The ins and outs of this attack were quickly pieced together through the words of the militia captain and the police chief. The reason why the group of monopolies launched this attack was entirely for the purpose of beheading.

As we all know, there are indeed 70,000 criminal organizations in Guatemala, and the place where most of these organizations can make money is from prohibited black industries such as pornography, gambling and drugs.

The organization that the gangster who attacked Liang En and the others on the roadside belongs to is one of these criminal organizations. The entire organization has about seventy armed men.

Compared with those top gangs with thousands of people, this gang can be said to be very small, but in this remote and desolate area, an armed force of more than 70 people can completely run amok.

This is why this organization had the confidence to send messengers to the town and openly ask the local people to plant various unique crops.

Because with the increase in organizational personnel, they feel that they can get rid of their past status as mere middlemen and begin to develop into integrated production and marketing, and their armed forces obviously give them enough confidence.

However, for a country that has been fighting a civil war for more than thirty years, the people here are definitely not docile lambs. After a simple comparison of the strength of the two sides, the people in the town resolutely rejected the other party's request.

The reason for making this choice is also very simple. Unlike today's cash crops and food crops, you can find many different dealers. Even if you can't sell them, you can still use them yourself. Once you grow unique products, it means that their lifeline is pinched. In the hands of this gang.

Everyone knows the disadvantages of monopoly, let alone a group of outlaw maniacs carrying out monopoly. Even if you think about it with your feet, you know that if you give in, the income of the residents of the town will definitely drop a lot, and they will not even be able to support themselves. .

On the other hand, the official personnel of Central American countries are also extremely unreliable. Even when they are fighting against evil forces, they often just pick a few people to hit for their own purposes.

In addition, the other party will basically not take the initiative to avoid civilians or reduce various accidental injuries during their actions. , if they are close to the target, the probability of civilians being shot or bombed is not small.

Not to mention that the criminal gangs must have received the information and ran away before the official action, but the residents of these towns have families and businesses and they certainly cannot run away. Once they are found to be cooperating with the criminal gangs, they will easily be caught and take the blame.

This is why the town firmly refused, and the town's armed forces also ensured that they had enough confidence to say no when facing this group of gangsters.

As a country that has been in a civil war for more than thirty years, those villages that have been able to exist today are not easy to deal with. For example, Maria Town, Liang En's target this time and the target of the bandits' attack, is this kind of settlement.

The entire town is located on a peninsula by the river. Not only is it a fortress, it has a 3m-high rammed earth log wall with trenches and bunkers as defense fortifications. There is also a militia team of more than 30 people in the town.

Of course, the militia here refers to professionally trained armed personnel who are not off-duty. In addition to them, there are nearly 300 people in the entire town who can take up guns to resist. Cooperating with the fortifications can cause huge casualties to attackers without heavy weapons. .

This is why the previous criminal gang was unwilling to attack head-on. Because with their numbers, there was no difference between attacking head-on and committing suicide, so they had to find another way.

Through the eyes, the other party determined the location of the armed leaders in the town, and then tried to ambush on this road and behead the defenders of that town.

Unexpectedly, three vehicles came on this road that was usually empty of people. At the same time, the vehicles were all filled with elite armed personnel, causing half of their elite attackers to die in the woods.

For Liang En and the others, this time they intervened in a conflict to protect themselves, which was within their expectations. After all, they had to be prepared to fight when they came to this place.

But they didn't expect that they could actually kill 15 people without any injuries despite their absolute numerical disadvantage, and then forced nearly 20 others to flee in a hurry.

After dragging the school bus up from the roadside and changing the tires, they took the guns and ammunition they had just seized and took a ride to the target town.

It has to be said that local gangsters, especially those in small-scale criminal organizations, are actually not living a very good life. For example, the loot they just seized was very bad.

Among the 15 guns, only three ak47s and one m14 are considered regular weapons. The remaining firearms are either various single-shot shotguns or double-barreled shotguns, or homemade weapons with a green leather style made purely from iron pipes and wooden barrels. .

Especially those homemade weapons that look unreliable. It seems that the target is just as dangerous as the user of the gun when shooting, and the user of the gun may even be more dangerous.

Because they saved the lives of the local police chief and militia captain in this accident, the rest of the journey was obviously smoother than the best-case scenario expected.

Not only did they successfully obtain the supplies they needed most in the town, they also obtained three professional hunters who had been hunting around to serve as their guides.

More importantly, they saw some small pieces of jade fished out of the river here, proving that the deposit was indeed upstream.

Because of the help of these professionals, everyone's next trip to the jungle was obviously much easier than expected. At least the road now was much closer and easier to walk than the one they originally expected.

After riding horses to a flat land on the mountainside, everyone quickly began to camp and prepare for the night. Liang En followed a guide and walked dozens of meters forward to a small mound.

After simply clearing away the tropical plants on the mound, Liang En discovered that it was not a mound at all, but the remains of a building with Mayan-style stone carvings.

The reason why I chose this road today is partly because it is easier to walk, but also because after learning Liang En’s identity and goal, the previously rescued police chief and militia captain mobilized everyone to recall what was around them. Ancient ruins. As a result, some people recalled that there seemed to be ruins here.

In addition, this town was actually built on an ancient village. Before setting off, Liang En also went to the church in the town and recognized the Mayan figures carved on the stones on the foundation. pattern.

Although all Maya buildings that remain today are stone buildings, in fact most of the Mayans in ancient times lived in thatched houses made of wood and various tropical herbs. Only nobles and clergy could live in stone buildings.

However, this is a tropical rainforest, and houses built with organic materials can easily disappear completely in the forest. Instead, those rare buildings from the Mayan era have become representatives of ancient Mayan architecture.

For the ancient Mayans, places where stone buildings could be built were very important to them. In theory, such a high-end building should not exist in a barren and desolate place like the one before, let alone Said it was in the jungle now.

So after seeing the wreckage, Liang En became more confident in finding the mine. After all, an important jade mine was enough for the ancient Mayans to build stone buildings in such a place.

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