Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 696 Inspection and Clues

After an inspection, Liang En was very satisfied with the overall layout of his industry in the Philippines. Although many of the layouts were only in prototype form, they already had the ability to generate blood on their own.

In particular, the establishment of a series of people's livelihood projects has allowed these plantations to develop a stable rear, and also allowed them to carry out some plans that require long-term operations.

"Our next step will be to carry out unified planning of infrastructure, connect the roads and irrigation and drainage systems in various plantation parks together, and then build some reservoirs."

After returning to his place of residence, Huang Tao introduced the next development direction to Liang En, and at the same time applied to Liang En for more funds for these constructions. Of course, from a certain perspective, this is also an investment.

In addition to water conservancy and transportation, there is also the construction of a substation and the replacement of some aging lines. In addition, they also hope to continue to acquire surrounding farms.

"Is it convenient now to acquire the surrounding farms?" Liang En asked in a low voice. “I remember it was not an easy thing to buy a farm.”

"Liang En is right, especially I remember that farm investment or land investment is a very popular thing around the world now. If we want to buy a farm, will it be too difficult?"

Out of her love for land, Joan of Arc has been studying issues related to the global land market, so he was a little surprised by the other party's suggestion to buy land. In her opinion, this is not easy.

"You are right, but the actual situation may be different from what you think." Huang Tao smiled helplessly and then said. "The land as a whole will indeed be valuable, but specific to a certain area is another matter."

"Because the security level in our area is average, and it is not the core area of ​​development in the northern Philippines, land like ours is prone to problems when prices encounter international economic fluctuations."

According to Wang Tao, unlike those seriously run farms in the north, there are many farms in the southern Philippines that are purely financial investments for some international financial speculators.

As for financial investment products, once they realize that this thing may not be profitable in a short period of time, they will sell it to avoid squeezing too much of their own funds.

For Liang En and others who plan to engage in agriculture seriously, now is indeed a good time to buy at the bottom, and the network of contacts that Liang En and Joan of Arc can now organize can also ensure that their investment will not be lost to those financial speculators. A pitfall.

In the next two days, Liang En visited all the industries, paying special attention to the schools, health clinics and restaurants where the factories were built. He even had a meal in the restaurant of the knitting factory.

You can swipe your card to eat in the restaurant. For this purpose, Huang Tao purchased a complete card swiping system from Huaxia through a shopping website, similar to that of a school cafeteria.

This thing can be easily purchased in Europe or China, but for the Philippines, it can only be imported, so they struggled for a long time to install this system successfully.

According to regulations, each person will receive a different amount of food subsidy each month depending on the level. A formal worker can at least receive a subsidy that allows a female worker to have enough to eat.

The dishes in the canteen are all very home-cooked Filipino food. In addition to rice as the staple food, there are also some dishes made with chicken, pork, seafood and vegetables.

To be honest, the taste of these dishes is indeed average, and from Liang En's point of view, these dishes sometimes taste too greasy, but the workers present are very satisfied with the food.

"We produce the staple food here and part of the non-staple food here, while other non-staple food is purchased from outside." After filling his stomach, Huang Tao introduced the situation of the restaurant to Liang En.

"Based on our situation last year, overall we saved at least 20% of the cost compared to complete outsourcing. At the same time, the workers can also eat better."

This is very nice. Liang En nodded and then asked, "I heard before that you plan to build a food processing plant. Is this true?" "

"Yes, I plan to build a small rice mill." Huang Tao nodded. “In the past, our rice was sent to the city for processing, but as there are more and more workers here, it becomes more and more troublesome to do so.”

"According to my observation, there is a local demand for rice mills. Therefore, after the rice mill is built, it will not only save time, effort and money, but also bring additional income."

Next, Huang Tao took out his mobile phone and sent the analysis report that had been stored there to Liang En. According to the judgment in the report, their market here was suitable for building a small rice mill with a daily processing capacity of 30 tons.

"Then do it." Liang En nodded after reading the report seriously. On the one hand, his report was indeed very detailed. On the other hand, the overall investment was more than 30,000 euros, which was very important to Liang En. It's just a small amount of money.

After finishing the matters at hand, several people obviously relaxed a lot, so Huang Tao took this opportunity to give Liang En a document that looked like a diary.

"What is this?" Liang En frowned after looking at the documents that were sent because he felt that they were all a lot of messy notes.

"This is the result of my initial collection of orders. It contains all the stories related to antiques and cultural relics discussed by the employees." Huang Tao said in a low voice after confirming that there was no one around.

"It's just that I can only confirm that these do exist, but I can't be sure whether the treasures and historical relics that the legend points to exist."

"Ah, it's okay. You've done a good job." Liang En nodded and said, "I should be the one to judge the next thing, and you don't need to worry about it."

"These things look a bit messy." After returning to the guest room in the plantation after dinner, Joan of Arc looked at the record and said, "And a lot of it seems to be false news."

"For example, here -" Joan of Arc said, pointing to one of them, "They say there is a large Japanese military base here, but in fact it is completely impossible."

"Because this hill was formed after a volcanic eruption in the 1960s, it was absolutely impossible for the Japanese to build warehouses or bases on it during World War II."

"You are right, so we still need to conduct detailed analysis on these things before we can make a final judgment." Liang En nodded and said. "But this is much better than us looking around like headless chickens."

Liang En and the others came to the Philippines for vacation, but they didn't mind this opportunity to see what interesting things there were. After all, the Philippines was once a rich country in history.

Although these riches belong to generations of invaders and do not belong to Filipinos, those invaders will always leave traces on this island.

These things are what Liang En and the others are looking for in this plan, but it is not easy to find these things, and studying these legends is obviously the best plan now.

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