The discovery of the Netherworld made the atmosphere on the ship suddenly become lively, but in the next two days, everyone searched the entire bay but could not find the location of the other Terror.

"This may be that the ship got stuck in the ice and continued to drift away to other places." Liang En made a judgment after looking at the overall situation, because in his memory, the locations where the two ships were found were roughly apart. They are dozens of kilometers away and not together.

Although their current discovery can be regarded as a success, finding one of the two ships always gives people a feeling of regret. Therefore, after searching the entire bay without finding anything, everyone gathered in the conference room again and discussed it.

"It can basically be judged that the other ship should be further south, because the wind was blowing from the north at the time, and the Netherworld we found now is near the opponent's landing point. It should be the ship farther north. The Terror cannot be Much further north than this.”

After combining the little memories of the past life in his mind with all the information he knew now, Liang En quickly came to a judgment.

"As for the specific area, it's hard to say, because we simply can't determine how far the Terror was carried by the ice floe at that time, so the area of ​​​​the sea area that needs to be searched will be very large."

"Yes, not to mention that we only have one ship now. I estimate that calling all the ships from the Canadian Archaeological Department will not be able to do it in a short time." Skold nodded in approval.

So after a brief discussion, Liang En and the others finally decided to go to Port Yoa, the only human settlement on the island, to look for clues, because most of the people there were hired by Canadian officials to patrol the waters, and they might find something. .

Of course, there is another reason for going to Port Yoa now, and that is that they have made contact with the Canadian department in charge of archaeology, and the other party's personnel will fly to Port Yoa to receive the things Liang En and the others discovered.

It takes more than a day to get from the northwest corner of the island where Liang En and the others are now to the southeast corner of the island where Port Yoa is located. During this time, Liang En and the others can just take a break.

"This kind of good weather will probably last for a while." Liang En, standing on the upper deck, opened the window and looked at the sky. "I hope the good weather will continue until we find the Terror."

To be honest, the map he checked on the Internet was so rough that the circle marking the location of the shipwreck was more than 60 kilometers in diameter in reality, so it was impossible to determine the specific location of the shipwreck.

"I think the search will go smoothly." Joan of Arc said, holding on to the railing and looking at the sea in the distance. "I hope we can find our target quickly. This place is really deserted."

The reason why Joan of Arc said this is also very simple, because they basically haven't seen many living creatures in the past few days. The only life is the moss and lichen on the rocks on the island.

"Don't worry, you just need to endure it for a few more days." Liang En said, gently patting the back of Jeanne's hand that was holding on to the railing. "If it gets colder, the sea will freeze, and the wind and waves will get stronger. At that time, we will retreat regardless of whether we can find it or not."

Because the temperature above was a little low, the two people quickly returned to the cabin. After entering the conference room, he found that everyone was gathering here to discuss why Franklin's team was wiped out. .

"I guess this may have something to do with the name of the ship. Neither ghost nor fear are good words." After taking the stage, Liang Enxian analyzed the matter from a more metaphysical perspective. "You know there are some ship names on the sea that are just unlucky."

It is not entirely unreasonable for him to say this. For example, the British Royal Navy once named two ships after snakes. As a result, both ships crashed inexplicably. From then on, they no longer named their ships after snakes.

In addition, the British Royal Navy also asked officers to fill in such a question on the registration form for officers: lucky/unlucky.

"In addition to the unlucky name of the ship, the rotten food and the bad weather, I think there should be a problem with metal lead." After relaxing the atmosphere, he brought up a point in his memory.

"In fact, before the middle of the 20th century, not many people discovered the harm of heavy metals like lead to humans, so many items that come into contact with food will contain too much lead."

"The hardest-hit areas where heavy metals exceeded the standard were water supply systems and various parts that used welding technology, because these places required the use of a large amount of tin, and in those days tin was often mixed with a large amount of lead."

"You're right, so we think there are many things we can do next, such as conducting tests on these remains and salvaged items." Skold pointed to the direction of the warehouse next door.

When the divers went into the water, they salvaged not only the ship's bell, but also some items scattered around the ship. These items include a series of items on the ship such as containers, pipes and wooden blocks. They are now stored in the warehouse next door. among.

It is not very difficult to test the lead content of human skeletons and metal containers. Unfortunately, there is no corresponding equipment on the ship, so these things can only be written in the report and handed over to Canada.

It was already early in the morning when the ship sailed into the port, so everyone rested on the ship for a night and did not go ashore until daytime the next day to prepare to talk to someone about the situation.

As the only settlement on the island, the small city of Port Yoa has a population of more than 1,400 people, most of whom are the local indigenous Inuit.

Most of them are now employees of regional administrative agencies, and most of the young people have been recruited as militia patrol members. Some are working in mines more than 20 kilometers away. There are only a few traditional fishermen and seal hunters.

However, the climate in the polar regions seems to have obviously changed more drastically than in other places. For example, the weather was very good along the way before, but today the climate suddenly deteriorated. Strong winds mixed with some debris made it difficult to walk.

After taking off the rubbish that had been blown by the wind and stuck to their bodies, Liang En and the others knocked on the door of the city hall, and then identified themselves and explained their purpose to the staff inside.

After a brief communication with the local officials, they were accompanied by a staff member to the headquarters of the militia patrol team, and then asked the team members who patrolled around all day about their experiences.

This is actually an important part of the scientific research work, which is to visit the surrounding aboriginal people to ask what the situation is like. After all, many important discoveries in history were learned from these aboriginal people.

Many places are very difficult for outside scholars to search, but locals often inadvertently discover clues of ancient ruins that have been hidden for a long time.

However, this kind of collection work is also very difficult. The biggest difficulty lies in the lack of knowledge of ordinary people about these ancient civilizations.

Therefore, in the process of collecting information, you need to expend a lot of energy to find those meaningful existences from a large number of the other party's narratives, and then extract the content you need.

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