The Five Elements World of Foggy Mountains.

Wen Ren, who was sitting quietly on the mountain, opened his eyes.

His eyes looked straight into the live broadcast room.

“The ancients have always been too comfortable to end up with such an end. ”

“Born of sorrow, died of happiness. ”

“It’s too comfortable to further degrade your ability and even lose the inheritance of technology.” ”

And in the face of Hugus’s rebellion, it was not completely suppressed. ”

He keenly judged the situation of the ancients.

The reason why Hugues was not completely eliminated was mainly because of the loss of the technology to create new life, in hundreds of millions of times.

Even powerful races will eventually be changed by the years.

Are the ancients in their heyday strong?


Although they are deflated in the face of Migo and Cthulhu, this does not mean that the strength of the ancients is not strong.


When it comes to Migo, the Ancients are not in their heyday.

“However, why do these alien races descend on the earth one by one, this is too lively, right?”

Wen Ren Yi let out a deep groan.

He thought there was something strange in it.

Even if there are races like the Ancients who roam in space, what is the purpose of the Cthulhu clan and Migo to come to Earth?

It’s a pity that on these murals, there is not much content in this regard.


Perhaps you can find out about the other two races.

But as long as you continue to take stock, you can finally learn more secrets about the world of Cthulhu!

William Dale stared at the fresco, the content above.

These peaks are far taller than the Himalayas, but the murals point out that they are not the largest on Earth. ”

And the highest peak of real meaning, the 410 mural mentions it. ”

“Sometimes fragmented, sometimes with obvious disgust and fear. ”

His voice whispered.

In the past.

There seems to be an ancient landmass.

Before the Ancients descended from among the stars.

The first land to rise from the sea.

The ancients sensed that there was an indescribably great evil force, and they all deliberately stayed away from that land.

And before the arrival of the ancients.

The city on that ancient land seemed to have been suddenly abandoned.

Danfoss also nodded solemnly.

“If the proportions on the mural were correct, those horrible mountains must have been more than forty thousand feet. ”

“Much higher than the crazy mountains you crossed before!”

“Even some ancient people, during the period of historical decline, prayed strangely to this mountain range. ”

“And in the end, they didn’t dare to approach. ”

And his telling.

It can’t help but arouse doubts in the hearts of many viewers.

You must know that the ancients who have just arrived, but the outright space race, do not dare to approach those mountains.

On those mountains … What exactly is hidden?!

Could it be a legendary foreign god?!

Or is it a powerful being among the old dominators!

Now Danfoss and William Dale.

There is no longer any doubt about the existence of ancient legends and horrors.

They set their eyes on the last murals and stretched out their palms as if they were about to touch them.

William Dale couldn’t help but sigh.

“Finally dealt a fatal blow to the ancients. ”

“It’s the arrival of the ice age. ”

“The arrival of the Ice (CFFF) River Age has affected most of the planet, including the ancients. ”

“The poles have not covered snow for many years since. ”

“It also ended the legendary Arctic Lomar continent and the Pure Land civilization. ”

Follow William Dell’s gaze.

Many viewers also saw the content on those murals.

On these botched murals can also glimpse some clues, all parts of the surface of vegetation are beginning to sparse.

The life of the ancients.

It’s not as colorful as it used to be.

After that, heating began to appear in the room, and when traveling in winter, I began to wrap myself in a thick fur jacket.

A series of murals decorated with a border pattern.

It depicts their gradual migration to warmer areas.

Some of them fled to underwater cities near the sea.

Some pass through the intricate network of limestone caves beneath the foothills.

Hiding in the adjacent dark abyss.

At last.

It seems that most of the ancients.

They all migrated to this adjacent abyss.

Danfoss gazes on the last staccato frescoes.

Many of the murals also show that these underwater residents often travel to other cities underwater to visit friends and relatives. ”

“I often bathe in the underwater games of ancient rivers. ”

“For these races, who have become accustomed to the long polar night, the dark environment under the water is not a problem at all. ”

According to the description on the fresco.

The ancients at this time.

You may have realized that the ground city cannot escape the doom that will eventually be destroyed.

Not only that.

Many places on the mural show that ice is encroaching on the city, vegetation is beginning to decrease, and snow does not melt completely in winter until midsummer.

Almost all of the reptile livestock died.

The ancient rivers no longer rush.

The creatures in the upper oceans, with the exception of seals and whales, have almost all disappeared.

【The history of the ancients ends here】

[What happened after that can only be left to speculation]

[How long has the new city survived in the underground sea?]

【To this day】

[Is it still lying like a corpse in eternal darkness?]

[Did those underground water systems eventually freeze as well?]

【Those underwater cities located in the outer world】

[What kind of fate are you facing?]

[Does Migo still threaten the northern continent of the outer world] (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

[Is it really a killer whale]

[Caused the mysterious and savage wounds that appeared on Antarctic seals that the previous generation of explorer Bockgervink saw?]

【In this land】

[Since matter first tumbled and roamed on the uncooled crust of this planet]

【Between Life and Death, Time and Space】

[An evil and blasphemous covenant has been concluded]


While the inventory is gradually falling.

The last message of the ancients was also reflected in the eyes of many viewers in endless dimensions and countless worlds.

[Race Inventory (Technology): Ancients]

[A billion years ago, the ancients came to Earth from among the stars]

[The technology they have mastered is hundreds of years more advanced than the human technology of the late twentieth century]

【Can create life with my own technology】

【All species on earth】

[Almost all of them were created and modified, but in the end the race was almost destroyed by the biotechnology they were proud of (Hugus)]

【Even individual can do dimensional travel】


[With the passage of hundreds of millions of years, the ancients have degraded]

[They have lost their greatest technology]

[And the ability to soar through space without technical assistance]

[Their colonies once spread all over the planet, but as the times progressed, they gradually retreated]

【Until the end】

[The Ancients only control a city]

[In the years of their end, they only have some technology left to make artificial heat sources]

[Although these ancient races once had great technology]

[There are still some ancient people still scattered among the stars and still remember their ancient secrets]

[But the ancients of the earth]

[Leaving almost no clue about the technology they once mastered]

[Comprehensive strength of race: super explosive country – weak continent (heyday)]


[Will be inventoried…]

[It will be the old ruler named Cthulhu!]

When the words were reflected in the eyes of the endless audiences of the heavens and realms, it suddenly made many people’s eyes widen at once.

I was looking forward to it for a while.

One punch world.

Genos looked at the live broadcast room and slowly clenched his fists.

“This: It is the ancient. ”

“The race that has existed for hundreds of millions of years is also vulnerable in the face of years, and after all, it is still just ordinary creatures. ”

“Although the scientific and technological strength is strong, but with those immortal existence. ”

“After all, there is still a limit to lifespan. ”

Genos was not surprised by the demise of the Ancients.

Rather, this is the theory of evolution, when a race stays in comfort for too long.

All aspects of the function will naturally be degraded.

Like a beast placed in a zoo, even the skill of hunting is forgotten after a long period of time.

It must be artificially placed in animals that can move to promote it.

But even so.

Compared with those animals of the same type that really fight in the wild, there will naturally be a gap in all aspects.

If it were taught by the ancients of outer space, it would be fine.

“But… It’s finally time for Cthulhu. ”

“Then again, Cthulhu is just an old dominator, and its strength should not be comparable to that of the foreign gods. ”

“But why is the world so named?”

“Could it be that in this Cthulhu, what’s so special?”

Genos was a little puzzled.

According to the current ranking, I am afraid that the gap between the strength of the ancients and Cthulhu is not very large.

Just such strength … It feels like nothing to pay attention to.

Never mind.

Anyway, we’ll know by reading it next.

Genos glanced at his own Saitama Master who was playing a game.

Decide to do your own research.

“No matter what strength this Cthulhu has, it will definitely be inventoried next!”

“By the way… The ability to gain strength from the old dominators. “。

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