
The waves crashed on the reef from time to time, and Lin Aotian took a sharp breath of the slightly fishy sea breeze and walked out of the reef pile.


waiting for a few minutes, Isha also came out, her face still blushing, and her clothes looked very messy.

"Handsome guy, I really didn't expect you to be so ...... Strong!

" "You're not bad!" The

two looked at each other and smiled, Lin Aotian paid for the workout, and the other party even wanted to add his contact information, it seems that this is the rhythm of letting him pay for a month.

After Lin Aotian and the other party separated, he returned directly to the hotel, and knocked on the door when passing by Caitlin's room, and after a while, the other party walked out in pajamas.

"Big boss, how is the harvest today

!" "It's okay, let's rest early! I'll take you to a big dinner tomorrow morning!" Lin

Aotian walked into his suite after speaking, and now he was a little tired, so he could only sleep well.

After waking up at nine o'clock in the morning, I cleaned up briefly, and I heard a knock on the door, and when I opened the room, Caitlin had already cleaned up.

The two of them came to the street, and at first glance there were many restaurants, and they went directly to the largest Michelin-starred restaurant, where he could enjoy the three-star service.

After entering the restaurant, the interior decoration is very high-end, the space is also very spacious, the ceiling lights can be seen everywhere overhead, and the overall style is mainly white.

At this time, there were already 2/3 of the people sitting in the restaurant, and the business was extremely hot, under the warm hospitality of the waiter.

Led them directly to a table, handed over the menu, maintained an elegant posture, stood next to him, his English was not very good, and handed it directly to Caitlyn opposite.

"Lady first! I'm in for a treat today

!" "Boss, then you're welcome!"

Caitlin said with a smile and ordered Michelin-starred caviar, steak, dessert, and a bottle of red wine.

It didn't take long for the dishes to be served, and the dishes were very delicate, and the plates used to serve the dishes were also very high-end.

Although the portion is a little small, the taste is very delicious, Lin Aotian devoured it very imagelessly, but it made Caitlyn on the other side couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

"Caitlin! let the waiter serve it again, this is gone without a few bites!" Lin

Aotian wiped his mouth, only to feel half full, he didn't want to treat his stomach badly.

The other party couldn't hold back a few laughs, and then beckoned the waiter to serve another menu according to the menu just now.

The waiter glanced at Lin Aotian, he really had never seen someone come to Michelin to eat like this, out of professionalism, he still held back.

The surrounding tables all cast curious glances, after all, those who can come here to eat are either rich or expensive, and it is not only the delicious food that is exquisite, but also this elegant atmosphere.

At this time, a couple behind him, looking Chinese, pointed at him and whispered.

"It's really a hillbilly, I haven't seen the world before, and I ran here to lose the face of the Chinese people

!" "That's it! I feel so ashamed!"


Lin Aotian was not far from the couple, so he could naturally hear what the other party said, and he turned his head to look over.

These two people are not very old, the woman has an Internet celebrity face, and the man is also a creamy child, with yellow skin and black hair, there is no doubt that they are Chinese.

It seems that he is out to travel, the dress is relatively simple, he can come to this kind of place to eat, and his family background should not be too bad, but the quality needs to be improved.

After wiping his mouth, he stood up and walked over, and Catelyn hurriedly tried to hold him down, but was frightened by his eyes and had to follow.

"Honey! That dirt bun is coming, what should I do!"

"It's okay! With me! How can he drop me in this kind of place?"

the man patted his girlfriend's arm and said comfortingly, and then saw that the other party was followed by a beautiful foreign girl, and his eyes lit up.

Wow shit! Such a vigorous and hot woman, but it's rare

! I will definitely kill the majesty of this hillbilly later, maybe I can even get the appreciation of the beautiful woman!

Lin Aotian walked straight up to the couple and sat across from them, and many people around him also turned their heads to look here.

After all, it is human nature to be lively, regardless of region and country!

Cream Xiaosheng, seeing Lin Ao innocently coming, was so frightened that he didn't dare to move.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Lin Aotian said with a somewhat gloomy face: "What I said just now is quite happy, how can this be dumb

?" The man saw that Lin Aotian's face was not good, and he was a little speechless with fright, but when he thought of so many people around him watching, he mustered up the courage to stand up, pointed at him and said loudly.

"You...... What do you

want to do?" "I don't want to do anything, but your attitude makes me very angry!" Lin

Aotian grabbed the other party's finger and pushed it up hard, and the other party instantly wanted to pull it out in pain.

Seeing that her boyfriend was being bullied, the Internet celebrity face woman hurriedly stood up and stepped forward to grab his face.

After Lin Aotian let go, he pinched the other party's wrist again, and after a slight force, she grinned in pain.

"Although I don't hit women, it doesn't mean that I can tolerate women touching me!"

After finishing speaking, he let go, and the other party sat down on the chair without paying attention.

The physical contact here had already attracted

the restaurant manager, and he was talking in English quickly, and Caitlin didn't want to make a big deal about it, so she hurriedly stepped forward to explain the situation to the restaurant manager, and pulled Lin Aotian's arm to let him dissipate his anger.

If this is in China, you have to teach the other party a good lesson.

In the end, after negotiation, the other party apologized to him, and the matter basically ended like this, the good breakfast was ruined, and Lin Aotian walked out after paying.

After Caitlin came out behind him, she directly grabbed his arm, and her plump chest kept rubbing her arm.

"Boss! You're so handsome just now! I'm really afraid that if you do something in the restaurant, you'll probably end up in the police station by then

!" "I know, after all, this is abroad!" After

Lin Aotian finished speaking, he recalled the scene just now, looked at Caitlyn and said.

"Am I really like a hillbilly?"


!" Caitlyn laughed twice, and said in an exaggerated tone: "How can it be, you are the big boss of the five million tons of copper mine!"

Lin Aotian knew that the other party was joking with him, but he didn't care, and walked directly to the beach in front of him with the other party.


The two of them played crazy for a day, basically experienced the sea project, and in the evening, they went to find a small bar and drank a few bottles.

When she returned to the hotel, Caitlin walked a little flutteringly, and Lin Aotian had to help her upstairs.

After putting her on the bed, he looked at the beautiful and delicious beauty, her towering breasts rising and falling with her breathing, and her long legs, which made him almost unable to hold back and pounce, but fortunately, his reason defeated his lust in the end.

This is a foreign country! If the other party accuses him of rape, it will really be ......

Just as he was engaged in a psychological struggle, Caitlyn suddenly sat up and looked at Lin Aotian drunkenly, and before he could react, he had been pressed to the bed.


Aotian looked at Caitlin who was riding on his body, like a queen on top, the other party's cherry mouth stretched out her ruddy tongue, licked her lips, and looked at him aggressively.


"You'll be mine tonight!" ......

As soon as he finished speaking, the high heels on his feet fell to the ground, leaning close to his cheek, constantly blowing and teasing his nerves.

Lin Aotian looked down, his pupils widened.


So big?

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