Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 572 Meeting the Earl

Just because you are ready to explore does not mean you can start work directly, because this kind of underwater adventure in a foreign country requires a series of preparations.

The first thing is about ships, equipment and personnel. In another world, the Fisher family mobilized two 90-foot ships, a smaller search ship, scanning devices and 25 staff.

Liang En is not worried about money, but the problem is that it still takes a certain amount of time to prepare so many people and equipment from scratch.

After all, Liang En's previous excavation work was basically done by one or two people, and he had never conducted such large-scale excavation at all, let alone complicated seabed excavation work.

Although it is not difficult to collect these things with his money and connections, it is not that simple to find them all in a short time.

Secondly, there is the issue of a series of procedures. Because the salvage site is located in the territorial waters of the United States, a series of procedures are naturally required to carry out salvage work.

Because there are corresponding rules in place, illegal digging without a license is obviously not a good idea, especially on American soil.

After all, according to the normal practice of the American police, once illegal excavation is discovered, there is a high probability that the other party will shoot directly instead of arrest.

The last aspect is to make all legal preparations. The Fisher family in another world went through more than 100 lawsuits during the entire excavation process.

Of all the lawsuits, Mel's biggest legal dispute was over the ownership of relics from the Lady Atoka shipwreck. Since 1975, the Fisher family has successively salvaged various gold, silver, jewelry, coins and other cultural relics.

While these shipwreck treasures brought wealth, they also plunged the Fisher family into a lengthy legal battle with the U.S. government.

The U.S. government and the Florida state government were no longer satisfied with the previous agreement negotiated with Meier to donate 25% of the salvaged assets, and believed that all of these treasures should belong to the government. At the same time, the Florida government also seized a large number of treasures.

In 1982, after nearly eight years of unremitting efforts, Meyer and his team finally won the appeal in the U.S. Supreme Court. Court rules that the Fisher family has ownership of the Lady Atoka and Santa Margarita shipwreck treasures,

However, the previous agreement with the government for 25% of the total value of the donation remains valid. As a result of this ruling, the legal ownership of the sunken treasure has become more complicated, but it finally allows them to continue the salvage work of the Lady Atoka sunken ship.

Since there are lessons learned from the past, Liang En will naturally take precautions in this regard. Fortunately, he has stronger connections and wealth than the Fisher family, so it is not complicated to solve this problem.

It's just that it takes time to solve all problems, so Liang En and the others simply found a place to store the artillery and returned to Dublin.

Unfortunately, it was useless to take Raven with him this time. The only good news is that Raven's mood improved a lot because he went out for a walk.

In the following period, Liang En began to contact his network to prepare for future ocean salvage. Of course, he also prepared to participate in the succession ceremony of the future Duke.

To be honest, he has never met Mr. Dulis, who is about to become a Duke. According to Robuchon's housekeeper, his master has always been in poor health, so he usually spends most of his time at home.

Therefore, Liang En was also very curious about what kind of person this partner he had a lot of contact with but whom he had never met was like, and hoped to take this opportunity to get in touch with him.

Liang En and the others were considered very close to each other, so two days before the ceremony, they were invited to London to visit this familiar stranger, Mr. Doulis.

"What the other party did is actually a kind of aristocratic etiquette." On the way to London, Joan of Arc explained the situation here to Liang En from her own perspective.

"After all, the formal ceremony is held in the church, and you cannot enter the church because you do not believe in religion. But in this way, it is obviously rude based on our relationship with the Earl."

"So to make up for it, inviting you to a private home is a good way to show that he cares about you and shows his friendship."

"Ah, these are really troublesome." After listening to Joan's explanation of this series of things, Liang En smiled and said, "It seems that I may not be used to this aspect, so I'll leave it to you."

"Of course, I am willing." Joan of Arc nodded slightly, "It is my obligation to handle these things for you, and I am happy to do so."

After leaving the airport, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Liang En took the car sent by Butler Robuchon and rushed to the Knightsbridge district in the west of central London.

Although the British Duke was completely depressed and almost sold out all the family's properties, the Dulis family was not such an empty aristocracy. They also owned a large number of properties, such as the real estate in Knightsbridge.

The property owned by the Earl's family is a six-story, 1,260-square-meter residence, just a stone's throw from Harrods department store. It is one of the most expensive properties in London.

This is an English Baroque building that dazzles on the corner of Cadogan Square. The exterior of the house looks like a school or other Victorian charity.

It is also a century-old building, built on the estate of the Cadogan family. First owned in 1884 by Oscar Leslie Stephen, a director of the Great Northern Railway, it was typical of the influx of luxurious new homes around the square.

Soon, Liang En and the others arrived at the building and got out of the car. After getting off the car, Liang En focused his attention on this ancient building.

It is a red-brick Victorian-style building with a facade structured around a central projection with a Dutch gable, while decorative pilasters on the main upper floor will continue to a hip roof with an arched brick chimney.

Also carved on the outside reflecting the monarch's name is a terracotta sculptural relief depicting King James VI of Scotland, later King James I of England, and Mary.

After entering the room, Liang En confirmed that His Excellency the Earl was very tasteful in the maintenance and improvement of ancient buildings. He not only retained the ornate and other original period features, the huge stone fireplace and the grand staircase, but also maintained the ancient building. Also very complete.

Soon Liang En and the others followed the marble stairs to the second floor, and then met today's protagonist, Mr. Dulis, in a living room with old-fashioned mahogany paneling.

As the Robuchon butler said before, the earl and future Duke Mr. Doulis does not look very good now. He was helped out by the butler, and his weakness can be seen at a glance.

This is the reason why the earl has never met Liang En and the others before. After all, his health is not very good, so he stays at home most of the time.

This meeting can be regarded as the first face-to-face conversation between the two parties after working together for such a long time. Fortunately, because everyone had a happy cooperation before, the conversation was very congenial. So when it was time for dinner, the earl invited Liang En and the others to have dinner.

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