Even if he didn’t connect to this phone worm, the strong premonition still made Sengoku guess extremely accurately.


This time, after he connected, he took a breath and just spit out a word coldly.

“Justice Island! Justice Island under attack!! ”

“Request support, request the launch of the Demon Slaying Order, request the arrival of the General!”

“We can’t hold on, that person, launched the Thunder Annihilation, and the entire island will be reduced to ashes!”

An extremely tragic voice came from the other side of the phone worm, causing Warring States’ pupils to contract, and his heart stopped for a moment.

He felt a little suffocated, and his eyes were a little blurry.

For a while, the ears of the Warring States could not hear the voice in the telephone worm, and the sound of artillery fire on the battlefield in front of them.

After a long while, he only inhaled in one breath, and then said in an ugly voice to the phone worm.

“How is the situation, tell me the specific situation!”

With the words spoken, Sengoku even felt his own powerlessness.

But the phone worm has long been gone, which means that the person on the opposite side of the call has disappeared, and may have encountered an accident.

This made the Warring States even more helpless, his whole body strength seemed to be drained at this moment, and after staggering back a few steps, he sat down on the seat, his head buzzing.

He knew very well that after the end of this headquarters war, he would encounter an unpredictable future, and he would definitely face the thunderous roar of his superiors on the side of the world government.

This series of actions of the other party has a deep impact, and the biggest and most direct is himself, the supreme commander of the navy headquarters.

The Chambord Islands, the Isle of Justice fell, and he, the marshal, could not get rid of it at all.

“It’s abominable!!”

Clenching his fists, Sengoku slammed into the handle of the chair.

A moment later, he let out a long breath to see, his face gloomy and dripping, looking at the battlefield ahead, he clenched his fists.

“In any case, the main thing now is the battle in front of you!”

This battle, undoubtedly in its final stages, Whitebeard divided the entire battlefield into two halves, and faced the entire navy alone.

He wants to single-handedly open up a new world for the entire era, and sink his old ship.

“Come on, Navy, next, I’m your opponent!!”

With his back to the white-bearded pirate group, this day’s anger, this day’s helplessness, this day’s unwillingness, at this moment, all contained in the words.

Whitebeard was angry, but unwilling.

After all, he is old, and before the war, he even relied on hanging bottles to maintain his life, and even eating was far less than when he was young.

In the next second, Whitebeard launched a charge, and in front of him, there were countless naval elites, general-level officers.

The battle became more intense and entered its final moments.

Everyone is nervous, they are expecting this figure to fall, but they hope that this figure will not fall, let him perform a legend, a legend.


The low roar shook the sky, and the gasp of the white beard was like thunder, shaking the void and trembling, and ripples appeared.


The navy was equally fearless of death, and this battle killed too many companions and fell too many comrades, and they were full of blood to kill Whitebeard here.



Marko and the others roared loudly, and their eyes instantly turned red.

Ace died, the event was a complete failure, and even his father was left behind, trading his life for their future.

“Leave now, Whitebeard Pirates!!”

“This is my last order as a captain!”

Whitebeard threw a punch, shook the fruit, and shook all the dozens of elites who pounced, and roared loudly.

His forehead was sweating, and his aging body was scarred, and he had long reached its limit, and even he didn’t know how long he would be able to hold out.

However, before he fell, he was still a white-bearded man and the strongest man in that world. He stood there like a mountain, giving people a huge pressure.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared here.

“Thief hahahaha, dad, it’s great to see that you’re still alive!”

The laughter was very harsh, and the eyes of Whitebeard and everyone in the audience were instantly drawn over.

“Tichy !!!”

Whitebeard roared in a low voice, and the fire in his eyes made people chill.

That surging anger, even from far away, can be clearly perceived, which is creepy.

At the same time, the eyes of the Warring States froze.

“Where did this guy come from? He brought out the criminals who pushed into the city, what happened to the city? ”

Many of the Blackbeard team, who were obviously terrible criminals advancing into the city, were actually released by the other party and developed into their own teammates.

And in the same way, advance the city.

“Hahahahaha, I know that the navy is not so generous, Roger is dead, even his body, it is impossible to really hand it over to others.”

Moriah opened his hands and looked at the black coffin in front of him, smiling harshly.

“Is this the coffin? Inside, the corpse of Roger, known as One Piece? ”

Ryoma said in a deep voice.

“If the pirate named Barrett isn’t lying, it’s this coffin!”

“No one would have thought that the tomb of the legendary Roger, buried in the outside world, turned out to be empty!”

Moriah said with some excitement.

“Roger, I seem to have heard this name back then, and it seems that I am still a newcomer.”

Brooke muttered.

He shook the rapier in his hand and stepped forward.

“Open the coffin and take Roger!”

Everyone did things very simply, lifted the coffin stored on the sixth floor of the Advance City, and then saw the body lying inside.

“It’s been twenty years, I didn’t expect to see Roger again!”

Moriah was excited, and he waved his hand.

The person behind naturally quickly followed, and then moved quickly to remove Roger’s decayed and indistinguishable body, rolled it up with a mat, and tied it to his back.

“It’s time to evacuate, the captain will be very happy!”

Moriah Road.

This time the task was not difficult, it was completed easily, and everyone was in a good mood.

However, when they walked out of this secret room, they found a figure at the door blocking their way.

“Barrett, what are you doing here?”

“In exchange, it’s fair that you tell us where Roger’s body is and we let you go!”

Moriah was stunned, and then said coldly.

“I want to know what you did with Roger’s body!”

“This man, he used to be my captain!”

Douglas Barrett said with an icy look in his eyes, glancing at the sweep behind them.

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