"It's Lord Macro." The dwarf knight said softly.

"Macro, why is that old guy here again?" Princess Daisy gritted her teeth angrily as her expression changed.

Macro, the king of the Principality of Maner, one of the three principalities in the chaotic land, obviously, it is not the first time that King Macro has come.

"Forget it, I'll come to find my father tomorrow." Daisy hesitated for a while, she really didn't want to see Macro, turned and left.

In the palace, in the living room, two gray-haired old men were arguing about something.

One of them was a dwarf, who looked about sixty years old, and his face was gloomy at this time. He was naturally the king of the dwarf kingdom of Aoli, that is, Daisy's father, King Robertson.

Sitting opposite him was an old man in his fifties, the king of the Principality of Maner 060, who came from the chaotic land of chaos, so he felt somewhat oppressed.

"If you don't agree to my request, then I, the Principality of Manle, will no longer export wheat and linen to you dwarves. Of course, Roman wine will also be included."

Macro sneered, picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down, and said coldly, "Robertson, I hope you will consider my suggestion."

Macro stood up and looked at Robertson with a gloomy face. He was sure to eat the dwarves, who made the dwarves' country unsuitable for growing wheat.

He looked at the silent dwarf kingdom, turned around and walked out, and said, "Think about it carefully."

"Hmph!" Seeing Macro leave, Robertson sat for a long time, and then suddenly said angrily, "Don't even think about it, dwarves won't give in."

It turned out that Macro came to Robertson many times because of iron ore, of course a large part was because of weapons.

The Principality of Maner is in a chaotic place, where there are constant wars and wars all year round, and the three principalities are on guard against each other.

This time the wheat will be harvested again, and the Duchy of Mullin and Chama will attack the Duchy of Maner to rob the wheat, and the Duchy of Maner is the weakest of the three duchies, so Macro has come here many times The principality of the Aoli dwarves is for weapons and iron ore, which are used to improve the combat effectiveness of the knights.

After all, if you want a knight to be invincible, weapons and armor have become a crucial part.

"Damn it, you're threatening me, do you think I can't do anything?" Robertson said angrily, closed his eyes, pressed his temple with a terrible headache, then picked up the flagon beside him, and took two sips of wine I breathed a sigh of relief.

The three duchies in the chaotic land are in balance with each other. If they sell weapons to any one at will, it will break the balance and trigger a big war. This is not a good thing for the dwarf kingdom.

After all, if there is a war between the three principalities, and one side wins and annexes the other two principalities and integrates them into one kingdom, then it will pose a huge threat to the Aoli dwarf kingdom.

Now they are tripartite and restrict each other, which is what Robertson wants to see most.

"Sackcloth and wheat, at worst, I will import them from other kingdoms. As for Roman wine, it's a pity." Robertson sighed, feeling very helpless.

The Duchy of Man is the only country around that has a large amount of wheat and linen. Because of this, almost half of the wheat and linen in the Kingdom of Auri Dwarves are imported from the Duchy of Man.

But now because of the weapons, the Kingdom of Maner wants to unilaterally suspend this cooperation, and at the same time refuses to sell Roman wine to the Kingdom of Aoli Dwarves.

Roman wine is a specialty of the Principality of Manle. It is famous for its spicy flavor and expensive price. The annual output is pitifully small, but this wine is Robertson's (ajdc) favorite wine.

Now because of the interruption of cooperation, he will lose his favorite wine, which makes him very helpless. Although the scented ale he drinks now has a good taste, compared with Roman wine, it is still a little worse

"Alas..." Robertson sighed and took a few gulps of wine.


The next day, Princess Daisy, who hadn't eaten yet, rushed straight to Robertson's bedroom with the things Darlene gave her.

No one dared to stop her along the way. After all, Princess Daisy was the jewel in Robertson's palm, and few people could afford to provoke her.

"Bang bang bang...Father, are you up yet?" Princess Daisy knocked on the door and shouted.

"come in!"


After Princess Daisy got a response, she entered the room.

"Daisy, why did you get up so early today?" Robertson looked at his precious daughter and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

"Father, I have something to tell you." Princess Daisy said softly, and glanced at the maid in the room.

Robertson glanced at his daughter, and waved his hand to make all the servants in the dormitory retreat.

"What's the matter? I see you are in a hurry." Robertson fondled Princess Daisy's head.

"Father, I bought you a bottle of bamboo wine from a foreign businessman yesterday." Princess Daisy took out the bottle of bamboo wine from the box she carried, and put it on the table.

"Oh? I've never heard of bamboo tube wine." Robertson picked up the bamboo tube wine curiously, looked at it carefully, and there was a very faint bamboo fragrance emanating from it.

"This is much better than your broken Roman wine." Princess Daisy said confidently.

You know, the second grade of Youhe Daqu tastes much better than the so-called Roman wine, not to mention the bamboo tube wine.

"Huh? Then I'm going to try it." Robertson raised his brows, and if his daughter could say such a thing, then it should prove that this bamboo tube wine should not be easy.


Robertson slowly opened the cork, and the next moment, the rich aroma of wine filled the room, and there was also a faint scent of bamboo, which smelled intoxicating.

"Eh?" Robertson was startled, just smelling the aroma of the wine already made him swallow wildly.

He couldn't help but poured a glass, then smelled the aroma of the wine carefully, and then drank it directly.

"Good wine, this is the best wine I've ever had. What kind of broken Roman wine is fart." Robertson exclaimed, with the fragrance of bamboo in his mouth and nose, and the spicy feeling brought by the wine in his throat. Very exciting.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Third watch, ( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for support.".

Chapter 0792 Princess Daisy persuading mind.

At this time, Robertson had completely forgotten the taste of Roman wine, and his entire taste buds were filled with the spicy taste of the bamboo tube wine.

"I really didn't expect it! I didn't expect this bamboo wine to be so wonderful." Robertson couldn't stop drinking one glass after another.

Princess Daisy saw that her father was so happy, so she didn't dissuade her. With her father's drinking capacity, it's perfectly fine to drink so much~ wine.

Besides, I have to talk to my father about the export of iron ore later, so I will let the old man enjoy himself first.

After a while, the bamboo tube of wine was empty, but looking at Robertson's expression, it seemed that there was still more to drink.

Robertson, who put down the wine bottle, said with a sneer, "Hmph, that old guy, Macro, always thought their Roman wine was so good. Now, to me, it's nothing but a fart."

When Princess Daisy heard the words, she didn't answer, but asked instead, "Father, how is this wine? Are you satisfied?"

"Okay, it's delicious." Robertson nodded in satisfaction, then rubbed his hands and asked, daughter, does the businessman still have such wine in his hand? "

"Yes, there are some more." Daisy nodded while suppressing a smile.

"Where?" Robertson urged, not at all enjoying himself.

"It's still in the hands of the merchant, and the other party won't sell it." Daisy looked distressed, but a sly look flashed in her eyes.

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