"Speaking of which, what are we going to do after landing?" Annie asked curiously. The dog-eared girl is the same, and even started thinking about the itinerary after landing a few days ago.

For example, what to do today, where to go tomorrow, and what to eat the day after tomorrow are clearly arranged.

In short, she just won't let herself be idle, and she finally went to another continent recently.

What's more, she wants to live a good life in this continent, so she must get familiar with those environments.

"I think I might take a few days off before I think about looking around." Agnes stretched.

At this moment, she really wants to lie down and have a good sleep, and enjoy the feeling of her feet on the land again.

Anyway, no matter how big the temptation is at this moment, it is useless to her, and her eyes are only on Haiyan City, which is about to land.

Afraid that it was the other two girls who were talking to her, she also stared straight at the mainland.

"I think I should be the same. The past two months at sea is really exhausting." Adrienne echoed.

The person and the girl at this moment are the same. Before that, she lived on land in the sea every day.

But now he has been floating at sea for more than two months, no matter how strong-willed a person would want to take a break.

"Ah, I thought you guys would be willing to go shopping with me." Annie was obviously a little frustrated.

Although she also wanted to log in quickly to take a rest, new things were more attractive to her.

The content described in the book and the words spoken by people who have been to other continents are still lingering in her ears.

If she hadn't been stopped by other people at this moment, she might have jumped off the sea and swam there immediately.

Given the girl's longing for another continent, this is very possible.

"Of course I can go shopping with you. Now, but let's take a break. I'm really exhausted from being at sea for more than two months." Agnes sighed.

The Sorrel Girl no longer has the passion she had when she first boarded the ship, and now she looks more like she has nothing to love.

Originally thought that this trip would be very interesting, but the two-month sea journey almost cost her half her life.

Kassad's fleet encountered a major storm not just once, but dozens of times.

Every time is very thrilling, and every time ships are swept into the bottom of the sea by mines or waves.

Fortunately, the three girls were all fine, but they were just terrified because of it.

Whenever a big storm starts, the three of them hug each other tightly and pray to God not to let them perish so soon.

God also seems to have heard their prayers, and the boats they took were safe and sound every time, without even a little damage.

-"I thought you guys would accompany me to go shopping and have a big meal when I landed." Annie said disappointedly.

The enthusiasm of the dog-eared girl made the other two girls a little confused, thinking that it would be okay to rest for a day or two after they all went to another continent. I didn't expect the other party to be so eager for money) and wanted to go out for a walk, and even eat.

Although it is understandable to feel this way, let's take a break before proceeding.

"Well, it's noon now, we'll be able to arrive at Haiyan City in the evening, let's rest for the night, how about I go shopping with you the next day?" Adrianna suggested to the group.

She knew that if she continued to refute the girl, she would definitely be unhappy, so she could only think of this method.

"Yeah, I also think this proposal is very good. You can take a good rest tonight, and you can go shopping all day the next day." Agnes nodded repeatedly.

One night is also good, at least there is time to rest, as long as it is not now.

"Okay then, let's go shopping tomorrow." Anne began to smile.

One more, Fv7). Ask for customization, ask for support. ".

Chapter 214: The difference between a mermaid and a mermaid.

More than three hours later, Kassad's fleet began to slowly dock towards Haiyan City.

The mermaid troops from Haiyan City were the first to spot them. After being guided by the mermaid warriors, they began to approach the port.

After the people on Kassad's fleet saw the mermaid, everyone was surprised. This was the first time they saw it, and everyone was talking about it.

"This is a mermaid, this is the first time I've seen it." One of the dog orcs sighed.

"Don't you say that mermaids are all good-looking? Why are they all men?" In addition

- A bewildered orc from the Mian clan looked puzzled.

Almost all the legends they heard in another continent said that the mermaid was very beautiful and had a very good figure.

Once you have seen the mermaid girls, you can't forget their looks, and you will think of each other every day and night.

Of course, all the mermaids they heard were legends, and as for the truth, none of them had ever seen them.

After all - it is passed down ten times and passed down a hundred times, everyone has a different version, and the taste has changed since it was passed down.

So they all thought that mermaids are women and there are no men, so now they are a little surprised to see that mermaids are all men.

"That's right, why are they all men? Could it be that there are no women for mermaids?" Another pig orc asked doubtfully.

"Don't be stupid, how could the mermaids only have males, if only males, how would they reproduce?" Another smart sheep orc couldn't stand it anymore.

No matter how stupid you are, there should be a limit. Even such obvious things should be questioned there.

"It's true. If they are all men, how can there be children? There must be women." Someone on the board said firmly.

"It's really great, as long as there are women, I will definitely find a mermaid girl in Haiyan City as my wife." Another man on the boat whimsically said.

After hearing the legends about mermaids for a long time, those wretched men must have fantasized about them.

What's more, they saw real mermaids now, even though the ones in front of them were all men.

"Don't think too much, haven't you seen the mermaids in the sea? - They are all so strong, and the mermaid girl will only choose the strong ones, and will not choose you who are skinny and thin." A woman Strike ruthlessly.

In fact, some other women on the board couldn't stand it any longer. Every one of those men spoke badly, and looked very frivolous.

I haven't seen the mermaid girl yet, so I'll start to think about what's missing, and when I actually see it, it's okay?

"Don't worry about them, they'll just think with their heads anyway." Another woman said.

"I heard that the king of the Han Dynasty is very handsome. I wonder if it is possible for me to meet him?" Another girl asked expectantly.

When they were in another continent, they heard a lot about the king of the Han Dynasty.

I heard from those who have been to that continent that the king of the Han Dynasty was very handsome, and the one with black eyes and black hair was very different.

You must know that Liu Feng's appearance is very different in this era. Everyone's hair and eye colors are different.

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