Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 326 Fighting Preparations

Regarding the two newly obtained cards this time, Liang En felt that although the knowledge of Medieval Persian on the first card was helpful for treasure hunting and research work, it was far inferior to the knowledge of Zoroastrianism.

Because if you master this knowledge, you will be able to find additional clues when you encounter Zoroastrian ruins or cultural relics in the future, which will help you dig out more things.

As for the cavalry skill on the other card, it might not be of much use to Liang En, who just got the card last year. After all, just because you understand something in your head doesn't mean you can operate it directly.

But after more than a year of adventure and many enhancements through cards, although it is difficult to learn these combat skills, it is not insurmountable.

"I feel like if I had more money, I could consider buying a few horses and raising them." After sorting through the cards he owned along with the newly acquired cards, Liang En had a new small goal.

The reason why such a goal is set is very simple. After all, both Liang En himself and his follower Joan of Arc have needs for riding horses, and they have mastered the skills of raising horses, so it is more reasonable to raise a few horses.

However, considering the time, energy and cost required to raise a horse, Liang En felt that it would be more appropriate for him to go to the previous equestrian club to rent a horse for long-term use first.

Just when I was thinking about these things, the plane landed at London Heathrow International Airport. Since cross-border travel consumed too much energy, and it was already 6 pm when the plane landed, everyone returned to the room quickly. Everyone went to rest.

Adequate sleep is obviously conducive to the recovery of the body. After washing up early the next morning, everyone quickly regained their usual energy and began to deal with their own affairs.

Fan Meng went out early in the morning. He was in a hurry to return to Dublin to deliver the new genealogy and other things he brought back to his father.

Liang Enze and Jeanne stayed in the room to check the letters they got from the apartment manager yesterday to see if there was anything important.

After a brief inspection, they found most of them. The letters were all advertisements for supermarket openings or discounts on certain products, and the rest were mainly various bills.

The only exception was the invitation letter from the All-A Fighting Association. Obviously, even though he and Joan of Arc were temporary joiners, they still successfully received the same invitation letters as those normal contestants.

"It seems that the next time is only one week." After carefully checking the time on the back of the envelope, Liang En nodded, then turned to look at Jeanne beside him. "It looks like we have to go to Dublin quickly to meet up with the participating teams."

So after getting the armor that had been ordered in London that afternoon, Liang En and the others quickly returned to their family ranch near Dublin, Ireland, overnight.

As soon as the door was opened, several ravens with collars around their necks that gave off a rich aura flew out from nowhere and pounced on Liang En.

"Okay, okay, I'm back." Liang En said while stroking these little guys with smooth hair. "I will definitely take you with me to Scotland this time."

Because this game is mainly an infantry battle, Liang En plans to fully utilize the Viking Berserker skills he has mastered, so bringing the raven will be very suitable for the situation.

That night, Liang En and Joan of Arc put on their own custom-made armor and began to practice. Unlike what they imagined, Liang En was not using historical armor.

After all, in history, the Vikings only wore chain mail, and that chain mail was not only soft armor, but also covered too little area, so it was really easy to get accidentally injured in this kind of game.

Therefore, what Liang En prepared was a helmet with Viking glasses style, plus a set of plate armor. To be precise, it was the style of the Normans of the Vikings.

Among them, the hand armor uses competition plate gloves invented by a legendary Ukrainian armor maker. This thing has never existed in history, but everyone uses it for safety reasons.

Considering that the Viking berserkers have a wide range of fighting methods, Liang En chose floating armor for the limb armor, which means that each part is not connected or connected with leather, which makes it more flexible.

As for Joan of Arc, she is wearing a set of improved Milan prototype armor. According to her, this armor is almost exactly the same as her own, except for a few areas that have been strengthened according to competition specifications.

"I used to read in the information that your armor was specially customized, but now that I heard it from you, it seems like the armor you bought was mass-produced at that time." After listening to Joan of Arc's evaluation of his new armor, Liang En asked with some confusion.

"Although it is said to be customized, it is actually adjusted according to my body shape, and then the distribution of the center of gravity of the armor is in line with my usage habits." Joan of Arc explained with a smile.

According to Joan of Arc, the rough set of armor was actually ready on the third day, and the rest of the time was mainly spent on trimming various details and adjustments.

"This kind of adjustment is actually very tiring. I need to wear the semi-finished armor to do various movements and feel the weight of the armor, and then tell the armor maker to make fine adjustments. Sometimes it takes me a long time to not understand the main points, and I have to make repeated modifications. Can."

The armor masters in ancient times, especially the top armor makers, were the first people to understand ergonomics, so they were able to produce that kind of close-fitting armor.

It's just that whether it's the East or the West, that group of people monopolizes this knowledge between masters and apprentices or in guilds, and it is purely based on experience summary and does not conduct theoretical research, so they have not been able to develop ergonomics.

Almost all of today's armor makers have studied ergonomics, so as long as they have the body data of the armor orderer and ask some simple questions, they can create a set of armor that fully meets their needs.

For example, Joan of Arc's current armor is like this. According to her, although the armor has been thickened in many places due to the competition, it overall feels more fitting and more conducive to movement than the armor she had back then.

After dawn the next morning, Liang En and Jeanne put on their equipment and started sparring in the yard. I have to say that in this kind of one-on-one battle, the combat skills of the Viking Berserker can indeed be of great use.

Although the ax in his hand is blunt and its weight is limited, Liang En, whose body has been repeatedly strengthened, can exert full strength every time.

As for the weapon in Joan of Arc's hand, it is a knight's sword. According to historical records, Joan of Arc's swordsmanship is average, so she prefers to use her flag instead of a sword on the battlefield.

However, after the actual sparring, Liang En felt that the person who recorded this record had either never met Joan of Arc, or was a swordsman master.

During the sparring, even though Joan didn't use the cross to increase her strength, she was still able to tie with Liang En, who surpassed her in strength.

Perhaps due to his talent, Joan of Arc was always able to seize the opportunity for Liang En to exert force and various visual and force blind spots, and then cleverly hit his weak points.

"Okay, let's go find the fighting team after lunch." Liang En said after finishing the practice. "Hope everything goes well."

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