Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 658 Ship Grave Confirmation

Different from those simple treasures, such large-scale ruins naturally require a whole professional team to properly excavate, so after obtaining the evidence, Liang En began to contact the team.

If you put it among normal people, it is not easy to find a team. After all, the number of such high-level archaeological teams in a country is limited, and they are definitely not ones that can be recruited and gone.

Moreover, this land is a rare noble land, so the things excavated there do not need to be handed over to the British authorities according to the laws of the 20th century, so it is even more difficult to find the excavation team from the authorities. But this is not a problem at all to Liang En.

After all, the reason why Golden Dawn was searching for those supernatural phenomena was that there were many people who were professional in this field, so it was easy for him to find people who were willing to help.

Early the next morning, Professor Harry came here with an archaeological team. In addition to his students, the archaeological team also included people sent by other members of the Golden Dawn, and even members of the Golden Dawn themselves.

"This is Dr. Wilson, and this is Professor Smith." Professor Harry introduced the identities of the other two people leading the team besides him. "They are both members of our Golden Dawn, but they have not been with you in the previous gatherings. meet."

"Hello, Dr. Wilson, hello, Professor Smith, I may need to trouble you about the next thing. According to my previous survey, this should be the cemetery of an Anglo-Saxon leader who was influenced by the Vikings-"

After a brief mutual introduction, Liang En began to communicate with the archaeological team about his previous findings, and told the other party what he had discovered.

"If this is the case, this will be a groundbreaking discovery." The young man named Dr. Wilson, who looked to be in his thirties, nodded and said.

"You know, the history of Britain has been obscured for hundreds of years between the evacuation of the Romans from the island of Britain and the conquest of England by the Dukes of Normandy, and there are a lot of gaps in the records, so any artifacts related to this era are very valuable."

"Yes, that's why I gave up the archeology of the Battle of Whitling Avenue and came here." Professor Harry said with a smile, "Because I think something more valuable should be found here."

The excavation work officially started after more than an hour. Because the soil layer built locally on the river bank is sand, it was very easy to dig.

As the excavation work progressed step by step, the layers of soil that originally covered the ruins were peeled off layer by layer, revealing the core of the underground cemetery.

At the same time, they also determined that this was a ship burial. Although the local corrosive acidic groundwater had completely destroyed the ship's hull, the traces of the ship on the ground and some remaining iron nails proved this. .

However, it still takes some time to dig out all the traces left by the entire ship on the ground, so everyone only took samples and concentrated on the middle part of the hull.

Because of Liang En's reminder, after confirming that this was a ship, everyone immediately abandoned the traditional excavation method, that is, digging trenches along the sides or middle of the mound, and instead chose to dig from the tomb structure.

"This time we should have found a very important relic, and it is one of the few important historical relics in the British Isles during the interregnum." Mr. Smith said excitedly while having lunch one day a week later.

"If nothing unexpected happens, we will excavate the core burial chamber tomorrow. The things inside should reveal the important history of the Anglo-Saxons around the sixth century AD."

The reason why Mr. Smith is so excited is very simple. It is closely related to the history of the British Isles. The earliest owners of the British Isles were the Celts, the first people in Europe to learn and use iron tools and gold decorations.

This nation was once widely distributed throughout Europe in the tenth century BC, but was later expelled bit by bit from the European continent and was only inherited in Britain. The previous Queen Boudica was a Celt.

However, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Germanic barbarians from Northern Europe, the Anglo-Saxons, crossed the sea and conquered England and became the masters of it. The Celtics could only retreat to Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

It’s just that these last Celts are gradually being Germanized. Taking language as an example, the so-called Scots language is just a variation of English in Scotland, and the Gaelic language we now call is the traditional Celtic language. .

However, the Anglo-Saxons did not have the last laugh. In 1066 AD, William, Duke of Normandy, crossed the sea and conquered Britain. This should be regarded as the most successful and glorious of the many invasions of Britain since ancient times.

After this conquest, all the British kings have more or less the blood of this great conqueror. To this day, the bloodline of the British royal family can only be traced back to the Duke of Normandy, not the Anglo-Saxon people who conquered the island. inferior.

After the conquest, the British royal family and nobles were also vassals of France for hundreds of years, and they owned large territories on the European continent. For example, today's Normandy and Bordeaux regions belong to the British king.

Even the kings of England at that time did not speak English at all. The British church was taken over by the French. The religious language was Latin, and only Anglo-Saxon was widely used among the people.

This influence is still retained in English today: the live pig in the pigsty is called pig, and the pork eaten on the table becomes pork (from the French proc); the cow grazing in the field is called cattle, and the beef eaten on the table is called cattle. It's called beef (from French boeuf).

In other words, at that time, the Anglo-Saxon farmers cultivated the land and raised the meat they produced, but they could not eat it. All of it was sent to the tables of the Norman conquerors.

As the most famous king of England, Richard the Lionheart only visited England twice in ten years of his reign, which lasted only a few months in total. He even said, "If the price is right, I will sell all of London" in order to raise funds for the Crusade.

So even though the British highly respect this king now, erect statues and name a lot of things after him, this king did not have any special feelings for his land during his lifetime.

It was not until 1399, when King Henry IV of England came to the throne, that he delivered his accession speech in English. This was the first English-speaking king after the Conquest of Normandy.

However, with the rise of nationalism in various countries in modern times, Anglo-Saxon nationalism swept across the United Kingdom. Especially during World War I, the British royal family was forced to change the name of their dynasty.

From that time on, the British began to frantically search for the earliest history of the Anglo-Saxons after they came to the British Isles. This has even influenced the entire British historical field to this day.

"So if you allow it, we hope to invite some media to interview the excavation work next week." Professor Harry also came over at this time and said, "This will have a stimulating effect on the subsequent excavation work."

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