Pirate World.


Luffy and the others are correcting on the desert island, and the tender and juicy roast meat is roasted through the campfire.

“Delicious ——!”

Luffy indulges in roasting.

On the side, Nicole Robin was watching the live broadcast room, thoughtful.

“… Cthulhu World. ”

“Most of the writing depicted on this huge stone is composed of formalized aquatic symbols. ”

“Fish, eels, octopuses, crustaceans, molluscs, whales, etc. ”

Robin narrowed his eyes slightly.

There was curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

“But there are some symbols. ”

“There are some sea creatures that have never been heard of before. ”

“Could it be that it is endemic to that world… But how can there be such a big volcanic movement on this kind of sea all of a sudden?”

The reason for saying this.

It is because Nicole Robin was in the live broadcast room just now, on the wasteland that rose from the bottom of the sea, there were their decaying corpses.

But what is incomprehensible is that.

If it is really a continent caused by a simple volcanic eruption.

The scale is absolutely impossible to be so large!

To be precise.

In general, only a small island can be formed at most.

If you really wake up and have an extra continent, I am afraid it should be related to some unknown force.

And that’s what Robin minds.

“It stands to reason that the first guy to appear is generally not strong, so the probability is that he does not have the ability to do so 21. ”

“But why did this continent suddenly appear?”

It’s because of simple serendipity.


What about the man who has already set his sights on him?

Nicole Robin pondered for a moment, then returned to the ship’s room and began to draw the hieroglyphs recorded on the boulder.

If you can decipher it.

Perhaps it is understandable what is revealed on this boulder.

In the picture of the live broadcast room at this moment, the man is also obsessed with the carvings and words on these huge stones.

“This: Who portrayed it?”

The man asked subconsciously, his eyes staring at the boulder.

On the surface of that boulder.

There are painting-like carvings, and even across the vast surface of the water, the strikingly large carvings are still clearly visible.

“These carvings… It’s like portraying some kind of person?”

“Looks like some kind of special person, and the creatures in the painting play like fish in caves under the sea, or gather in front of some monolithic altar located under the waves to pay their respects. ”

“The body and the face… Aaaah!”

Suddenly, the man subconsciously covered his head, and the dizziness that suddenly appeared in his mind made him dare not look at the description in the mural in detail.

These creatures.

In addition to webbed hands and feet, amazingly thick lips, dull and godless bulging eyes, and other unpleasant features.

They as a whole.

But similar to humans to the point of abomination!

What’s even stranger is that one of these creatures seems to be carved out of proportion compared to the other scenes on the carving!

Because on the engraving.

That individual is trying to kill a whale, but the carving represents it almost the same size as a whale!

Seeing this, the man shook his head slightly.

“It’s a grotesque look and a bizarre size, probably imagined by some primitive tribes who lived by fishing and sailing in the distant past. ”

“I am afraid that the last remnants of this tribe have become extinct. ”

He said with some emotion.

Through this monolith, he was given a glimpse into a past that even the most daring anthropologists could not imagine, and it was a novel experience.


The man stood there quietly admiring the boulder, allowing the moon to cast its strange reflection into the silent canyon in front of him.

But… Right now!

The man saw it.

The most memorable sight of my life!


It was as if something was quietly rising from beneath the dark water, stirring up a series of slight waves heralding its arrival.

Next moment!

Under that pitch-black water, it was suddenly and completely blown away!


The Great Wave was completely set off in an instant, and a terrifying force beyond human common sense could easily destroy the streets.

Next second!

An abhorrent, mythical Polyphemes giant-like behemoth appeared at this moment!

Just in the moment of witnessing!

The terrifying spiritual pollution made many mortals in the endless world and endless time and space subconsciously feel like falling into a cold cave!

This is still in the case of blocking most of the live broadcast room!

They couldn’t help but swallow.

For some reason.

Obviously, compared with the characters inventoried before, this monster is nothing at all, but it brings an unknown sense of oppression.

But it’s beyond imagination!

The huge monster seems to have been born in a nightmare.

Flying towards the giant monolith, he stretched out his huge scale-covered arms and grabbed it.

It was as if he didn’t care about the man next to him at all.

He just lowered his creepy head and made some slow and rhythmic noises against the boulder.

“Knock knock knock ——!”

The sound resounded in the night sky!

The text at the bottom of the live broadcast room also introduces its identity.

【Deep Diver Leader – Dagon】

[Deep divers are a marine humanoid race with fish characteristics and a near-eternal lifespan]

[They worship their leaders, Dagon the Father, and Hydra, the mother, and worship the great Cthulhu while serving them]

Near-eternal life?!

Many viewers who saw this line of text suddenly widened their eyes!

How can this guy who has just appeared have such a long life, is this the horror of the Supreme World?!

Just run out of an existence with an eternal life!

This doesn’t make people play!

“Eternal lifespan: I’ve worked hard to do it, and I’m only a few hundred years old!”

“A few hundred years is already very good, we can extend our life expectancy to two hundred years at most!”

“The eternal lifespan of the supreme world is all one race after another, this is also too powerful!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Envy, envy, hate, I also have so much life!”


Even the powerhouses of many worlds are envious.

After all, as long as it is a mortal, it is natural to desire a longer lifespan, but the deep diver actually has it casually.

And in this picture, the man looking directly at the monster.


His indescribable fear, he turned around frantically and rushed back, screaming like a madman.

Climbed the hills and cliffs like crazy.

Hands and feet are used like wild beasts, and human reason has been lost.

Footage from the live broadcast room.

After watching the figure leave, the scene turns.

Back to the paper that is being recorded.

[As for whether I returned to the dinghy unconsciously]

[I don’t remember at all]

[I just remember singing all the time, laughing weirdly when I couldn’t, and shortly after returning to the boat, there was a storm]

[I still vaguely remember]

[I heard thunder and other sounds that only come when nature is most violent]

[When I regained consciousness, I was already in the hospital in San Francisco.]

[The captain of a ship found my dinghy in the middle of the ocean]

[Sent me here]

[I said a lot of things in the hospital, but others basically didn’t care, as for the fact that there was a piece of land bulging in the Pacific Ocean]

[Even the person who rescued me didn’t know anything]

[Since no one believes it]

[I also don’t think it’s necessary to keep talking]


[I can see it every time the moon is convex]

[That huge monster seems to have never let me go, just witnessing it, but it has already settled in my heart]


[After writing this record for the reference or ridicule of my compatriots, I will put an end to all this!”

The man finished writing this paragraph and took a deep breath.

He looked up.

Xia 893 consciously looked out the window and couldn’t help but ask himself.

Could these be pure illusions?


He thought of the deep sea.

Those nameless creatures crawling on the muddy seabed, struggling to advance, worshipping ancient stone statues, carving their abomination images into granite tablets soaked in the sea!

It would appear in his mind and make him shudder.

The man subconsciously hugged his body with both hands, and he shivered on the chair alone, emitting an extremely desperate pale laugh.

“Huh——! he

“That’s right, they will one day swim to the surface of the sea and drag the weak human survivors weakened by the war into the sea with their foul-smelling paws!”

“One day!”

“In the earth-shaking upheaval of the universe, the land will sink and the dark ocean floor will rise high!”

“We… Just a bunch of ants doing nothing!”

The man’s eyes were filled with despair.

In the flickering room, the air flow outside the window gradually became stronger, making a slight clanging sound.

And even more deadly, for some reason at the door.

It began to sound rhythmically one after another.




The end is just around the corner.

It seems that a slimy huge body is clumsily banging on the door, making the man subconsciously come back to his senses!

“Ahhh, you’re coming…?!”

The man roared in despair, and almost incomparably scribbled notes quickly recorded the rest of what he had passed on a piece of paper.

When he finished all this, he subconsciously glanced at the window.

His pupils suddenly contracted violently, and his whole body trembled!

“Window! That hand!!”

“My God… Oh my God!! No——!!

At the end of the man’s scream, the window suddenly shattered.

The broadcast in the live broadcast room has also temporarily come to an end.


Many viewers in the entire live broadcast room couldn’t help but rub their faces.

This… The Cthulhu bio that was the first to appear?!。

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