Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 637 Large-Scale Excavation

Early the next morning, more than a dozen scholars brought various equipment to the location of the mountain pass that Liang En and Pierce were looking for the day before, and then launched drones to start filming.

"Yes, this place is indeed very consistent with the battlefield of the Battle of Whitling Avenue recorded in history." As the area detected by the drone became larger and larger. The expression on Professor Harry's face became increasingly excited.

"I think we have solved a thousand-year-old mystery. Countless historians have tried to find this battlefield before, but no one has been able to succeed before."

"I think even this discovery alone is enough for my students to publish several doctoral dissertations, and the British archaeological and historical circles will probably be busy with this ruins in the next few years."

Professor Harry is not exaggerating. Boudica is now regarded as one of Britain's most important national heroes and a symbol of Britain's fight against foreign aggression.

Today, the statue of Queen Boudica and her daughters driving a chariot stands at the west end of Westminster Bridge across the Thames, across the street from Big Ben.

Commissioned by Prince Albert and completed in 1905 by Thomas Thornycroft, this magnificent bronze statue is now considered a London landmark.

From this point, we can see Boudica’s status in the hearts of the British today. Therefore, relics related to Boudica like this will naturally attract the attention of the entire British archaeological community, and even become the focus of attention in the next few years.

In the next week, more people came here and got involved in the excavation work. As more and more people showed up, the progress of the excavation work was also accelerated.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang En and Fan Meng followed Joan's previous judgment and came to the impact fan in front of the mountain, and then began to search for the location of Subudi's town.

Although according to tradition Celtic noble warriors would choose to ride chariots, unlike Persian chariots, Celtic chariots had their own fighting style.

Traditionally, this type of chariot was a two-man chariot, carrying a driver and a warrior and being pulled side by side by two horses. The driver would kneel on the chariot and control the reins, allowing the warriors to fight freely.

These warriors would use spears, javelins and swords to attack, and their chariots were well-made and capable of traveling over rough terrain, making them ideally suited to the British terrain.

This kind of chariot is very maneuverable and can be used to deal with enemy cavalry, but it is more often used as a means of transportation on the battlefield. So that the soldiers can get close to the enemy and get off the car to fight on foot with their comrades.

From this point of view, the sword-wheel chariot on the bronze sculpture in London is a purely artistic product, because the Celtic chariot was lightweight for mobility and could not be used to attack enemy positions.

Therefore, according to Liang En's judgment, Queen Boudica, who was the commander at that time, should not have directly taken the lead in charging into the battle as written in some literary works, but should have commanded operations from the rear of the army.

On the one hand, this judgment is made because if the biased part of historical records is excluded, it can be judged that this queen is better at commanding rather than frontal combat. On the other hand, this kind of commander should not rush to the front in war. .

Of course, another important reason is that history records that Queen Boudica was able to escape after being defeated. If the opponent really rushed to the front line, there was basically no possibility of retreat.

So just when most people began to excavate the remains of the ancient battlefield at the mountain pass, Liang En and the others came to the impact fan with Professor Harry and his students, and then started the search work.

The day after the excavation work started, Joan of Arc, who hurriedly came from France, also provided a lot of help. She used her experience in leading troops to fight and successfully reduced the area that needed to be searched by more than half.

After all, both transportation and communication were very underdeveloped in the cold weapon era, so the requirements for the location of generals when commanding were also very high, and it was not possible to just find a place casually.

According to Joan of Arc, on the one hand, this position must have a good view, ensuring that the generals can have an overview of the overall situation and that everyone can see him. On the other hand, it must be secure enough so that it cannot be easily raided by the enemy.

So after some searching, Liang En and the others quickly found a small hill on the alluvial fan at the mouth of the valley, which was also a rare highland on the plain at the mouth of the valley.

"The view here is very good, and the slope is not too steep. The most important thing is that the area on the hills is large enough, so you can quickly mobilize your troops to supplement where needed." Joan of Arc said while standing on the hill.

"At least if I were to stand in the perspective of a queen, I would definitely place my headquarters here so that I can see the situation on the battlefield and make it easier to mobilize all the troops.

"Then let's search here to see if there is anything valuable." Professor Harry waved his hand, and then his students and workers began to dig on the hill.

Taking this opportunity, Liang En took out his paper and pen, and then used the sketching skills given by the cards to quickly draw. Some of the drawings were on-site sketches, and the other part were restorations of ancient battlefields.

Others present were not surprised by Liang En's approach. After all, this can be regarded as a traditional skill of archaeologists. However, as a series of modern equipment such as cameras are put into use, such people are becoming more and more popular. The less.

"There is a strange thing here -" Just as Liang En was drawing a restoration picture of the battlefield, a student suddenly shouted out his discovery.

"What?" Liang En immediately put down his paintbrush and went to a newly dug pit at least 10 meters away from him to check it out. Sure enough, there were some metal fragments scattered at the bottom of the pit.

The reason why it is said to be a strange thing is because these metal fragments have quite exquisite patterns on them. The exquisiteness of these patterns and the gold plating on them are something that no one has been able to discover before.

With the help of metal detectors, Liang En and the others dug out seven or eight kilograms of metal fragments. Some of these fragments were rusty steel, but most of them were gold-plated bronze.

"This should be a decoration on the chariot. In the past, only the command chariots used by Celtic nobles would use this type of decoration." After piecing together some of the parts, Liang En quickly concluded in conclusion.

This inference is very simple, because judging from the style of the excavated metal fragments, it is easy to see that these things are parts of the carriage and should be used to strengthen the carriage and also play a decorative role.

Considering that the Celts on the ancient British island preferred light chariots, vehicles with such cumbersome decorations should definitely belong to the nobles.

Especially after careful inspection, they found that these carvings were related to oak trees and acorns. Considering that oak trees and acorns were special sacred things in the Druidism believed by the Celts at that time, they were able to use these carvings. I think the person who planted the pattern must have been a senior executive at the time.

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