Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 642 The Empire seeks peace!

Teigu World, the Imperial Capital.

In the imperial palace within the different space of Teigu and the Eight Gate Golden Lock.

The emperor and all civil and military officials gathered in Zichen Hall again.

Because the diplomatic team previously sent to the Stargate Base has returned.

However, only about forty people came back, and the leader was not the diplomat Giovanni.

It was his diplomatic adjutant Teddy, but this was enough to bring all kinds of information to the top of the empire.

at this time.

The emperor sat on the dragon chair on the stage, expressionlessly watching the people in the audience reading the copied copies.

From his perspective, he could clearly appreciate everyone's expressions gradually becoming shocked and even horrified.

Maybe, this is what I looked like before.

The alien continent with a total area comparable to the entire empire, no, maybe including the Kingdom of Alkme in the west, is the war frontline base camp.

Just reading the description of this kind of thing is horrifying.

Not to mention Teddy and others, with the permission of the World Government.

Brought back a phone bug that recorded multi-angle images of the ‘Giant World’ Canberra Continent (Australia).

Those endless military facilities, those tens of millions of terrifying troops.

The trenches were hundreds of kilometers long, or even nearly a thousand kilometers long, crisscrossing the land.

The densely packed bunkers, anti-aircraft guns, howitzers, heavy tanks, and black trucks

Roaring fighter jets soared back and forth in the sky.

Flying warships and airships float in the sky

All this gives people a sense of deja vu as the world government has turned the entire world into a war fortress!

These magnificent scenes were enough to make the emperor, Nadjeta, Interior Minister Sauer, Financial Officer Ezra, and General Bude who had just returned, break into cold sweats.

Only the yearning and excitement in the eyes of the fashion doctor became more and more intense.

And when they heard that this 'Giant World' had been sentenced to twenty years of so-called 'absolute freedom' because it killed a general of the World Government's army headquarters in a previous war.

The phone bug also comes with high-definition images of the current conditions of major cities in the former Marais.

This allowed the emperor and others to see with their own eyes what a society without any order was like.

Most of the people in the entire city have turned into humanoid beasts, completely following the bloody law of the jungle.

They laughed wildly from their mouths, relying on their strength and the weapons in their hands to bully any weak person they didn't like.

Then he was beaten to death by a stronger assailant and took away the blood-stained materials that he had just obtained.

This scene.

It made the emperor and others at that time feel cold all over, and they fully realized how terrifying the world government was.

The emperor himself even felt grateful despite lingering fears.

Fortunately, the previous ‘Five-Way Rotary Furnace’ did not really kill the air force general who was said to be named ‘Qinglong’.


The future of the empire may also be so 'free'.

And now.

The civil and military officials in the hall were experiencing the painful process of being shocked and shocked.

Because the emperor didn't want to fight anymore.

No matter how many of the ‘Five-Way Rotary Furnaces’ are left, even if there are still a lot of missiles in stock.

Even if there is still the trump card of the 'Supreme Imperial Arms', even if the empire still has an army of hundreds of thousands.

These can no longer give him the confidence to defeat the World Government.


He no longer dares to use the 'five-channel rotary furnace'.

Even if the remaining few are operated immediately, there is a chance that they can really kill a general of the World Government.

He doesn't dare either!

Because the world government has too many generals.

Killing a general will not have any positive effect except completely angering the world government and bringing a tragic fate to your own world.

In comparison, joining the World Government is a choice that seems to have a bright future!

Not to mention, it seems that our side still has a chance to become the first alien force to join the world government?

As an emperor, he knew very well the political value of this.

In fact, the emperor was right.

Just like the reason why Amata Mima was able to smoothly rise up the ranks within the World Government, and her strength also increased at a rapid rate like a rocket, in addition to her own talents and abilities.

In fact, it is closely related to the fact that he was the first to join the world government and the first alien to come to the mainland of Haixing.

So from the perspective of the ‘Teigu World’ as a whole.

As the first alien to join the world government, he will definitely gain more or less political leanings in the future.

As for whether the Empire will be the first alien country to join the World Government.

The emperor himself was very confident.

Because they have the strongest overall strength and are also the first country to send a diplomatic team to the world government!

After a while.

In the Zichen Palace, as more and more people read the contents of the document, the atmosphere began to become noisy.

There was a palpable tremor and fear in everyone's voice.


Seeing this, the two eunuchs in front of the stage took a step forward and shouted in unison, causing all the noise to disappear without a trace.

"My dear friends, I have decided to make peace with the World Government and submit a request to join the World Government. Do you have any objections?"

The emperor looked at them calmly.

In fact, he was unwilling to give in. After all, the empire had been domineering for thousands of years.

With one enemy against two, the Kingdom of Alchemy and the Kingdom of God and Island are still standing strong, and even suppressing the situation overall.

If the power of the world government hadn't been so desperate, he wouldn't have made such a shameful choice.

Hey, I don’t know how I will explain myself when I meet the previous emperors in the underworld.

Just as the emperor had mixed feelings in his heart, all the civil and military officials in the audience looked at each other.

Finally, they bowed and shouted in tacit agreement: "Your Majesty is wise, and we will obey the holy decree!"


The emperor was speechless and obeyed the imperial edict, which was directly throwing the responsibility back.

But he is indeed the boss of the empire. If he doesn't bear this biggest responsibility, who will bear it, so he has no choice but to accept it.

"Ahem, that's it."

"Consul Sauer, when the meeting is over, you can use that phone bug to express our attitude to the World Government, and then ask what procedures are required to join."

"Follow the Holy Order!"

Consul Sauer, who stood at the front of the civil service team, nodded solemnly.

"By the way, has General Brand's body been found?"

At this time, the emperor looked at General Bude, who was standing in front of the military attache.

The latter's usually straight body seemed to be bent a little for some reason.

"Your Majesty, the situation at that time was too chaotic and the general was unable to bring back General Brand. In addition, Lieutenant General Leonai of the Army also did not know whether he was alive or dead."

"Really? It's such a pity. It seems we can only build a cenotaph for General Brand."

The emperor sighed and said in his heart: "It's a pity that evil spirits are haunting us."

Talk about it.

Nahasho of the Army and Tazmi of the Imperial Guard were both captured by the World Government.

I don’t know if I can get it back after joining?

Especially the latter.

The emperor had previously thought about taking back General Brand's body.

Then give Tazmi the Teigu: Evil Ghost Haunting to use.

Well now, both are gone!

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