"With all due respect, Mrs. Hannah, I think there is something wrong with this photo." After taking a closer look, Liang En quickly made his first judgment.

"Both the tractors and the sleds in the photos look really out of place, and they don't look like items that a wilderness expedition team could equip."

"Is there something wrong with this tractor?" Mrs. Hannah showed a puzzled expression after hearing what Liang En said. "They are going out on an adventure, so isn't it normal to prepare a tractor or something to pull something?"

"I know tractors were not cheap in that era, but judging from the amount of money my grandfather spent and his financial strength, buying a tractor was not impossible."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about." Liang En said, pointing to the tractor in the photo.

"You have to remember that tractors in those days were not very reliable, and the road conditions in northern Canada were very bad at that time, so I don't think a professional adventurer like your grandfather would choose something like this."

When modern people explore, they often use a variety of mechanical tools, such as off-road vehicles, snowmobiles and even airplanes. However, in the 1920s, few people chose these equipment for adventure.

Because although the prototypes of this type of products had already appeared at that time, the reliability and data were far inferior to modern products, and they were not suitable for outdoor adventures at all, let alone in polar regions with very poor natural conditions.

If a tractor and sled like this are to be driven in this place, it may require an entire maintenance team and a large amount of fuel. This is obviously not an equipment suitable for wilderness adventures.

"You said it makes sense." Mrs. Hannah nodded after listening to Liang En's explanation. "My grandfather was a very professional explorer and he would have taken this into consideration - is there something else wrong?"

"Many, for example, the load capacity of this sled is also abnormal." Liang En pointed at the sled in the photo and said. "It's not difficult to pull things on the snow, but it shouldn't be possible to pull such a large amount of ore."

"The most important thing is that if such a big guy passed by, it would attract everyone's attention even today, let alone that era, but none of the clues you found mentioned this tractor before."

"The latter one may be transported by water." Mrs. Hannah explained this point. "They can both walk separately and meet up somewhere so no one can see them on the road."

"As for the ore on the sled, it is very likely that it was just a staged photo. After all, my grandfather needed sponsors when he was treasure hunting, so sometimes he would take some publicity photos in advance."

"This is indeed a reasonable explanation, but another question is that if the waterway is really feasible, then why did your grandfather choose to walk instead of taking a boat?" Liang En thought for a while and asked the second question.

"Well - it should be mainly to collect intelligence." After thinking for a while, Mrs. Hannah said with some uncertainty. "After all, they're not trying to get somewhere, they're trying to find minerals, so it's important to ask local residents."

"Did you only find these five photos at that time?" Liang En asked curiously after going through all these similar photos. He felt that he needed more information to make further judgments.

"There is also a book, which is a Bible printed by the Ottawa Church in 1921. It has the signature of a member of my father's expedition team. My people found the signature and curiously looked through the book before finding the photo. Yes." Hannah said.

"This book was the most luxurious version of the Bible that the church distributed to believers at that time. It was generally only distributed to senior clergy, those who had made great contributions to the church, and those who had made large donations."

"According to the information I know, my grandfather did donate a large sum of money to the local church when he arrived in Ottawa, which can be matched with this Bible."

"If this is the money donated by your grandfather, why is it not your grandfather's name written on it, but the name of such an expedition member?" Liang En asked in confusion.

"This is because this member of the expedition was not just an expedition member, but also a part-time chaplain in that team at that time, so it is normal for this book to be in his hands."

"In addition to names, we also found some other records in this Bible." After watching Liang En nod to express that his doubts were solved, Mrs. Hannah continued to explain the current situation.

"However, these records are very simple. Only part of the prayer records can be seen now. According to the analysis of the people I found, there is basically nothing of value."

"If I remember correctly, the entire expedition team should have disappeared." Liang En put down the photo in his hand and asked, "Then how did this Bible appear in the library?"

"I don't know." Mrs. Hannah shook her head helplessly and said, "We checked all the information we could find, but there is no information about this."

"But my people are now looking for clues about these things in Cochrane. If they can be found, they will bring them along with the original versions of these photos and the original Bible."

"I think I may need to see the original thing before I can make further judgments." Liang said after looking at the photos carefully, "You know, it is difficult for me to make the next step if I just look at the photos. judge."

"Okay, I will have these things delivered from there within three days." Mrs. Hannah nodded. "I'll let you know as soon as it arrives."

"I feel that your attitude just now was a bit strange." After leaving Mrs. Hannah's house and walking to the street, Joan of Arc asked Liang En immediately.

After all, the two parties had been together for such a long time and had some kind of special soul connection, so Joan could clearly feel that Liang En seemed to be full of doubts about this action.

"It's indeed strange, because the development of this matter now smells like conspiracy to me." Liang En said as he walked along the crosswalk on the roadside. "Don't you think everything this time seems too coincidental?"

"The sudden appearance of this Bible and the photographs in it is in itself very strange, especially when an expedition was about to set off."

Coincidences are normal, but so many coincidences like this are not normal. At least Liang En feels that the chance of finding exactly what he wants in a library is too small.

Although there is a saying that the biggest difference between reality and novels is that novels need logic, but reality does not.

But when a lot of illogical things appear in reality, there is often something more complicated than what you see, hidden in the fog behind it.

In addition, the previous situation regarding the contents of those photos was not normal. At least there were too many contents in them that were forced to be explained in order to justify themselves.

These contents are not so much explanations as they are more like creating a content that is barely logical and self-consistent for prevarication when a conclusion has to be drawn.

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