After resting for a day in this palace-like mansion, the next day a few of them rode an elephant and headed toward the mountains and forests. This time the elephant not only brought hunting supplies, but also the digging supplies Liang En needed.

"What are you thinking about?" Looking at Liang En, who was staring thoughtfully at the elephant, Jeanne came over and asked softly. "I saw that you seemed to have something on your mind when you set out today."

"Yes, I am indeed thinking about something." After Joan said this, Liang En turned to her and smiled and said, "I am thinking about those British colonists in the Victorian era more than a hundred years ago. Look like an elephant going out to hunt tigers."

More than a hundred years ago, the British aristocrats who loved hunting did not forget to expand their "hunting territory" in the colonies. From the local fox hunting culture to the tiger hunting craze in the Indian colonies, the British showed their enthusiasm for hunting to the world.

In the nearly 200 years of Indian colonial history, the British not only brought modern Western civilization to the land of India, but also unleashed the pleasures and bloodshed of powerful nations.

In a backward but fresh territory, British colonists quickly discovered the local pastime of hunting. One of the most popular pastimes of the British colonists in India in the late nineteenth century was hunting the majestic local wildlife, especially the Bengal tiger.

This was originally a traditional pastime for Indians, but the British turned this activity into a mass extermination of India's native beasts.

In order to demonstrate the power of the white man and the royal power of the British aristocracy, especially the rule of India. Beginning in the 19th century, the British started a craze for hunting Bengal tigers.

The British came to relatively backward India to hunt tigers. They no longer used ancient bows, arrows and spears, but powerful muskets.

At that time, hunting no longer seemed to require "bravery". There were often scenes of noble "hunters" surrounded by dozens or hundreds of people, riding on the backs of elephants and holding muskets, shooting tigers without any danger or excitement.

In this "hunting" method, it is not uncommon for a "hunter" to kill several tigers in one day. For example, in 1911, King George V visited India and killed a total of 39 Bengal tigers during an 11-day hunting trip.

For British gentlemen at that time, if you didn’t shoot a few tigers when traveling to the ancient and mysterious colonial India, it would be a shame not to be able to take a photo with a shotgun and a dead tiger when you returned to London. You would be embarrassed to say you had been there. India.

As tiger hunting became more and more popular, bounties were even set up for killing tigers. Local people in India are also involved in tiger hunting and use it as a way to make money.

This kind of tiger hunting fire has lasted for a long time. Even after India's independence in 1947, amateur hunters, hunting travel agencies, professional hunters, and even ordinary farmers and herdsmen still participated in tiger hunting activities.

Unrestrained tiger killing and the rising craze for tiger products have led to a sharp decline in the number of Bengal tigers in India. In just 100 years from 1870 to 1970, the number of Bengal tigers dropped from 40,000 to less than 2,000.

In 1971, the Indian government finally realized the seriousness of the matter and issued a ban on killing tigers. At that time, Prime Minister Gandhi advocated the implementation of the "Tiger Protection Plan" and designated 9 national parks as special reserves for tigers. Later, more 14.

Under this circumstance, India's tigers finally stopped the trend of continued decline, and today it has become the country with the most tigers in the world.

The proliferation of wild boars is also directly related to the lack of tigers. For animals like wild boars, in the absence of large carnivores as natural enemies, they reproduce very quickly, even affecting the local ecology.

"Who are those people and why did they join the team?" Seeing some Indian villagers joining the team from all directions with wooden sticks and spears in their hands, Liang En grabbed the walkie-talkie and asked, and soon he got it Mr. Varma’s answer.

It turned out that these people were also subordinates of Mr. Varma. They were mobilized this time to bring weapons and go to the mountains and forests to drive away prey including wild boars.

At this time, Liang En also learned that the area of ​​territory mentioned by the driver sent by Varma yesterday was only the area of ​​​​the direct territory. In addition, there are many territories of high-caste elders and landowners here.

Most of these elders and landowners were retainers of the Varma family in the past. Although there is no superior-subordinate relationship now, they still belong to an interest group and respect the will of the Varma family.

And if you add the land owned by these scattered forces together, you will find that all the villages in the entire region except the cities belong to this family. This is why the Varma family is the emperor here and can respond to everything.

However, the hunting process was a bit lackluster, because the prey had been driven directly to the open space by the farmers in the zoo, and Liang En and the others only needed to aim at the prey and pull the trigger of the gun.

"I feel a little bored." After knocking down five wild boars with six shots, Joan put down the rifle in her hand and showed a bored expression, because this kind of hunting was not exciting to her at all.

"This is how the nobles hunt. It's safe, but a little boring." Liang En also put down his rifle and said with a smile, "Those nobles may find this method exciting, but in our opinion, it's just boring." ”

But just when the two people started to wonder when to eat, the situation suddenly changed. After a nest of wild boars were discovered, not only did they not run away, but they were aroused and rushed around crazily. Several of them were rushing around. to nearby farmers.

Because the bodyguards were all guarding the elephant to protect the safety of the owner and distinguished guests, those people's sight was blocked by the elephant and some surrounding obstacles, and they were unable to react at all.

Although Liang En and the others discovered this scene, they had already unloaded the bullets in their guns for safety reasons. At this time, it was too late to reload and shoot.

As for the pistols, they didn't bring them at all. After all, on the elephants, there was no need to worry about sudden attacks by wild boars. At this time, carrying pistols seemed a bit cumbersome.

After realizing that the firearm was unusable, Liang En immediately leaned forward and grabbed the armor-piercing javelin he had prepared from a shelf on the elephant's back. He then aimed at the wild boar that was about to rush into the crowd and threw the javelin with all his strength. arms.

I saw the javelin drawing a graceful arc in the air, and then hit the wild boar's neck and nailed the wild boar to the ground. Then those people who reacted hurriedly pierced their weapons into the wild boar's body. Killed the boar.

"This is simply amazing, just like the legendary warriors." When he came to the dead wild boar, Mr. Varma said in a surprised tone.

After all, after throwing a javelin from a distance of nearly 20 meters, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can do, and at least this force has exceeded 99% of humans.

Therefore, Mr. Varma's admiration at this time is definitely from the heart. After all, when this kind of picture that only appears in novels and movies suddenly appears in reality, the impact on people is definitely huge.

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