The word Taj Mahal actually refers to the Taj Mahal, India's national treasure building, but then again, a hotel named after a tomb always gives people a very strange feeling.

Maybe other people also feel this way, so the room Liang En and the others booked in advance this time is a European-style room, not an Indian-style room with the most local characteristics.

The overall condition of this suite is very good, but there are a little more windows in the house. There are six in total, all of which are semicircular windows in groups of three, and the area is not large.

The design of this kind of house is from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The technology at that time did not support large-area glass windows that could only ensure safety, so only this small window design could be used. Standing in front of the window, Liang En found that this place had an excellent view, and he could see the beautiful beach and the famous India Gate.

There is a huge difference between the Taj Mahal Hotel and similar hotels around the world: the hotel is located on the seaside, but the entrance does not face the sea, but faces the direction of the city - even the garden faces the city side.

Although some people say that the hotel's construction workers made all the mistakes in the design drawings during the European architect's vacation, and in the end they could only make mistakes and build the hotel like this.

But the reason is actually very simple. The designer wanted every room in the hotel to face the sea. The U-shape of the hotel building facing inland is for the comfort of guests, so that the afternoon breeze does not blow directly from the harbor but slowly comes from the back.

Considering that this hotel is related to the humiliation of Tata, the founder of the hotel, it is more reasonable to say that this design contains the British colonial forces who did not welcome the British colonial forces entering India by sea.

I basically spent the afternoon of the first day resting, partly to catch up on jet lag, and partly because of the security issues in India. Especially when you are bringing a woman with you, the overall risk is higher and it is not a good idea to go out. .

Fortunately, there is no shortage of various leisure facilities in this top-notch hotel, so it is definitely not difficult to relax. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can basically enjoy everything you want.

"There is an invitation." Just when Liang En and the others woke up after sleeping until about 4 o'clock, they found an invitation stuffed on the floor, inviting them to attend the banquet held in the evening.

Liang En was still a little surprised that he was suddenly invited to such a gathering of senior Indian people. However, after chatting with the escort sent by the Indian side, he realized that this was normal operation.

After all, this is the top hotel in India, and gatherings of high-level Indian officials are often held here. If the party is not very serious, the organizer will often invite people with status who live in the hotel to attend the party.

No matter from any angle, Liang En is now considered a famous scholar, so it is easy to understand why he is invited to such gatherings.

"I feel like the clothes are a little uncomfortable to wear." Liang En's biggest headache for this invitation was the clothes. After all, wearing clothes together with a group of rich Indians would naturally become a problem.

Given the degree of solidification of India's overall society, many of India's richest people now even have hundreds of years of history. This group of people especially like to hang all kinds of wealth on them.

"Forget it, that's it." After a few minutes of depression, Liang En suddenly realized that he was invited because he was a famous scholar, so for him, wisdom is the best decoration, so he simply found a formal suit. Put it on.

"Elizabeth should be allowed to come over at this time. She is more suitable for this kind of environment." Joan of Arc complained softly. Although Joan of Arc did participate in many real palace banquets as a French marshal, she was indeed not good at this kind of banquet. occasion.

She wore an ordinary-looking blue evening dress today, and the only jewelry she wore was the cross around her neck, the ring on her hand, and a reliquary hanging on her waist.

Compared with the bejeweled ladies attending the party, Joan of Arc's outfit was obviously much plainer, but in terms of value alone, it was definitely no worse than those thumb-sized gems.

By the time they finished dressing up, the time was almost up. After tidying up, Liang En and the others quickly left the room and followed the hotel waiters to a huge banquet hall.

Although almost everyone present was Indian, the format of the banquet was still a Western-style buffet. There was a table at the front of the entire restaurant, and a whole band was playing some light music to relax people.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liang En felt that he was deeply shocked, because it felt like a completely different world from the Indians in the slums on the way here.

The difference between the two worlds here is much greater than imagined, and even the races look different. Compared with the people in the slums, these people look obviously much more beautiful and fairer.

Liang En originally thought that he was just having a meal and making up for the expenses, but he didn't expect that there were actually those rich Indians who were very interested in archeology and history. For example, there is a tycoon who monopolizes 1/5 of the diamond processing industry in Surat, north of Mumbai.

It sounds like 1/5 of the diamond processing industry in a region is of little value, but considering that India accounts for about 60% of the world's diamond processing business, Gujarat accounts for 80%, and 90% of it is mainly concentrated in Surat. So this 1/5 is definitely not a small industry.

Especially in the Surat area, apart from the large-scale modern factory projects owned by Mr. Varma, other industries are smaller in scale, such as handicraft workshops.

"I once heard my friend Earl Bossit mention you. He admires your academic level very much." After greeting Liang En, Mr. Varma sat back on the sofa with him and said.

"Of course, the jewelry you designed is also very good. For example, I bought the Ocean series brooch you designed for my daughters——"

It is not surprising that Mr. Dulis met an Indian diamond processing tycoon. After all, this earl runs a luxury goods business and naturally needs to deal with jewelers.

It's just that Liang En didn't expect that his weight in Mr. Dulis's heart was so important that he could actually let him introduce his friend when he was not present.

In particular, Liang En learned that Mr. Earl was not in good health, so the communication between the two parties was through the housekeeper or email, and the two parties had never talked face to face or made a phone call.

"I'm honored that you can appreciate my work." After listening to the other party's praise of himself, Liang En politely replied. The other party is not only a jewelry tycoon. family. I used to be a earth king, so the other person's aesthetics are definitely worthy of recognition.

"No, it is an honor for me to receive such a masterpiece." The middle-aged man with a beard first complimented, and then said, "If you can, I would like to invite you to visit my processing factory. Let’s talk about jewelry-related things by the way.”

At this point, Mr. Varma’s target was also exposed. Obviously, the other party is very optimistic about Liang En's future, so they plan to see if they can cooperate at this time.

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