon Slaying Order can be easily solved!”

Sengoku’s brows furrowed and said in a deep voice.

“When the yellow ape is able to act, the demon slaughter order will immediately begin to be executed!”

The voice in the ward gradually weakened, and everyone’s hearts were very heavy for the upcoming Demon Slaughter Order.

It’s fine if it can be solved, but if something goes wrong, the Navy will face a hostile legion that cannot be ignored and is extremely stressful!

Time passed slowly, and a week had passed since the yellow ape attacked the three-masted ship.

Moriah is still arranging the zombie legion, preparing to start the huge ship, the size of the three-masted ship is too large, and the steps to make it travel are tedious.

The pressure of the river was there, and Moria did not dare to slack off in the slightest, and he could complete the task sooner rather than he started the boat.

Brooke and the others also participated in the peripheral patrol mission, and their group gathered together and chatted very happily.

“Lord Hades is not strict with us, we are still free!”

“Yes, Lord Jiang Liu looks very talkative!”

Everyone was talking to each other.

No one is unhappy about being resurrected into the world, which represents regret before death and can be fulfilled again after being born again.

Suddenly, Brooke pressed the top hat on his head, and his eyes narrowed slightly into the thick fog in the distance.

“Someone seems to be coming!”

Everyone was stunned, and a moment later, a boat with a lion’s head on the bow slowly drove over, rubbed shoulders with the ship they had been riding on before, and finally docked along the coast.

“That guy is wearing a straw hat, he’s a raw man!”

“It seems that it is also a pirate!”

The crowd was wary.

They glanced at each other and walked towards the pirate ship.

Soon after, a group of pirate members walked from the ship, led by a red vest and a straw hat, with a smile on his face.

“It seems to be a little pirate chasing dreams, judging by their appearance, they are all young!”

“Let them go, or the Hades will know and will be angry!”

Brooke and others said.

Everyone walked towards the comers, and a moment later, the two met.

“Wow, it looks very gloomy here, I didn’t expect there to be humans!”

“Yes, the outside world has legends that there are ghosts and ghosts in the delta area, but I didn’t expect that there were still living humans living here!”

“Ah, I have a disease that will faint when I enter the island, it is a terminal illness, and it cannot be cured!”

The boat people spoke to each other, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

“Hey, pirates, this is our territory, hurry up and leave, otherwise, you are welcome!”

Brooke’s captain shouted.

“That’s a shame, we want to venture here!”

Straw Hat Kid Luffy said.

“What kind of place are you here, leave immediately!”

One of the crew members looked cold and shouted to drive them away.

At this moment, a ghost-like girl suddenly floated behind everyone, and she glanced at Brooke and the others.

“The master has an order to let the straw hat boy and his gang enter the island.”

This sentence made Brooke and the others change their faces.

Although they respected Jiang Liu in their hearts, they knew very well that this adult with a young man’s face was very cruel in his heart.

When encountering adults, this crew can be said to be uncertain about life and death.

“Hahaha, the hosts here are very hospitable!”

Luffy laughed.

Brooke looked silent, did not say more, he stood up: “I will lead you forward!” ”

Along the way, Perona floated behind everyone, staring at the group with strange faces.

She really couldn’t see anything strange about this group of guys that deserved the attention of adults.

“When you meet an adult, you must respect, the adult is a supreme figure, not something you can disobey, you must remember!”

Brooke’s eyes were serious and he kept instructing.

Soon, the Straw Hat Boy and his gang entered the castle and also saw the handsome young man Jiang Liu with a smile on his face.

“Straw Hat Boys, I have been famous for you for a long time, and I finally met here.”

Jiang Liu sat on the upper seat and said with a smile, and Ryoma stood beside him with an extraordinary glance.

“Hahahaha, are we already so famous?”

Luffy laughed.

“Compared to you, there is no bounty at all in the next day!”

“You’re better than me!”

Jiang Liu said.

Solon, on the other hand, stared at Ryoma in an instant, subconsciously telling him that this plain-faced man was an unusual character.

PS: Ask for flowers, review votes!

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