While Liang En and the others were studying this new wreckage, in an inconspicuous residence on the island, Speer, the former boat rental businessman, was angrily talking to the other side of the phone.

"——You told me everything was normal before, but now the situation has obviously changed in ways we never imagined. At least I don't think the previous group of police officers was just an accident."

"But it was indeed an accident. I never thought that the police could respond so quickly." A middle-aged man's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"But it's useless for you to yell at me, because the police's actions are beyond my control, so what you should do now is think of any solutions to the current problem."

"Is there nothing you can do?" Speer laughed angrily, "You can even use the Israeli military to kill people and silence them, but now you are telling me that there is nothing you can do against the police in Greece. Do you think I believe it?"

"This - different places have different situations, so you can't generalize." Qi Qi Aiai's voice came from the other end of the phone. Speer's words really touched their sore spot.

Because in the previous incident, it was not that their personal connections were able to mobilize the Israeli military, but that they found a way to tamper with the gang's ship at that time.

By tampering with GPS data and modifying the radio communication system, the group of people accidentally broke into the Israeli military's restricted area and were unable to receive Israeli radio communications.

As we all know, the Israeli army's combat readiness is quite high, so when the other party sees a ship entering the restricted area and makes a radio call, it will not approach for reconnaissance, but will directly open fire.

But as a secretive organization, in addition to inducements and inducements, threats are naturally the most beneficial means of control over subordinates and peripherals.

Therefore, they also try to maintain a sense of mystery as much as possible, so that subordinates and peripheral personnel can be used by them out of fear, and at the same time reduce the possibility of subordinates rebelling.

Therefore, after they completed this operation, they kept the entire operation secret as usual, so that they could create the illusion that the organization was extremely powerful and could even mobilize the army to cooperate.

But now something was obviously wrong. At least Speer began to wonder why a force capable of mobilizing a country's military failed to detect a police raid.

In particular, the police raid took place on a liner and arrived on the island. They were still wearing police uniforms and did not do much hiding work. In this case, there was no warning, which makes people think more.

"I don't care about the specific situation now, but the problem is that all our plans have been ruined since then." Speer took a deep breath and said after listening to the other party's excuses on the phone.

"My boat and equipment, as well as the divers I found earlier, are now impounded by the police, and the police have also found evidence of my illegal salvage and want me -"

"This -" there was silence on the other side of the phone. They really didn't expect that the situation would deteriorate to this point, so naturally they had no corresponding plan. More importantly,

Different from before, there is now an entire international joint archaeological team on the island. If they cannot find what they want in advance, they will have to give up the operation here.

"Let's do this. I'll send the knights here first." After a moment of silence, another older voice came from the other side of the phone, "You will cooperate with them in the next actions, so you don't have to be responsible."

"——Okay, I will cooperate as much as possible." Speer took a deep breath after hearing the voice on the phone and continued. "Hopefully everything goes well this time."

"It will definitely go smoothly. After all, we have been preparing for three years. It is impossible for outsiders to discover our goal so quickly." Words that sounded like comfort and encouragement to Speer came from the microphone. .

"After all, if we really fail this time, then we will become the second-to-last group in the association this year. You must know that the group we are responsible for in the Eastern Mediterranean area at this time has always been one of the best in the association."

"After three years of preparation, the plan failed and it was only second to last?" Speer looked curious when he heard this. After all, as a peripheral member, he was not very clear about the internal situation of the association.

"Something big happened this time. Our Central European team was completely wiped out, and almost all of them were arrested by the police, so even if we fail, it won't be worse than them." A sigh came from the microphone first, and then he said.

"This is why I was able to apply for knights to come here for support in such a short period of time this time, because the association does not want two incidents to happen in a row within a year."

"Okay, I understand." Speer replied, holding the phone. "I will work with the knights sent next. I hope the situation will become better than now."

While this man named Speer was in secret contact with an association, Liang Enze and many scholars were discussing what they had just discovered in the hotel conference room.

There are more scholars participating in the discussion today than in the past few days, because Professor Harry also brought his students to the island today and participated in the analysis and discussion of the things that were previously fished out from the seabed.

"The things on this boat should belong to Crete." Mr. Harry inspected the pottery fragments that had become soft and said.

"We can find that the shapes of these pottery vessels are very similar to those excavated from the ruins of Crete. At the same time, we can clearly see that two pottery sherds have cow head marks on them."

"Yes. This should indeed be a product of the Cretan civilization." The scholar from the Irish Museum nodded in approval.

"Furthermore, we have previously found a small number of wooden ship planks from the seabed, and scientific testing has proven that this ship indeed comes from the era of the Cretan civilization."

"In other words, this is a merchant ship that did business in Crete in the past." After summarizing what everyone saw, Liang En said.

"If this is the case, then this ship should be nothing special, because ancient Te Crete was the most powerful country in the northeastern Mediterranean, and a sunken merchant ship should not be of much value."

"You are right, but the brass you found from the ship gave us other speculations." Mr. Harry pushed up his glasses and said.

"As far as I know, brass was very rare at least in that era, because humans did not have knowledge about brass smelting at that time, and the small amounts of brass were basically produced by accident."

"So this kind of metal was very valuable in that era. The ship that could carry this type of metal would most likely not be an ordinary ship, but a special ship for the royal family of that era."

"That's right!" The Irish scholar also nodded and said. "In addition to the brass pieces, the previously broken porcelain pottery also gave us more information."

"During the inventory just now, we found that some of the pottery had emblems on it. You know that the cow's head mark represents the royal family on the island of Crete, so the cow's head mark on the pottery found on the ship now further illustrates the importance of this ship."

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