During the time she lived in Chang'an City, she did not fail to see that there were people everywhere on the street, but they all treated each other with courtesy.

It is almost impossible to see someone pushing, shoving or swearing, and they will say sorry if they accidentally bump into each other, and they don't feel that their identities are very low.

So seeing the princess so unhappy, of course she understands, in fact, there is nothing wrong with being a commoner of the Han Dynasty.

Anyway, it will definitely be better than the princess of Mulin Principality, after all, she is free and lives a good life.

Every money spent on him is earned by himself, and the money is spent with peace of mind and cleanliness.

"I believe that not many people from the Han Dynasty want it? If possible, I would rather exchange it with them." Princess Rongli raised her eyebrows.

In her opinion, only the princesses of the Han Dynasty are envied by everyone, and the princesses of other kingdoms have nothing to envy.

The only thing that makes people envious is that there are a lot of coins, so that you can sell a lot of goods in Chang'an City.

But at the same time, there is no freedom. Although there are a lot of coins to spend, in the end, you still have to stay in the palace every day.

"Well, Your Highness, this is already an established fact, and there is no way to change it. The only thing we can change is to make the Duchy of Mulin better and better, so that you can have more of your own right to speak." He Ke comforted .

This time Princess Jasmine came here to talk to Chang'an City again on behalf of her father, (bde) to see if she could help the Principality of Mulin to tide over the difficulties. If Chang'an City is willing to send knights to help, Mulin Principality will be much more relaxed.

And when the time comes, if he makes any request to his father, the other party will see that he has done such a big favor, and he will not refuse to agree anyway. Princess Celie had such an idea, so she wanted to leave the palace no matter what.

Of course, it was mainly because Wang Gong's life was too boring, and he wanted to come to Chang'an City to relax.

In the beginning, Princess Riley was worried that her father would be angry, but he wanted to live for himself.

She didn't want everything to be dominated by the Mulin Principality, so this time she resolutely left the palace.

"It's true, I just hope that the king of the Han Dynasty will summon us soon. We have been out for a while, and we will go back in a few days." Princess Rongli said. "Aren't we going back after the summons? We're going back in two days?"

Coco was puzzled.

"I have a hunch that I will be summoned in two days, and I will be able to go back in two days." Princess Rong Li stepped forward.

Ke Ke could be said to have a puzzled expression on his face, and hurriedly chased after him and asked, "Your Majesty, Your Highness, did someone tell you something?"

No, no one said anything to me, I just had a sudden premonition, anyway, we are waiting, we will wait. "Princess Jasmine smiled. She didn't know why, but when she was chatting just now, she suddenly had such a strong feeling in her heart.

Ke Ke frowned slightly, tilted her head and said, "I recently heard that people from another continent are coming to the Han Dynasty."

They have lived in Chang'an City for such a long time, so they can more or less hear about it.

What's more, in those eating places, some people would talk about it when they had nothing to do, so they could naturally hear it.

"I've also heard that it should arrive in five or six days, but Haiyan City will be the first to arrive." Princess Rongli said.

When she heard the news, she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that even people from another continent would come to the Han Dynasty.

She couldn't help but start to worry in her heart, could they also come to seek help from Chang'an City?

If this is the case, then the other party has a better bargaining chip to negotiate with Chang'an City, and I don't have any good bargaining chips on my side. In comparison, the Mulin Principality must have a better reputation.

"It will take two days for Haiyan City to come to our place, and Chang'an City will be very lively by then. Keke fiddled with her hair.

"Yes, it will be very lively then, if we haven't gone back then." Princess Jasmine said suddenly.

"Yeah, when the time comes, I can see what people in another continent look like." Ke Ke looked forward to it.

"Second update, factory v7). Please customize, please support.\

,"Chapter 1985: Fair, Just, Open

The sky in Chang'an City is cloudless, and the soft sunlight spreads all over the land, shining on people lazily.

Liu Feng was standing in front of the window on the eleventh floor, looking at the busy road below, and asked softly, "In a few days, people from another continent will arrive, right?"

Because there are not many files in the highest building, so there is a little more leisure time.

He also has more time for himself to do other things, and finally he doesn't have to face a lot of documents every day.

"That's right, they will arrive at Haiyan City in a few days. There has been news from Haiyan City that the mermaids will definitely be able to see their ships when they are patrolling."

An Li reported.

In some coastal cities nowadays, for the sake of insurance, those mermaid warriors will go to far away places to patrol.

The purpose is to ensure a certain degree of safety, because the mermaid's speed in the water is only seven or eight times faster than that of ordinary boats.

Therefore, where ordinary ships take five or six days to reach, mermaids can reach in one day.

In order for the coastal cities to have enough time to deal with it, the mermaid warriors will go to far, far places to patrol.

Only if it is confirmed that it is safe within five or six days from the coastal city, the mermaid warrior can rest for a day and continue to patrol like this the next day. Such a patrol mode can greatly ensure the safety of a city. Only by knowing it in advance can we make the most complete preparations and countermeasures. "Okay, how are the preparations for Haiyan City going?" Liu Feng continued to ask.

"The lord of Haiyan City said that everything has been prepared. As long as people from another continent arrive, they can be dispersed according to the pattern." An Li continued to report.

What Haiyan City had prepared before was to disperse people from another continent evenly, and it would not be possible to squeeze all of them into Chang'an City.

"That's good. Let him make a list for me. I want to see who is in Chang'an City." Liu Feng nodded.

"Yes." Enri nodded.

"By the way, how is the decoration of the castle going?" Liu Feng turned around and asked.

"What's going on now is some internal renovations, mainly repainting the walls and re-laying the floor, followed by some walkways, replacement of doors and windows, etc." An Li reported.

"Let them all be careful. If there is a problem with the inspection after the renovation, they will definitely not get their salary." Liu Feng said seriously.

Renovation is not an easy task. Once you start, you must do your best. If you repeatedly re-rectify, it will be too troublesome.

"I understand. Every day, I will go and stare at them for a period of time. The quality of their recent work is not bad, and there have been no problems for the time being." An Li nodded heavily.

Hu Erniang also knows that the decoration is not easy, so she will go to watch every day to make sure that there will be no problems in the pit stop and decoration.

The work carried out a few days before the underwriting was to dismantle some doors and windows, and some old things had to be replaced. After finishing these dismantling work, it was the painting work.

Although the shape of the castle will not change much, there are still many places that are completely different from the original.

This requires the work of dismantling and rebuilding. For example, several rooms are equipped with floor-to-ceiling windows, and a large bay window is designed in the study room, in order to provide better lighting when reading.

The kitchen also needs to be ventilated, and the area needs to be increased, so one room needs to be pierced and directly used to expand the kitchen.

Of course, together with the work of making furniture, Liu Feng's space is only one square meter, so he can't bring too many things with him.

So he could only bring some design drawings of the furniture and let the people in the workshop make them according to the design drawings.

Many things like sofas, wardrobes, beds, desks, etc., all have to be remade.

"Has the exterior decoration work started yet? It will save a lot of time if the interior and exterior have to be carried out together." Liu Feng continued to ask.

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