"This guy probably bribed his boss and then climbed up the ladder step by step." As someone who has experienced similar chaotic times, Joan of Arc can be said to be very clear about this situation, so she explained to the two men got up.

"Based on what I just saw and the situation of this general, under normal circumstances he will probably spend his whole life in the Russian Far East. If he is lucky, he will retire with the rank of lieutenant colonel or colonel. If not, he may be a major for life."

"But this person's upward trajectory is obviously abnormal, especially to be able to jump directly from a small garrison in Central Asia to the capital, St. Petersburg, which is completely abnormal."

Under normal circumstances, Tsarist Russian officers either stayed near cities like St. Petersburg and rose to prominence step by step, or they squatted in remote places all their lives. Guys with triple jumps like this were really rare.

Judging from the jade cups and gold coins found now, there is a high probability that this guy found some ruins when he was stationed in Central Asia, and then bribed his superiors to get this opportunity.

"What you felt before was right, Liang En, this time we may have really found a big secret." Fan Meng, who was carrying the body bag containing the remains, said excitedly when going down the mountain.

"Although His Excellency the General may have dug out some of the things now, I believe the probability that they have dug out everything is not high."

The reason for this judgment is very simple. It can be seen from the jade cup and gold coins that this is a very high-level relic. However, no one has heard of that place until now. This only means that it was a small-scale secret excavation before. That’s all.

"You are right, but it is still very difficult to find the target." Although Liang En was very excited, he was not overly optimistic. "Most of that land is uninhabited wasteland, and it's not easy to find goals in it."

Yes, but when you think about what you might find, I think it's totally worth the time and effort spent here. Joan of Arc said as she looked at the gold coin in her hand.

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Liang En said with a smile. "Fortunately, we don't have much work to do next, so we have enough time and energy to do the next thing."

Back in the city, they first spent some time buying a cemetery and a coffin in the Russian cemetery outside the city, and then buried the general's remains.

Although what this Russian general did was really not worthy of any respect, Liang En spent 1,500 euros on a funeral because the other party provided such a treasure clue and this precious Kaiyuan Tongbao gold coin. .

Local cemeteries are very loosely managed, especially Russian cemeteries, so after confirming that Liang En and the others were not burying fresh corpses, these managers took 1,500 euros in cash and immediately helped them put all the corpses into the cemetery. Everything is taken care of.

After taking care of everything, Liang En and the others took the rented off-road vehicle the next day and drove along Highway A 361 toward the Talas River in the west.

"I thought this country was a purely nomadic country, but I didn't expect there to be so much arable land." Joan of Arc said while looking out the window at the patches of land covered with heavy snow.

Although the thick snow on the ground makes it difficult to tell what was originally being planted on these lands, it is easy to tell from the pump house and ditch next to it that this should be some agricultural land used for planting.

"That's Mongolia you're talking about." Liang En said, looking at the scene in front of him. "As the country with the richest water resources among the five Central Asian countries, Kyrgyzstan itself is a country that has traditionally placed equal emphasis on agriculture and animal husbandry."

"So this place has a history of farming, especially now that they've developed these lands in the west of the country, so it's not surprising that there's a lot of farmland here."

"Of course, one of the main reasons why this area can be developed is that there is a river passing through it. From various perspectives, irrigation costs are very low and it is very convenient."

Chatting all the way, when the frozen Talas River began to appear outside the car window, and street trees and street lights appeared on both sides of the road in the field of vision, everyone gradually got a clear outline of this small, unknown country in the world. .

"This is the city of Taraz. Let's rest for a while." Looking at the darkening sky, Liang En suggested to Fan Meng who was driving.

"Tomorrow morning we will go to the camp site to see the ruins." The reason for this suggestion is that the ruins are not in the city, but in a place far away from the city. It is definitely not a good idea to stay in the wild at night in this season. Suitable choice.

So they stayed in a youth hostel that night and continued driving to their destination not far from the city until the next morning.

The destination is by a lake, about 30km away from the city. The entire lake is not big, but the water in the lake can be seen through the ice and is very clear. It seems that the choice of this place to build the military garrison was probably related to this lake.

On the one hand, if there is such a lake, it will be easier for the military camp to obtain water. On the other hand, on this rare plain in the country, if there is such a lake as the rear, it will be much easier to defend.

After all, the Russians' arrival in Central Asia was not a very peaceful event. In this case, every station was likely to be attacked, so it was natural to prepare war-related defenses.

However, with the passage of time, this land gradually returned to peace, and such a garrison building was gradually abandoned because it was inconsistent with the times.

Considering the vast and sparsely populated nature of the country, there was no one here. After releasing the ravens and starting to alert, Liang En and the others quickly entered the ruins.

It was obvious that many people had been here after it was abandoned. For example, they found traces of flames burning on the walls of many buildings where even the beams were missing.

Judging from the surrounding situation, it is very likely that the herdsmen who grazed around here were used as a refuge in abnormal weather in the past. Although there is no roof, having walls around it is better than standing in the wilderness.

Also because these herdsmen were using them, although these rooms were obviously damaged, they were not completely damaged, leaving a lot of clues for Liang En.

For example, after a simple search, they discovered that there was an inexplicable gap in the place that was originally used as a defensive wall, facing the side away from the lake.

"This place should have been a relatively secret trap door before, but the location is wrong." After carefully inspecting the remains of the wall, Joan of Arc said with some confusion.

As a soldier, Joan of Arc naturally knew that blindly defending in a defensive battle would not work. There must be a convenient channel for launching a counterattack.

However, the establishment of such passages is also particular. For example, most of them should be set up on the side of the direction where the enemy may appear. Only in this way can a counterattack be launched without the enemy knowing.

But now this secret passage not far from the main entrance is obviously abnormal, because a secret passage like this facing the enemy cannot have the effect of a surprise attack at all.

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