Father Ben Moorer's sudden collapse startled Liang En, but after quickly calming down, Liang En felt that this incident was not without warning. After all, the priest was already quite old, and he was not in good health after trekking in the wild.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible to suddenly become ill due to excitement in winter, when the cardiovascular system itself is very fragile.

Just as Liang En was thinking about this matter, Father Ben Moore stood up despite the pain, then grabbed the information on the table and threw it into the fireplace nearby.

Because the fireplace and the table were very close, Zai Dui quickly threw the items covering most of the table into the burning fireplace.

"What is this? Destroying corpses and eradicating traces?" Looking at the other party's crazy move, Liang En frowned, especially because the ferocious expression on his face did not look like what a cleric should have.

However, Father Ben Moore also obviously underestimated his physical problems. Just when he threw away 80% of the things on the table and was about to reach for a book, he suddenly paused and then lay down on the table.

At this time, there were very few surviving documents on the table. Both the map and the notebook had been thrown into the fireplace and burned completely. Only a few books survived.

It wasn't until the next morning that other clergymen who discovered that Father Ben Moore did not perform routine prayers came to the door and knocked on the door. Then they found that no one opened the door, broke in and discovered everything.

Because someone died, the room was in chaos, so naturally no one noticed that someone had burned something in the fireplace next to it.

This can also explain why the clergy in the church now think that many of the relics owned by Father Ben Moore have been lost outside, because the church has no idea that the priest himself burned some of his belongings.

"Did you find anything?" After Liang En exited from the state of exploration, Joan of Arc, who was sitting on the chair next to the door and guarding the door, asked him.

"I found something very important." Liang Encong retracted his hand and said, "It's inappropriate to talk about it here. I think we'd better go to the car to discuss this issue."

Soon they walked to a park near the church. When the two walked to an empty place together, Joan couldn't hold back her inner curiosity and asked Liang En what he had seen before.

"Some very interesting things." After looking around and seeing no one around, Liang En told Joan of Arc what he had just seen. After he finished speaking, Joan of Arc opened her mouth in surprise.

"That is to say, this Father Ben Moore has been looking for something for his whole life, but he died of a heart attack due to excessive excitement when he found it as soon as possible?" Joan subconsciously put her hands together in a praying gesture.

"However, it is obviously a bit strange for the other party to burn these made things, because it is not normal for normal people to destroy work that has taken them a lifetime to complete before death."

"You are right, this is indeed a doubt, but to me the bigger doubt is about the identity of the priest." Liang En said, looking down at Jeanne's eyes. "This Ben Moller is not the Ben Moller we are looking for."

"What!" Jeanne's eyes suddenly opened wide. "How can we not be the same person with the same name, the same graduation place, the same age and even the same occupation?"

Before, after they learned about the priest named Ben Moore, they thought he was the missing priest in the expedition. But just now, Liang En looked through history and found that the situation was different from what he imagined. .

Because the missing priest is a standard Anglo-Saxon, with blond hair and blue eyes. He looks a bit like Little Plum from the movie Titanic, but this priest is a standard Mexican.

"Hey - in this case, a lot of things can be explained." After listening to Liang En explain the details, Joan of Arc showed an expression of sudden realization.

"The other person went to such a remote place not just to find something, but another important reason was to avoid having his identity revealed after meeting possible acquaintances."

To be honest, it was much easier to use a false identity in those days than it is today, because even photos were not common in those days, and it was definitely not a simple matter to verify this information across the Atlantic.

"Yeah, luckily I saw the content on the pile of things on his desk before." Liang En said, taking paper and pen and starting to copy the key content he just wrote down in his notebook.

"Based on the current intelligence, the other party should have obtained the inspection results of those expedition members, at least part of the inspection results. Because the other party's search has a very obvious purpose."

"In other words, he should at least know how the scientific expedition team disappeared." Joan whispered as Liang En wrote more and more content on the paper. "It's just that this person has never been among the clues we had before."

"It is very likely that this place has not been investigated before." Liang En said as he wrote, "Canada is a huge country, so it is difficult to find people even now when one party intentionally hides, let alone Let alone nearly a hundred years ago.”

Canada's administrative management has always been difficult to describe - after all, it is extremely challenging to establish a complete management system in such a vast and sparsely populated place, both in terms of cost and difficulty.

Therefore, to this day, Canada, that is, the overall management level of some large-scale settlements on the border between the United States and Canada is good. Small-scale settlements depend on luck. As for the wilderness, it is no different from the American West in the 19th century.

For the next two hours or so, Liang En sat on a park bench and recounted everything he saw bit by bit, and then looked at the dozen or so pages in front of him with a thoughtful expression.

To be honest, if his body had not been repeatedly strengthened and could not remember those contents, at least if he had this kind of memory in the previous life, he probably wouldn't have been an ordinary book when he went to college.

"Okay, I think we can go back." Liang En said to Joan of Arc after writing the last stroke in the notebook, "I roughly know what the other party is about. But now it takes some time to make the final summary. .”

As he had observed before, the priest should have only received some very vague clues back then. Then in a long period of time, we can only use these vague clues to eliminate them bit by bit using the exhaustive method.

But what the other party never expected was that after spending decades doing all the work, he would fall down at the last moment and get all the information for Liang En.

According to the contents of these clues, the final target should be beside a river in the northwest Yukon Territory of Canada. However, if you want to know the specific location of the other party, you need to compare it with a map.

"Ah, this is really good news." Joan of Arc stretched herself beside him and said. “It’s really comfortable to be exposed to the sun in spring, but if we go back later, the weather might get colder.”

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