The auction officially started on the afternoon of the second day after checking into the hotel. The first auction item was a series of gadgets worth hundreds to thousands of dollars, which naturally included the firearms and some small jewelry brought by Liang En.

Of course, the atmosphere of this kind of auction is not intense at all. It usually stops after two or three price increases. At the same time, the price is basically the same as the normal auction price, or even a little lower.

Everyone knew that it was just a traditional warm-up auction at this time, so everyone obviously looked out of shape. Except for the bidders, everyone was drinking tea or eating snacks.

But half an hour later, as the auction of these gadgets ended, the auction entered the real auction stage, and everyone suddenly became energetic.

Soon, a stainless steel trolley rolled over, with a rusty bronze sword placed on it. Judging from the style, this should be a bronze sword in the style of ancient Babylon.

"This is a bronze sword. You will find that this sword comes from the ancient Kingdom of Babylon. It was a weapon used by nobles cast in the middle period of the kingdom. The starting price is 70,000 euros. Start now!"

After the host finished speaking, someone soon started calling out the price. After a while, the price was increased to more than 100,000 euros, and then it was taken down by an old man wearing a monocle.

It has to be said that all the official auction items in this auction are high-quality products, so everyone is very interested in buying them. Transaction prices in the millions frequently occur.

"Don't you have something you like?" After buying a bracelet that once belonged to a certain European earl, Nelson asked looking at Liang En and Joan of Arc who had never picked up the brand once.

"Indeed not, because we hope to find something with historical value." Liang En said with a smile, "Although the things here are very good, in terms of historical heritage, they are still——"

"No way, after all, this auction is for the nobles and rich people, so they prefer to buy something that looks more beautiful." After hearing what Liang En said, Nelson was a little helpless.

"But if I remember correctly, there seem to be several medieval manuscripts for sale later. I think that should be more suitable for your needs."

"Of course, that is a manuscript from an alchemist. Although there is no name on it, I think this thing should be of great academic value." Liang En nodded and said.

"Of course, if anyone from our Golden Dawn wants to buy it, I will choose to withdraw. After all, it is best not to have internal strife and let others laugh."

"Don't worry, if you want this thing, I will definitely give it to you. After all, if this kind of alchemy document is too complicated, not even a few people within the Golden Dawn can understand it." Nelson grinned helplessly.

“But the problem is that we have collected so many artifacts in this area before that now each of them has a lot of work to do in this area, and there is simply not enough free time to deal with new content.”

"So if you want to buy this thing, we will definitely support it. If you don't have enough money, we can help you pay for it. The only requirement is that you can share this knowledge with us."

"There is definitely no problem with information sharing, but I guess financial assistance will not be needed. After all, the valuation of such things at this kind of auction is purely based on the valuation of cultural relics. Information like these whose sources cannot be found will not be too valuable. expensive."

The value of cultural relics is completely different in the eyes of different people. For example, things that are valuable to scholars may not be able to sell for a high price in the cultural relics market.

But this is definitely a good thing for Liang En and the others, because they are more concerned about the information on the cultural relics, so they can often get what they want at a relatively low price.

"——The next auction item, the Moonlight Dream Crown." Just as Liang En and Nelson were discussing the documents related to the subsequent auction, the auction host above called out the last item in the first half of the auction. thing.

"Ah, this thing is very famous. It was made by an independent jewelry designer in Belgium. It won the championship in a famous jewelry competition jointly sponsored by Belgium and the Netherlands a while ago." Nelson said in a low voice.

"If I remember correctly, President Charles, the president of our Golden Dawn, should be planning to buy these things, because artworks like these produced by the new generation have good investment value."

"Of course, if I remember correctly, our president also seemed to have bought the set of ancient Egyptian-related jewelry you designed a while ago, and said that your things will definitely appreciate in value in the future."

"Haha - our president thinks highly of me." Liang En felt a little happy after hearing what Nelson said, and a smile naturally appeared on his face.

Although his skills come from cards and he doesn't pay special attention to these cards, it is always nice to be praised.

Because this crown comes from a now quite famous jewelry design master and uses a lot of gemstones that are very good in size and quality, so the price is not cheap.

In the beginning, the base price of the crown was 600,000 euros, and then the price kept rising due to quotes from a group of people. However, in the end, the president of the Golden Dawn still won the crown for 1.85 million euros.

"Look at my new purchase." During lunch, Liang En and the others happened to meet President Charles. Because he was a jewelry designer, President Charles directly handed over the Moonlight Dream crown they bought. come over.

"Let me take a look." After putting on the gloves, Liang En carefully inspected the crown. It must be said that as a work of a master, the production level of this crown is indeed very high, both in terms of artistic level and craftsmanship level.

In particular, a large number of light-toned and cold-toned gemstones are boldly used on the white gold-based skeleton. The various gemstones complement each other, making the jewelry full of a cold and lonely atmosphere.

Especially now that this piece of jewelry is placed under the spotlight, a layer of light haze appears when illuminated by those lights, and it indeed looks like a hazy beauty under the moonlight.

And this crown is not just a crown. The clever design makes this crown multifunctional, so in addition to being a crown, it can also be used as a necklace.

More importantly, this crown can also be broken down into many parts and used as earrings, brooches and rings. From this point, we can also see the ingenuity of the design.

Of course, apart from the design, the most important reason why this thing is so expensive is the gems inlaid on it. At least these large colored gems and diamonds look like they are the top gems and are worth a lot of money.

The valuation of jewelry involves a lot of content, such as the production process, past history or production style, but the most commonly used and important method is the value of the raw materials.

This is especially true for jewelry inlaid with top-quality gemstones. Compared with jewelry made of pure precious metals, the gemstone of this jewelry is the core of the entire piece of jewelry. Even those jewelry can be regarded as the companion and accessory of top gemstones.

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