Jiang Liu looked at the five old stars without showing doubt, smiled crookedly, and then looked down again, turned on the thunder transmission, and announced: “At the beginning of next month, I will raise a tower in the sky, and on that day, the kingdom called the underworld will be established, and the National Day of each year is the day when the living meet the dead.” ”

“From that day onwards, the petitioners of the resurrection are invited to come there, and after prayer earnestly, I will give you a second life.”

The river faced the earth, and at this moment he felt that he must be like a divine stick, and this line was not suitable for him to say, but at this moment, the excitement in his heart still drove his behavior.

“Are you, want to be a god?”

A voice suddenly sounded, everyone’s attention was immediately attracted, only to see in the temple, a light mass gradually rose, as soon as it appeared, the whole audience fell into silence, in an instant, everyone recognized this light and shadow, the people present are not ordinary people, for this secret existence, everyone knows more or less, although more people, it is also the first time to see.

Until then, more people had just heard about its existence.

The supreme king of the Draco, the ruler of the world, the ruler of St. Mary—Im!

Seeing the appearance of this person, everyone’s breath was suffocated, and the five old stars quickly knelt down in mid-air to greet their king!

Rox, on the other hand, straightened his eyes, and a wave of anger came out from the bottom of his heart.

Back then, he was attacked by the person wrapped in this halo in front of him, and the pillar of light from the distant sky beat himself out of a stiff state by surprise, and then came the nightmarish destruction blow, without giving himself the slightest chance to breathe, he made up for the second shot, if it were not for the Satan tree, he would have died a long time ago!

And the initiator of everything is the person in front of him!

Yim’s sudden appearance made Jiang Liu suddenly raise his eyebrows, and at this moment, he had a faint bad premonition, that is, his declaration seemed harmless to humans and animals, benefiting everyone in the world, but it actually contained many hidden dangers.

If Im speaks out, then he is in trouble.

With the current Nether Pirate Group, they naturally can’t withstand the siege of nobles all over the world, of course, they won’t let them have a good time.

But Im did not poke himself directly, but looked at himself directly, seemingly waiting for the answer to the question just now.

Is your purpose to become a god?

Jiang Liu thought about the question carefully, nodded gently, and then shook his head.

“Not the god of domination, but the god of watch.”

The river did not turn on the transmission, and no one could hear this voice except the five old stars and Yimu who were close.

Yim nodded, she was still very satisfied with this answer.

After a moment, as if he had made up some kind of determination, and then like a river, he transmitted a voice to the ground: “Holy Duke Musgarud, from now on the supreme ruler of St. Mary Joa of the Heavenly Dragon Kingdom, holds all powers, becomes the fifth generation Saint King, the fourth generation Saint King Im, announces his abdication at this moment!” “

Wow —

In an instant, the voice sent out was almost detonated, and the degree of fiery was no less than the declaration of the underworld just now, Im, the commander of the Draco who had survived since the primeval period, actually announced his abdication on this day!

Although the successor is still a nobleman of the Draco, his prestige is comparable to Yimu, but this is not the point!!

Anyone with discerning eyes can see that Yimu’s sudden official announcement of this matter must have a huge relationship with the establishment of the Underworld Lord!

In an instant, countless suspicions began to form in the hearts of everyone, there were too many strange events happening today, showing that the black hole was about to die, and then the underworld alone defeated the five old stars, closely established the underworld, and now it is necessary to add the abdication of the Dragon King!

Today, it is too magical, a kind of strong people have failed to make a move, and they have witnessed history here!

“Lord Im, why!!!?”

A Draco knelt on the ground, sobbing and shouting hoarsely, and at this moment, the collapsed Draco were no longer a minority, although the prestige of the Musgarud Saint was indeed very high in the Draco, but the Draco, as a proud race, also wisely obeyed their god, the king, Lord Im.

“We can’t live without you!!”

“This must be fake!!”

However, no matter how much they shouted and believed it, the message could not reach Im’s ears, and they could only acquiesce to all this happening.

“So, okay?”

Im’s voice was cold, as if she had given up her status as the king of the Dragon Kingdom, it was just a simple matter of taking off her coat, but this was her promise with the Lord of the Underworld, the condition.

“Very good!” Jiang Liu’s satisfied sweetness, after hearing Jiang Liu’s abdication, don’t say others, she was stupid, originally thought that Yim did not target herself was already the best result, but unexpectedly, she actually stopped her royal power and kept her agreement.

From now on, he will no longer interfere in the changes in the world order and no longer interfere in the disputes of the Draco.

“I admire you!” Jiang Liu felt from the bottom of his heart, and at this moment, there was no longer a malicious element in his perception of Yimu.

“Hmph, I can guess what you think in your heart, after all, I can be much older than you!” Just because I’m not targeting you doesn’t mean others won’t! In short, be enlightened! ”

Yim said mercilessly sarcastically, and then said no more, turned to leave, for his departure from the Dragon Kingdom, it was not what he thought today, but he had planned for a long time.

I have lived long enough, and now that my last obsession has hope, I don’t have to wait anymore.

Jiang Liu is secretly relieved, others don’t know, but Yimu, who has lived for so long, is easy to see the pros and cons, and does it himself, if it is not for the business, coupled with a good attitude, I am afraid that he will be dangerous today, and it is better to leave early when he sees the other party.

The five old stars also glanced at Jiang Liu with their own complicated eyes, and their thoughts were full of thoughts for a while, and what they can feel now is how to provide more efficient services for the sixth star of this person in front of them.

Looking at the river and the five old stars, the disappearance of Yimu, the world boiled again, everyone knew that the sky was about to change!

At next month’s founding ceremony, there will be a big change, and until then, no matter how heavy rain is brewing, it will not fall.

However, this month is enough for anyone to prepare for any preparation, so the strong people in the audience are pregnant with ghosts, and after they plan to go back, they will plan ahead with their partners, and before that, those who do not know what they really think, do not dare to rush!

Otherwise, it is himself who sacrifices!

Jiang Liu glanced at Lokes and signaled that the two could already leave, and the latter echoed and flew away together.

And the moment he saw the river, Rocks shivered fiercely.

Because, Jiang Liu’s expression was unprecedentedly sinister and weird, he couldn’t help but silently swallow a mouthful of spit, and then silently followed.

A month, that’s enough!

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