Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 290: Whitebeard founded the country!

The broken Rainbow Island that was split into two suddenly became extremely quiet.

The large symphony orchestra on Noah's Ark had already stopped playing, and all that could be heard was the sound of rocks and broken logs falling into the sea.

A large amount of sea water gushes out from many cracks in the ground. It is expected that the main body of the island will be submerged in the deep sea before long.

But except for the sad-faced islanders, the big shots of the Whitebeard Pirates and the World Government, they didn't care about these things at all. All eyes were focused on the huge dark purple sword light.

Edward Newgate held up the Congyunqie in his hand and stared blankly at the sharp purple light less than ten centimeters from the tip of his nose.

I saw that the supreme sharp knife in his hand had been broken into two parts, and he himself was half-kneeling on the ground while resisting.


This doubt amplified infinitely in his mind. Since the disbandment of Rocks Pirates, he, 'Whitebeard', had never been defeated in a one-on-one duel, and he was defeated so quickly and completely.


He was confident that even if Rocks D. Jibek was resurrected, he might not be able to defeat his current self.

But what's going on with this little Celestial Dragon kid in front of me who looks like he's only in his twenties? Why is he so strong?

Am I, ‘Whitebeard’, not the strongest in the world?

Is the ceiling of combat power in this world still higher than what I imagined?

Edward Newgate's heart was heavier than ever, and he even fell into self-doubt.

"Dad... he actually lost!"

And Marco, George and other crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates who witnessed this scene began to suspect that they were in a dream, an incredible nightmare that could never happen!

Among them, Marshall D. Teach, who has always been low-key, humble and cheerful, neither fighting nor grabbing, but hiding terrible ambitions, couldn't believe what he saw.

"How is this possible! There are actually beings so much stronger than 'Whitebeard' in this world?!"

"Who is this lord...?"

On top of Noah's Ark, Stussy, wearing a black silk OL skirt, stepped on high heels and stared at Im's extremely aloof figure with shock on her face.

Replacement candidate for the five old stars?

She suddenly began to have some doubts about this identity. As the best female spy agent, she subconsciously felt that there was something fishy about it.

But no matter what, as long as you serve this adult well and always stay by his side, you will know everything you should know sooner or later!

at this time.

Im looked down condescendingly at the 'strongest man in the world' who was half-kneeling in front of him.

He steadily controlled the huge sword light wielded by 'Yama' and declared indifferently like a high god.

"Edward Newgate, you will no longer be a pirate, and the bounty will be cancelled!"

"Edward Newgate, you will establish a kingdom in your hometown, join the world government, and have a seat at the world conference!"

"Edward Newgate, you will be awarded the rank of general and fight on the battlefields of all realms for the world government!"

"Edward Newgate, your current sons will be assigned to the appropriate departments and armies according to their abilities!"

Such four sentences were clearly heard by everyone nearby. Marco and others were even more stunned and couldn't believe what they heard.

Edward Newgate's face is indeed extremely ugly, because these sentences contain a lot of information. The second and fourth sentences seem to be gifts, but no matter how you listen to them, you can feel a strong threat.

This shows that the world government has determined the location of his hometown. What will happen if he refuses?

And his sons, what would happen if he refused?

At the same time, the content of the third sentence is the most astonishing. Of course, it is not the rank of general, which he really doesn’t care about, but the ‘battlefield of all realms’ in the following paragraph!

What world?

As the name suggests, it literally means 'Ten Thousand Worlds'. For some reason, it was like a thunderbolt exploding in my mind.

He suddenly realized that the real reason why Big Moom, Shiji, Bundy Wald, Kaido and others chose to surrender must be related to these two words!

But is this really possible?


Edward Newgate remained silent until Im dispersed the huge sword light, and even his half-kneeling movement on the ground was frozen.

See this.

Im didn't say anything more. He just looked at him meaningfully for a few seconds and then disappeared into the air. Then a government official would be responsible for introducing him to more details.

Since 'Whitebeard' did not resist or refuse on the spot, it means that he chose to acquiesce.

This is the reason for the silence.

Hometown and family are the strongest bonds, not to mention that he was defeated so completely, which means that he no longer protects these most cherished forces.

But Im gave him hope of preserving both through another way.

Edward Newgay silently chose to shoulder his responsibilities as a man, a captain, and a father.

This is one of the reasons why Im admires him the most.

When he appeared again at the next step on the red carpet, the shocking music was played again from Noah's Ark above.

And this time the track is "Ritual"!

Compared with the previous "Wrath of Gods" and "The Great Fortress", this time "Ritual" seems more epic.

The collective low-pitched singing was magnificent, solemn, and shocking. It was like the arrival of a god. It had a sacred feeling that made people's scalp numb just listening to it.

Accompanied by such music, Im walked up the steps of hundreds of meters step by step. The Holy Land garrison on both sides lowered their heads every time they climbed a step.

Although they wore visors and helmets on their heads, you could still feel the awe in their eyes.

Behind him were three 'Giant Soldiers' in formation, with Sauro in front, Cassie and Oyimo behind, and behind him were the fragmented Rainbow Island and the back of 'Whitebeard' who was still half-kneeling on the ground.

Needless to say, no matter the atmosphere, aura, or style, they are all at the highest level!


In order to enjoy this moment, Im didn't walk very fast...

But no matter how long the ladder is, it has an end. When he stepped onto the deck of Noah's Ark again, Stussy and Senior Manager came up to him.

The eyes of the two of them were even more humble than before, which was not surprising to Im.

"Inform Wulaoxing of the situation here."

"Yes, Lord Jorakor!"

Manager Senior responded quickly, then turned around to carry out the order, and then Stussy showed the most charming smile.

"Welcome back."

Below, Edward Newgate had straightened up and looked at the Cong Yunqie whose hand was broken into two parts with complicated emotions. He really never thought that the knife would be broken one day.


"Dad, you're hurt!"

I saw Marco's phoenix flying from the sky first. When he saw the long bloody mouth on 'Dad's' chest, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly used his own blue flame to heal his injury.

"How's daddy doing?"

"Here we come, Dad!"

Immediately afterwards, George, Bista and others hurriedly jumped over on the cracked island full of dangerous cracks.

Seeing his sons caring about him, Edward Newgate's face was filled with relief, and at the same time he became more determined in his choice.

"Gu la la la~~ I can't die yet, but I am indeed defeated..."

Seeing his lonely expression, the crew members of the White Group looked at each other in confusion and didn't know how to comfort him.

The captain of the fourth team, Sachi, asked hesitantly: "As for that person just now, what is your decision?"

"Hey - I agreed..."

Edward Newgate looked at the huge white ship blocking the sky above his head and sighed: "Let's build a country, build a country of our own!"

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