Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 469 The Destruction of Mycenae

After realizing the importance of this ruins, the Greek archaeological staff who came with Liang En and the others immediately contacted the superiors, and then transferred a lot of security personnel and some archaeological excavation personnel.

The biggest advantage of this approach is that it takes the already fast excavation speed to a higher level. They can even take advantage of the large number of people to use multi-point excavation tactics to greatly shorten the excavation time.

Therefore, they excavated 34 exploratory squares simultaneously within the ancient city in order to explore the underground conditions and determine the target for subsequent excavation.

Since Liang En had previous experience in excavating ruins on Crete, he was currently directing the excavation work on site. Therefore, he quickly identified a place on the inside of the Lion Gate less than 12 meters away from the gate as the first place. Round excavation site.

In less than a week, they dug up more than 30 square meters of land and dug out fragments of stone carvings depicting warriors and hunting scenes from underneath.

"This thing should be the tombstone of ancient people." The Chinese archaeologist who had been responsible for excavating the remains of Crete immediately judged what it was, "But why did these people put the tombstone on Where is the entrance to the city gate?”

Under normal circumstances, various civilizations habitually place graves far away from human habitation, so the layout of the cemetery as soon as you enter the city gate looks very strange.

"I think these tombs should have been outside the city at first." Liang En took out a tablet computer and showed the simple map previously mapped using ground penetrating radar to the archaeologist, and then said.

"However, as the city expanded, they built another wall outside the earliest city wall, so it is very likely that the ancient cemetery was enclosed within the new city wall."

"Your analysis is very possible." The old man pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "At least according to the current situation, the farther inside the building, the older the history, so the possibility you mentioned is not considered a possibility. Small."

"Fortunately, we now have the opportunity to verify this conjecture. As long as we dig along the place and find enough cultural relics, we should be able to confirm or deny our conjecture."

Because the importance of this ruins was previously confirmed, a steady stream of people arrived for reinforcements during this period. Some of these people were ordinary workers, while others were professional archaeologists.

The support of these people greatly accelerated Liang En's excavation progress, and they soon discovered a circle of graves around the tombstone fragments.

It can be seen from the current situation that many high-status people in ancient times should be buried in the tombs under this pit. Unfortunately, digging tombs is different from digging other things. It requires professional people and equipment, so it cannot be completed in a short time. work.

Fortunately, besides the tombs, Liang En and the others had many places to dig, such as the ruins of the royal palace located at the highest point of the mountain, and the ruins of the altar that burned blazing flames in ancient times and was used to burn sacrifices.

By consuming three [Detection (N)] cards, Liang En found some very valuable things during the royal palace ruins excavation project, such as some walls with red, yellow and blue paint on them, and then For example, a pile of clay tablets with inscriptions on them.

The writing on the clay tablets is Linear B, which is the kind of writing in this world that Liang En had just translated and published a paper on, so he quickly sorted out the contents on these clay tablets.

Most of the clay tablets are simple records, describing the types and quantities of various goods transported into or out of the palace, but a small number of clay tablets contain the names of some gods. Including Zeus, Hera, Poseidon and a series of names that are familiar to modern people.

From this point, we can also judge that although a lot of things were erased during the period known as the Dark Age in history from the end of the Mycenaean civilization until the advent of the Greek city-state era, beliefs were passed down from generation to generation.

As for the third exploratory team, what they excavated was an ash pit, that is, a garbage pit. It was full of garbage left by ancient people, but valuable things could also be found in the garbage.

For example, Liang En found a fragment of a painted pottery board from ancient Egypt, with the name of Amenhotep III written in hieroglyphics.

Judging from the age, these painted pottery plates are most likely a product of ancient eastern Mediterranean trade, but they may also be left behind by the Egyptian mission to Mycenae in the mid-14th century BC.

In addition, they also found the entrance to an underground tunnel. Although the tunnel had collapsed, it could be seen from the outside of the tunnel that it should be a tunnel leading to an underground water storage cellar, explaining the castle's water problem.

This also shows that people at that time were in a state of uneasiness and had a premonition that war might break out. Because the only purpose of this underground cellar is to provide water sources for the guards during sieges, and it is not a daily facility.

This is also the actual situation. Around 1200 BC, an earthquake occurred in this place, followed by drought, famine, and the ensuing internal rebellions and external invasions that completely destroyed this prosperous city-state.

Excavations have confirmed this, besides some obvious traces of war in the city. They found the ruins of a small Athena temple on the ruins of the ancient palace at the top of the mountain.

However, this ruins obviously comes from the later ancient Greek city-state era, which was more than 300 years after the end of the Mycenaean era.

Two ruins with such a large span in the same spatial location can only mean one thing, and that is that this place has experienced a long dark period, which even caused civilization to be interrupted.

For example, they found an ancient cemetery outside the city wall, but these cemeteries were looted, leaving only a huge underground space.

This is the huge ancient cemetery known as the Tomb of Agamemnon or the Treasure House of Atreus in another world. It was built between 1350 BC and 1250 BC, and was entirely built with high-quality stones.

The tomb passage is about 6m wide and 36m long. The side wall at the entrance of the mausoleum is up to 13.7m high, 14.5m in diameter and 13.2m high. It is composed of 34 layers of stone rings. The final arc of the ring was cut during construction and marked with A huge boulder capped the top.

Before the ancient Romans built the Pantheon, the stone dome on this mausoleum was the largest dome in the world. Judging from the age, the person buried here was probably the legendary Agamemnon. .

According to previous archaeological discoveries, the ancient Mycenaeans had the habit of giving generous burials to their dead, so under normal circumstances, the tombs should be filled with treasures.

But now the situation in the tomb is obviously too clean. After using metal detectors for a long time, everyone found that there was nothing in the largest tomb.

This obviously cannot be something that a tomb robber can do. Instead, it is like what the victorious party did after the war organized to plunder the loot. This proves from the side that the final destruction of this civilization was caused by man-made disasters, not natural disasters.

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