"I have never heard of such a ruin in my territory." Looking at the excavations at the site, Mr. Varma thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"To be precise, I have never heard of this ruins. If the wind and rain hadn't exposed this place last time, I wouldn't even have known about the existence of this place."

"As for what you said about illegal excavations by people more than a hundred years ago, we don't know much about it, but if I'm not wrong, the only people who could do this were the British."

It is easy to determine who the guy who destroyed this ruins was, because at that time the only people who could use a large amount of explosives to do this without attracting the attention of the local rulers were the British who were colonists at the time.

More importantly, as a religious site, this place is very sacred in the hearts of Indians. Even if theft is committed, the place will not be completely destroyed by explosives.

"One question, why would those people blast a place like this?" Jeanne asked while digging. As the excavation work progressed, more and more questions were raised about the situation at the site.

To give the simplest example, for those who robbed it, it was just to find something valuable here in exchange for money, and the cost of blowing this thing up was obviously too high, and it was obviously a loss.

Not to mention that their actions must be covert and cannot be put on the surface. If they explode, they will obviously be more easily discovered by others. It doesn't look like they are doing it to cover up traces.

"The other party's overall behavior seems a bit weird now." Liang En said while looking at a series of small sculptures found in the previous discovery. These sculptures are all very well-carved Hindu gods.

Although this temple is obviously much smaller than the large temples, the overall level should not be low, so the sculptures inside look extremely exquisite.

"If it is for profit, they should take away this small and exquisite statue. After all, Europe at that time had a lot of demand for these cultural relics from other civilizations. These things should be able to exchange for a lot of money. "

"This explanation is very reasonable." Joan of Arc looked at the relief of a snow-capped mountain girl that had just been pieced together and said, "But the question now is why the other party did this."

"Not sure -" Liang En shook his head helplessly, because what this group of people are doing is completely crazy, and it is too difficult to figure out what the crazy are thinking.

"We found a secret room -" Just as Joan of Arc and Liang En were talking, an Indian ran over and said in standard English.

Labor costs in India are so low that anyone with a little money can afford to hire servants. For example, the small landowners in rural India may not live as well as some of the wealthier farmers in China, but they can afford four or five servants.

As for the servants under Varma, there are even more, probably hundreds. At the same time, there are strict ranks. People like this who speak English very fluently are almost all the highest-level servants.

Especially as an ancient family, Mr. Varma naturally does not want all of his subordinates to be illiterate, so although this servant is from a lower caste, he has also gone to college.

These old Indian aristocrats like to train the children of housekeepers and senior servants to become talents, and then put them in local government departments, so that they have a voice that they can fully control in the government.

Moreover, the Indian government has been working hard to increase the proportion of low-caste people serving in government departments, which has actually helped people like Mr. Varma——

Even in Kerala, the level of education received by the poor cannot be compared with that of servant children specially trained by wealthy and prestigious families, and the results have not changed the status quo.

While thinking about all this, Liang En also came to a large dug pit. Because the ground paved with stone slabs was discovered here a few days ago, it naturally became the focus of the subsequent excavation work.

After all, among the buildings built on a piece of dirt, the area that can be paved with stones is only twenty or thirty square meters, and it seems that it should indeed belong to the core area of ​​this building in ancient times.

What they didn't expect was that after the excavation work was carried out, the workers discovered that there were several stone slabs underneath that seemed to be empty, so they immediately reported Liang En after uncovering the stone slabs and found a stone door.

The stone door was very roughly carved, and it looked like it was just a piece of stone shoveled flat and blocked in the mouth. Under Fan Meng's command, the Indians had used elephants and some simple tools to dismantle the stone door. and put it aside.

The smell of the cave under the stone door smelled very bad, as if something was rotten, so after everyone waited for half an hour to confirm that the ventilation had been completed, Liang En and Fan Meng entered the basement fully armed. .

What is somewhat different from what was imagined is that the basement is not as crudely built as imagined. Instead, it looks like an underground palace.

Of course, the underground palace here does not mean how luxurious this place is built. Secondly, it means that this underground building is very solid and even surrounded by a large number of slates and stones.

"I even suspect that the cost of building this underground building was higher than that of the building above." Through the throat microphone, Liang En said what he had discovered after his observations.

"Because it is not an easy task to build underground structures in such a place. Because this requires considering the root system of plants and the erosion of groundwater."

"Your guess is very reasonable. After all, it is not an easy task to build underground buildings in such a place. I remember that the Foreign Legion once had great trouble when building an ammunition depot in a place with a high underground water level."

Fan Meng nodded, then looked at the thick layer of mud accumulated on the stone slab with a depressed expression. "Fortunately, although it is humid here, the water table is not high due to the high altitude, so there is only a little bit of mud on the ground."

The mud concealed a lot of information, but after using a small metal detector, they quickly found several metal coins from hundreds of years ago in the mud. .

After wiping off the mud, Liang En found that what he found was a gold coin that was the same as new and several silver coins that had turned black and had green sleeves.

After a simple confirmation, he found that this coin was probably the currency of some small states in southern India around 600 years ago. It is relatively normal to appear here.

"Maybe this is a treasure house. I read from the information that the temples in India seem to be used to storing large amounts of gold, silver and jewelry." Fan Meng said after seeing these precious metal currencies clearly.

"Don't tell me, this is really possible." After shining the flashlight directly around the corner, Liang En showed a thoughtful expression. "But thinking about those explosives, I think even if that were the case, there might not be much good left here."

"After all, since those thieves can blow up the entire building and the hill behind it, they certainly won't mind sweeping away all the gold and jewelry here!"

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